4,887 research outputs found

    Pesticide Application as a Risk Factor/Behaviour for Workers' Health: A Systematic Review

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    The main objective of this review was to determine the main risks that agricultural workers are exposed to during pesticide application, which may have a harmful effect on their health and on public health. This systematic review was based on the PRISMA guidelines. A search for articles was conducted in the Medline/PubMed, ScienceDirect, and Web of Science databases. Fifteen articles were selected considering their assessment of agricultural workers' knowledge, perceptions, attitudes, practices, and behaviours, identifying the main risks and risk factors for disease associated with the unsafe handling of pesticides. The main risk factors identified were age, education, pesticide safety training, farming experience, and contact with other farmers/intermediaries resulting in pesticide access. The most frequent risk behaviour was an application of pesticides without personal protective equipment (PPE), incorrect disposal of empty packaging and waste, and undervaluation of label information, as well as other unsafe practices. Multidisciplinary and more effective training must be delivered to enhance pesticide-safe usage. This will empower workers to adopt more conscious and safer behaviours while using pesticides

    Contexts for questioning: Two zones of teaching and learning in undergraduate science

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is available from the link below. Copyright @ Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012.Higher education institutions are currently undertaking a challenging process in moving from teacher-orientated to student-focused approaches. Students’ ability to asking questions is fundamental to developing critical reasoning, and to the process of scientific enquiry itself. Our premise is that questioning competences should become a central focus of current reforms in higher education. This study, part of a broader naturalistic research project, aims at developing a theoretical framework for conceptualizing different contexts for questioning, illustrating the application of the proposed framework (contextual questioning zones) and reflecting about some of the dimensions of teaching and learning, for overcoming some of the challenges that higher education institutions are facing presently. The discussion of two ‘opposite’ contexts of enquiry is based on qualitative data, gathered through close collaboration with four teachers of undergraduate biology at a Portuguese university. These teachers were observed during their ‘daily activity’ during an academic year. Data was also gathered by interviewing these teachers and 8 selected students, at the end of the year, and used to sustain the argumentation. The paper concludes with some reflections and suggestions to promote authentic enquiry-based learning experiences.Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi

    The importance of diffusing capacity as a complementary study to plethysmography in smokers

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    Rev Port Pneumol. 2007 Nov-Dec;13(6):763-74. [The importance of diffusing capacity as a complementary study to plethysmography in smokers] [Article in Portuguese] Paes Cardoso A, Reis Ferreira JM, Moreira da Silva A. Human Physiology, Porto University, Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas de Abel Salazar, Santo António Hospital. Abstract This study comprised 194 male and female heavy smokers or ex-smokers (>or= 1 pack-year) aged between 20 and 82, whose symptoms varied. Cases were only selected from patients with normal whole-body plethysmography. Subjects with any significant pathology and occupational risk factors were excluded from the study. Varying degrees of symptoms were found and a range of results from normal plethysmography examination, with abnormal levels of alveolar-capillary transfer, determined by the single-breath method to analyse CO (TLCO and TLCO-VA) coefficients. Using the chi-square test for statistical analysis of the sample revealed a significant variation in sensitivity between both parameters (p=0.0001). Possible limitations of using the single-breath method, of were reduced in this study (ventilatory restriction with Vital Capacity <1.5 litres) by the routine plethysmography results seen. Likewise, the presence of alterations in ventilatory distribution was, in principle, minimised by the absence of TLCsb/TLCplet values below 0.85% CONCLUSIONS: Normal plethysmography results in heavy or ex-smokers are not enough to confirm normal respiratory function, as a large percentage of cases present abnormalities in the alveolar-capillary transfer factor for CO. Alveolar limitation was considered not only anatomically, but also from a functional perspective. PMID: 18183328 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE

    Enraizamento in vitro das especies P. hispidinervum e P. aduncum utilizando diferentes concentrações de AIA.

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    A pimenta longa (Piper hispidinervum) e a pimenta de macaco (Piper aduncum) são espécies pertencentes à família botânica das Piperaceas e encontram-se entre as plantas aromáticas que fornecem óleo essencial rico nos respectivos compostos secundários, safrol e dilapiol, substâncias amplamente utilizadas em diversos setores industriais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes concentrações do ácido indolilacético-AIA (0,0; 0,25; 0,5; 0,75; 1,0 e 2,0 mg.L-1) no enraizamento in vitro destas espécies. Brotos oriundos de plântulas germinadas in vitro foram inoculados em meio semi-sólido MS pleno com 3% de sacarose e suplementado com diversas concentrações do AIA. As culturas foram mantidas em sala de crescimento à temperatura controlada de 25+2ºC, expostas ao fotoperíodo de 16 horas de luz com intensidade luminosa de 30 umol.m2.s-1. Após 50 dias de incubação foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: porcentagem de enraizamento, comprimento da raiz principal, comprimento da parte aérea, número de folhas e número de raízes. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, com 6 repetições por tratamento e 4 explantes por repetição. Obteve-se 100% de enraizamento em todos os tratamentos utilizados para as duas espécies. As raízes surgidas apresentavam-se esbranquiçadas e com ramificações, indicando a formação de um sistema radicular eficiente, fato que sugere que esta planta não necessita da adição de auxina exógena

    Cold water immersion did not accelerate recovery after a futsal match

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    © 2014, Redprint Editora Ltda. All rights reserved. Introduction: cold-water immersion (CWI) is a popular recovery strategy; however, there is limited evidence of the effectiveness of this method in sport settings. Objective: to investigate the effect of CWI on muscle soreness and anaerobic performance after a Futsal match. Methods: ten players performed two simulated matches followed by two randomized recovery conditions (CWI or passive rest - C), separated for seven days. During the recovery interventions, the players remained seated in a comfortable position (C) or were immersed in a pool with cold water (CWI condition; 15±1ºC) for 12 minutes. Muscle soreness assessment, counter movement jump (CMJ) test, repeated jump ability (RJA) test, and repeated sprint running test (rRST) were conducted prior to the match (Pre), immediately after the recovery intervention (P1) and 24h after the recovery intervention (P2). Results: a significant increase in muscle soreness after the Futsal match was observed for both interventions (C and CWI) during all time points (P1 and P2, p0.05). There was a significant decrease in anaerobic performance (CMJ, RJA and rRST) immediately after the CWI intervention when compared to C (P1, p0.05). Conclusion: the CWI did not improve recovery related to muscle soreness and anaerobic performance of Futsal players

    Utilização do ácido girebélico (AG3) do desenvolvimento in vitro de embriões zigóticos de seringueira (Hevea spp.).

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    A formação de mudas de seringueira ocorre pela enxertia, processo que visa conectar duas partes diferentes em uma única planta. A utilização de sementes que apresentem características similares se torna muito importante para a produção de porta-enxerto homogêneos e vigorosos. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do ácido giberélico (AG3) no desenvolvimento de embriões zigóticos imaturos de seringueira (Hevea ssp). Sementes oriundas de frutos imaturos tiveram seus tegumentos retirados, em seguida as amêndoas foram lavadas em água destilada e então ocorreu a retirada dos embriões zigóticos imaturos, estes foram desinfestados em câmara de fluxo laminar mediante a imersão dos mesmos em álcool 70% por 15 segundos e solução de hipoclorito de sódio 1% por 10 minutos, sendo em seguida lavados por três vezes em água destilada e autoclavada e inoculados em meio de cultura WPM contendo várias concentrações de AG3 (T1 - 0; T2 - 0,5; T3 - 0,75; T4 - 1; T5 - 1,5; T6 - 2; T7 - 2,5 e T 8- 3 mg.L-1). A utilização do AG3 no meio de cultura promoveu maior desenvolvimento de embriões imaturos desta espécie

    Efeito residual da adubação com rochas brasileiras como fontes de potássio para a cultura da soja.

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    RESUMO: O trabalho foi desenvolvido em vasos, em casa-de-vegetação, para avaliar o efeito residual da adubação potássica com rochas moídas sobre o desenvolvimento vegetativo e o acúmulo de potássio (K) por plantas de soja em Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico (LVdf) e Neossolo Quartzarênico (NQ), anteriormente cultivados com girassol. As rochas fontes de potássio, arenito vulcânico, brecha alcalina, carbonatito, biotita xisto e ultramáfica alcalina, além da fonte padrão de K, cloreto de potássio, foram aplicadas nas quantidades de 0, 150 e 300 mg kg-1 de K2O por ocasião da semeadura do girassol. Avaliou-se a produção de matéria seca da parte aérea das plantas colhidas no florescimento pleno, além das concentrações e o acúmulo de K nos tecidos. Também avaliou-se, ao final do cultivo, o K disponível no solo pelo extrator Mehlich-1. Tanto a produção quanto o acúmulo de K foram influenciados pelas fontes de potássio utilizadas. As rochas ultramáfica alcalina e biotita xisto apresentaram as maiores eficiências agronômicas residuais para a produção de matéria seca e como fonte de liberação lenta de K. O carbonatito apresentou viabilidade de utilização como fonte de K, porém com solubilidade mais lenta que a ultramáfica alcalina e a biotita xisto. O arenito vulcânico não apresentou viabilidade agronômica como fonte de K. O extrator Mehlich-1 não se mostrou adequado para avaliar a disponibilidade de K em solos adubados com a brecha alcalina. ABSTRACT: A pot experiment was carried out in greenhouse conditions, to evaluate long-term effects of Brazilian rocks as alternative potassium source to soybean BRS 232 in a Rhodic Hapludox and an Ustoxic Quartzipsamment, previously cultivated with sunflower. Treatments were displayed in a factorial scheme (soils x sources x rates), in a completely randomized blocks design with four replications. The rocks volcanic sandstone, alkaline breccia, carbonatite, biotite schist, alkaline ultramaphic, and potassium chloride, as the standard fertilizer source, were applied in rates of 0, 150 e 300 mg kg-1 of K2O, previously the first crop sowing. At the full bloom stage, yield of shoot dry matter, concentration and accumulation of potassium in plant tissues, besides levels of available K (Mehlich-1) in soil were evaluated. Both yield and potassium accumulation were affected by potassium sources. Alkaline ultramaphic and biotite schist rocks got the highest long-term efficiencies as slow release potassium source and to dry matter yield of soybean. Carbonatite presented slower solubility than the better sources; however it can be used as slow release potassium source. Volcanic sandstone was not a viable potassium source. Mehlich-1 extractor was not suitable to measure available K in soils fertilized with alkaline breccia

    Validation of microsatellite markers for assisted selection of soybean resistance to cyst nematode races 3 and 14.

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    ABSTRACT - The objective of this work was to validate microsatellite markers associated with resistance to soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines Ichinohe) races 3 and 14, in soybean (Glycine max L.) genotypes, for use in marker-assisted selection (MAS) programs. Microsatellites of soybean linkage groups A2, D2 and G were tested in two populations, and their selection efficiencies were determined. The populations were 65 F2:3 families from Msoy8001 (resistant) x Conquista (susceptible) cross, and 66 F2:3 families of S5995 (resistant) x Renascença (susceptible) cross, evaluated for resistance to races 3 and 14, respectively. Families with female index up to 30% were considered moderately resistant. Markers of A2 and G linkage groups were associated with resistance to race 3. Markers Satt309 and GMENOD2B explained the greatest proportion of phenotypic variance in the different groups. The combinations Satt309+GMENOD2B and Satt309+Satt187 presented 100% selection efficiency. Resistance to race 14 was associated with markers of G linkage group, and selection efficiency in the Satt309+Satt356 combination was 100%. The selection differential obtained by phenotypic and marker assisted selection showed that both can result in similar gains. RESUMO - O objetivo deste trabalho foi validar marcadores microssatélites associados à resistência às raças 3 e 14 do nematóide-de-cisto (Heterodera glycines Ichinohe) da soja (Glycine max L.), para serem utilizados em programas de seleção assistida por marcadores moleculares (SAM). Microssatélites dos grupos de ligação A2, D2 e G da soja foram testados em duas populações, e suas eficiências de seleção foram determinadas. As populações foram 65 famílias F2:3,do cruzamento Msoy8001 (resistente) x Conquista (suscetível), e 66 famílias F2:3, do cruzamento S5995 (resistente) x Renascença (suscetível), avaliadas para a resistência às raças 3 e 14, respectivamente. Famílias com índice de fêmeas de até 30% foram consideradas moderadamente resistentes. Marcadores dos grupos de ligação A2 e G apresentaram associação com a resistência à raça 3. Os marcadores Satt309 e GMENOD2B explicaram a maior proporção da variância fenotípica nos diferentes grupos. As combinações Satt309+GMENOD2B e Satt309+Satt187 apresentaram eficiência de seleção de 100%. A resistência à raça 14 foi associada com marcadores do grupo de ligação G, e a eficiência de seleção da combinação Satt309+Satt356 foi de 100%. Os diferenciais de seleção fenotípica e de seleção assistida mostraram que os dois tipos de seleção podem proporcionar ganhos similares

    Influência de boro no rendimento do girassol.

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    O objetivos do trabalho foram estudar o efeito de doses de boro nos componentes de rendimento de girassol na movimentação do nutriente no perfil de um Latossolo vermelho eutroférrico emlondrina, PR, Brasil