20,500 research outputs found

    The estimation of the propagation delay through the troposphere from microwave radiometer data

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    The uncertainity in propagation delay estimates is due primarily to tropospheric water, the total amount and vertical distribution of which is variable. Because water vapor both delays and attenuates microwave signals, the propagation delay, or wet path length, can be estimated from the microwave brightness temperature near the 22.235 GHz transition of water vapor. The data from a total of 240 radiosonde launches taken simultaneously were analyzed. Estimates of brightness temperature at 19 and 22 GHz and wet path length were made from these data. The wet path length in the zenith direction could be estimated from the surface water vapor density to an accuracy of 5 cm for the summer data and 2 cm for winter data. Using the brightness temperatures, the wet path could be estimated to an accuracy of 0.3 cm. Two dual frequency radiometers were refurbished in order to test these techniques. These radiometers were capable of measuring the difference in the brightness temperature at 30 deg elevation angle and at the zenith to an accuracy of about 1 K. In August 1975, 45 radiosondes were launched over an 11 day period. Brightness temperature measurements were made simultaneously at 19 and 22 GHz with the radiometers. The rms error for the estimation of wet path length from surface meteorological parameters was 3.2 cm, and from the radiometer brightness temperatures, 1.5 cm

    Outflow 20--2000 AU from a High-Mass Protostar in W51-IRS2

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    We present the results of the first high angular resolution observations of SiO maser emission towards the star forming region W51-IRS2 made with the Very Large Array (VLA) and Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA). Our images of the water maser emission in W51-IRS2 reveal two maser complexes bracketing the SiO maser source. One of these water maser complexes appears to trace a bow shock whose opening angle is consistent with the opening angle observed in the distribution of SiO maser emission. A comparison of our water maser image with an image constructed from data acquired 19 years earlier clearly shows the persistence and motion of this bow shock. The proper motions correspond to an outflow velocity of 80 km/s, which is consistent with the data of 19 years ago (that spanned 2 years). We have discovered a two-armed linear structure in the SiO maser emission on scales of ~25 AU, and we find a velocity gradient on the order of 0.1 km/s/AU along the arms. We propose that the SiO maser source traces the limbs of an accelerating bipolar outflow close to an obscured protostar. We estimate that the outflow makes an angle of <20 degrees with respect to the plane of the sky. Our measurement of the acceleration is consistent with a reported drift in the line-of-sight velocity of the W51 SiO maser source.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures (including 3 color). Accepted for publication in ApJ (April 1, 2001 issue

    Hidden Markov model tracking of continuous gravitational waves from a neutron star with wandering spin

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    Gravitational wave searches for continuous-wave signals from neutron stars are especially challenging when the star's spin frequency is unknown a priori from electromagnetic observations and wanders stochastically under the action of internal (e.g. superfluid or magnetospheric) or external (e.g. accretion) torques. It is shown that frequency tracking by hidden Markov model (HMM) methods can be combined with existing maximum likelihood coherent matched filters like the F-statistic to surmount some of the challenges raised by spin wandering. Specifically it is found that, for an isolated, biaxial rotor whose spin frequency walks randomly, HMM tracking of the F-statistic output from coherent segments with duration T_drift = 10d over a total observation time of T_obs = 1yr can detect signals with wave strains h0 > 2e-26 at a noise level characteristic of the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (Advanced LIGO). For a biaxial rotor with randomly walking spin in a binary orbit, whose orbital period and semi-major axis are known approximately from electromagnetic observations, HMM tracking of the Bessel-weighted F-statistic output can detect signals with h0 > 8e-26. An efficient, recursive, HMM solver based on the Viterbi algorithm is demonstrated, which requires ~10^3 CPU-hours for a typical, broadband (0.5-kHz) search for the low-mass X-ray binary Scorpius X-1, including generation of the relevant F-statistic input. In a "realistic" observational scenario, Viterbi tracking successfully detects 41 out of 50 synthetic signals without spin wandering in Stage I of the Scorpius X-1 Mock Data Challenge convened by the LIGO Scientific Collaboration down to a wave strain of h0 = 1.1e-25, recovering the frequency with a root-mean-square accuracy of <= 4.3e-3 Hz

    The mass ratio distribution of short period double degenerate stars

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    Short period double degenerates (DDs) are close white dwarf - white dwarf binary stars which are the result of the evolution of interacting binary stars. We present the first definitive measurements of the mass ratio for two DDs, WD0136+768 and WD1204+450, and an improved measurement of the mass ratio for WD0957-666. We compare the properties of the 6 known DDs with measured mass ratios to the predictions of various theoretical models. We confirm the result that standard models for the formation of DDs do not predict sufficient DDs with mass ratios near 1. We also show that the observed difference in cooling ages between white dwarfs in DDs is a useful constraint on the initial mass ratio of the binary. A more careful analysis of the properties of the white dwarf pair WD1704+481.2 leads us to conclude that the brighter white dwarf is older than its fainter companion. This is the opposite of the usual case for DDs and is caused by the more massive white dwarf being smaller and cooling faster. The mass ratio in the sense (mass of younger star)/(mass of older star) is then 1.43+-0.06 rather than the value 0.70+-0.03 given previously.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    V405 Peg (RBS 1955): A Nearby, Low-Luminosity Cataclysmic Binary

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    (Abridged). The cataclysmic binary V405 Peg, originally discovered as ROSAT Bright Source (RBS) 1955 (= 1RXS J230949.6+213523), shows a strong contribution from a late-type secondary star in its optical spectrum, which led Schwope et al. to suggest it to be among the nearest cataclysmic binaries. We present extensive optical observations of V405 Peg. Time-series spectroscopy shows the orbital period, Porb, to be 0.1776469(7) d (= 4.2635 hr), or 5.629 cycle/d. We classify the secondary as M3 - M4.5. Astrometry with the MDM 2.4m telescope gives a parallax 7.2 +- 1.1 milli-arcsec, and a relative proper motion of 58 mas/yr. Our best estimate of the distance yields d = 149 (+26, -20) pc. The secondary stars's radial velocity has K2 = 92 +- 3 km/s, indicating a fairly low orbital inclination if the masses are typical. Extensive I-band time-series observations in the show the system varying between a minimum brightness level of I = 14.14 and states of enhanced activity about 0.2 mag brighter. While the low-state shows an ellipsoidal modulation, an additional photometric modulation appears in the high state, with 0.1 mag amplitude and period 220-280 min. The frequency of this modulation appears to be stable for a month or so, but no single period was consistently detected from one observing season to the next. We estimate the system luminosity by combining optical measurements with the archival X-ray spectrum. The implied mass accretion rate is orders of magnitudes below the predictions for the standard angular momentum loss above the period gap. The system may possibly belong to a largely undiscovered population of hibernating CVs.Comment: 11 figures; 7 of these are .png or .jpg to save space. In press for Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacifi