63 research outputs found

    Decision-making traps behind low regional absorption of Cohesion Policy funds

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    Within European Cohesion Policy, some regions manifest chronic problems with absorbing structural funds, probably due to inadequate administrative capacity. Despite the continuous assistance to improve capacity and the accumulation of learning and experience, poor performances still persist in some territories, rendering the initial explanation partial. By collecting (reports' analysis and field research), consolidating (grounded theory), and mapping (system dynamics) two Italian regions with contrasting absorption performance, this study investigates how regional authorities may be trapped in systemic decision-making structures that prioritize short-term outcomes perpetuating low absorption rates. Within a multilevel-governance context, we suggest that these decision-making traps stem from the discrepancy between European and local policy-makers' mental models; although European policies aim to promote timely absorption, sometimes they fail to acknowledge local authorities' actual agenda and may unintentionally prompt regions to overemphasize short term funds' expenditure instead of improving administrative capacity in the long term

    European Cohesion Policy performance and citizens\u2019 awareness: A holistic System Dynamics framework

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    As Cohesion Policy constitutes the major funding scheme of the European Union, not only does literature explore if the policy\u2019s performance is satisfactory but also investigates the extent to which the policy is effectively communicated to citizens. To integrate analysis of implementation and communication, we develop a novel qualitative framework that elicits a holistic analysis of the causal mechanisms behind: (i) the distribution of the Cohesion Policy funds, their management at a local managing authority level and the related impact on projects\u2019 quality, and (ii) the communication processes that underpin citizens\u2019 awareness about the Union\u2019s role in funded projects. The multilevel nature and the dynamic behaviour of the system, as well as its multiple feedback loops, render System Dynamics appropriate as an approach to model its complexity. The proposed framework aims at stimulating a focused discussion on Cohesion Policy by providing policy-making insights for designing efficient schemes to improve the actual and the perceived performances. Finally, it is anticipated to support research in the field from a new organisational perspective through considering the impact of local actors\u2019 structures, procedures and actions on Cohesion Policy outcomes

    H. Gintis, S. Bowles, R. Boyd, E. Fehr (eds): Moral Sentiments and Material Interests. The Foundations of Cooperation in Economic Life

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    The article reviews the book "Moral Sentiments and Material Interests. The Foundations of Cooperation in Economic Life" editedby H. Gintis, S. Bowles, R. Boyd, E. Feh

    The Use of Computer Simulation in Strategy and Organization Research

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    With different fortunes and oscillating enthusiasm, computer simulation has supported theoretical investigation in managerial disciplines since the 60\u2019s. In the attempt to further corroborate the role of computer simulation in the repertoire of research strategies available to social scientists, the aim of the present essay is twofold. First, it describes the logic underpinning the adoption of computer simulation in management and organization research. Second, it sketches out the framework for a research strategy that combines computer simulation and field-based enquiry

    Strategia, Complessit\ue0 e Risorse. Strumenti e Principi per l\u2019Analisi Dinamica della Strategia Aziendale,

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    Tra i vari significati che ha assunto il termine complessit\ue0 uno dei pi\uf9 diffusi riguarda la sensibilit\ue0 di un sistema alla definizione delle sue condizioni iniziali. Questa caratteristica \ue8 spesso definita effetto farfalla indicando, in questo modo, il fatto che anche un evento apparentemente innocuo come il battito d\u2019ali di una farfalla pu\uf2 essere amplificato e trasformarsi un una catastrofe. Con questa metafora si rappresentano fenomeni esplosivi, in cui piccoli eventi si amplificano fino a trasformarsi in accadimenti di ampie dimensioni e spesso di drammatici esiti. In questi casi, la complessit\ue0 si palesa quando piccoli errori o ritardi nell\u2019intervenire nel governo di un sistema hanno conseguenze del tutto inaspettate tanto che il comportamento emergente sembra auto-organizzarsi a prescindere dal tipo e dalla direzione delle politiche su di esso applicate. Quale sistema pi\uf9 complesso esiste di una grande azienda che impiega migliaia di persone, che opera su mercati differenti, dinamici e globalizzati, e che possiede risorse distribuite geograficamente a volte sull\u2019intero globo? Sembra quasi miracoloso che l\u2019evoluzione di tale sistema appaia, nella maggior parte dei casi, coerente e finalizzata tanto da essere definita un comportamento strategico! Partendo da questa osservazione, il lavoro di ricerca presentato in questo libro espone il tentativo di comprendere le forze e i meccanismi che sottendono l\u2019evoluzione di quel complesso sistema sociale che \ue8 l\u2019azienda, soprattutto quando questa \ue8 di grandi dimensioni. Nell\u2019ambito di questo sforzo di analisi, si mette sotto la lente di ingrandimento il ruolo di governo e di indirizzo del top management alla luce di alcuni principi che gli studi sulla complessit\ue0 ci rendono disponibili e per mezzo delle tecniche di analisi dei sistemi dinamici

    Atti di disobbedienza discorsiva. La lotta politica per il significato di “responsabilità sociale delle imprese”

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    È sempre più centrale nel dibattito pubblico il discorso attorno alla responsabilità sociale che le imprese dovrebbero assumersi. Utilizzando l’acronimo del termine inglese Corporate Social Responsibility, l’etichetta CSR raccoglie e organizza un insieme di energie intellettuali e politiche che lavorano a costruire e diffondere la narrazione di un’impresa responsabile. Tale narrazione, in cui si mescolano sia analisi positive sia contributi normativi, dipinge uno scenario e lavora a costruire un immaginario, in cui le imprese autonomamente, per vari motivi, limiterebbero il proprio impatto negativo sull’ambiente e rispetterebbero norme e valori della società di riferimento senza la necessità che tali norme siano rese coercitive tramite leggi e regolamenti la cui applicazione sia demandata alla pubblica autorità. Questa capitolo descrive e stigmatizza il progetto politico che si cela dietro questa narrazione

    Governing Strategy Dynamics

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    The object of the article is a company\u2019s strategic management processes. The aim is to propose a dynamic model to explain how a company\u2019s realised strategy does emerge from interactions of purposes, tensions, and pressures dynamically interplaying. The paper contributes to strategy literature in two directions. First, we expect the model will be useful to management as a reference frame for understanding and efficiently governing a company strategy-making behaviour, both in cases in which the aim is to transform it radically, and when it is to be innovated by means of gradual evolutive change. Second, the model constitutes a set of hypotheses to orient further empirical and theoretical analysis. The analysis which we conduct, examining theoretic contributions and empirical settings, is strongly influenced by the assumption that the subject of the strategic government of companies may benefit from a systemic approach which considers the dynamic interaction among the many processes which impact a company\u2019s situation. Markedly, the strategic processes we focuse on are the learning processes which lie at the origin of top management\u2019s strategic intents and mental models; the managerial processes in which top management\u2019s actions are made clear; the entrepreneurial behaviour both induced by top management or which develops autonomously. All these processes unfold in environmental contexts which are usually intensely changeable