7 research outputs found

    Effect of metal Ions (Ni2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+) and water coordination on the structure of L-phenylalanine, L-tyrosine, L-tryptophan and their zwitterionic forms

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    Methods of quantum chemistry have been applied to double-charged complexes involving the transition metals Ni2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+ with the aromatic amino acids (AAA) phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan. The effect of hydration on the relative stability and geometry of the individual species studied has been evaluated within the supermolecule approach. The interaction enthalpies, entropies and Gibbs energies of nine complexes Phe•M, Tyr•M, Trp•M, (M = Ni2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+) were determined at the Becke3LYP density functional level of theory. Of the transition metals studied the bivalent copper cation forms the strongest complexes with AAAs. For Ni2+and Cu2+ the most stable species are the NO coordinated cations in the AAA metal complexes, Zn2+cation prefers a binding to the aromatic part of the AAA (complex II). Some complexes energetically unfavored in the gas-phase are stabilized upon microsolvation

    Structural basis of Na+-independent and cooperative substrate/product antiport in CaiT

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    Transport of solutes across biological membranes is performed by specialized secondary transport proteins in the lipid bilayer, and is essential for life. Here we report the structures of the sodium-independent carnitine/butyrobetaine antiporter CaiT from Proteus mirabilis (PmCaiT) at 2.3-Ã… and from Escherichia coli (EcCaiT) at 3.5-Ã… resolution. CaiT belongs to the family of betaine/carnitine/choline transporters (BCCT), which are mostly Na+ or H+ dependent, whereas EcCaiT is Na+ and H+ independent. The three-dimensional architecture of CaiT resembles that of the Na+-dependent transporters LeuT and BetP, but in CaiT a methionine sulphur takes the place of the Na+ ion to coordinate the substrate in the central transport site, accounting for Na+-independent transport. Both CaiT structures show the fully open, inward-facing conformation, and thus complete the set of functional states that describe the alternating access mechanism. EcCaiT contains two bound butyrobetaine substrate molecules, one in the central transport site, the other in an extracellular binding pocket. In the structure of PmCaiT, a tryptophan side chain occupies the transport site, and access to the extracellular site is blocked. Binding of both substrates to CaiT reconstituted into proteoliposomes is cooperative, with Hill coefficients up to 1.7, indicating that the extracellular site is regulatory. We propose a mechanism whereby the occupied regulatory site increases the binding affinity of the transport site and initiates substrate translocation.

    Oxidative stress, cellular senescence and ageing

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