196 research outputs found

    Potential nutritive value of some forage species used as ruminants feed in Iran

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    A study was conducted to determine rumen degradability (in sacco) of dry matter and in vitro gas production of the most important forage species grown in Iran, to compare forage species according to calculated degradation and in vitro gas production parameters, and to establish prediction equations for relative feed value (RFV) from gas production parameters. Thus, six forage species consisting of Lucerne, Eruca sativa, Crocus sativus, Cardaria draba, Setaria Spp., and Triticum aestivum forages were evaluated. Crude protein (CP) contents in the forages ranged from 139.60 to 246.30 g kg-1 DM. The neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and organic matter (OM) were 273.30 to 596.60, 210.00 to 310.00, and 820.00 to 946.70 g kg-1 DM, respectively. The highest DM degradation and in vitro gas producton parameters were found for E. sativa. Also the relative feed value (RFV), relative forage quality (RFQ), dry mater intake and effective dry matter digestibility calculated for E. sativa was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than other forages. The variation of RFV explained by the gas production parameters ranged (R2) from 0.023 to 0.846. The gas production at 6, 24 and 48 h incubation times explained 0.836, 0.800 and 0.805 of variation of RFV, respectively. There was a negative correlation between in vitro gas production in different time incubation with NDF, ADF and a positive correlation between gas production parameters and CP content of forage species. The study shows that these forages relatively had a good nutritive value in comparison of Lucerne, and therefore, may serve as potential supplements for ruminants in Iran, and it seems that RFV index of six forage species such as used in this present study may be predicted from in vitro gas production parameters.Keywords: Forage species, in vitro gas production, in situ degradability, relative feed valu

    RNAi Screening in Drosophila Cells Identifies New Modifiers of Mutant Huntingtin Aggregation

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    The fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster is well established as a model system in the study of human neurodegenerative diseases. Utilizing RNAi, we have carried out a high-throughput screen for modifiers of aggregate formation in Drosophila larval CNS-derived cells expressing mutant human Huntingtin exon 1 fused to EGFP with an expanded polyglutamine repeat (62Q). 7200 genes, encompassing around 50% of the Drosophila genome, were screened, resulting in the identification of 404 candidates that either suppress or enhance aggregation. These candidates were subjected to secondary screening in normal length (18Q)-expressing cells and pruned to remove dsRNAs with greater than 10 off-target effects (OTEs). De novo RNAi probes were designed and synthesized for the remaining 68 candidates. Following a tertiary round of screening, 21 high confidence candidates were analyzed in vivo for their ability to modify mutant Huntingtin-induced eye degeneration and brain aggregation. We have established useful models for the study of human HD using the fly, and through our RNAi screen, we have identified new modifiers of mutant human Huntingtin aggregation and aggregate formation in the brain. Newly identified modifiers including genes related to nuclear transport, nucleotide processes, and signaling, may be involved in polyglutamine aggregate formation and Huntington disease cascades

    Effect of Village-wide Use of Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets on Visceral Leishmaniasis Vectors in India and Nepal: A Cluster Randomized Trial

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    Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a vector-borne disease causing at least 60,000 deaths each year amongst an estimated half million cases, and until recently there have been no significant initiatives to reduce this burden. However, in 2005, the governments of India, Bangladesh and Nepal signed a memorandum of understanding at the World Health Assembly in Geneva for the elimination of the disease by 2015. In the absence of an effective vaccine, the program will rely on the active detection and prompt treatment of cases throughout the endemic region, combined with a recurrent indoor residual spraying (IRS) of all villages at risk. Vector control programs based on IRS are notorious for failing to maintain comprehensive spray coverage over time owing to logistical problems and lack of compliance by householders. Long-lasting insecticidal nets (LNs) have been postulated as an alternative or complement to IRS. Here we describe how comprehensive coverage of LN in trial communities reduced the indoor density of sand flies by 25% compared to communities without LNs. This provides an indication that LNs could be usefully deployed as a component of the VL control program in the Indian subcontinent

    Risk Factors for Anthroponotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis at the Household Level in Kabul, Afghanistan

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    Cutaneous leishmaniasis is a vector-borne protozoan disease that is characterized by cutaneous lesions which develop at the site of the insect bite. Lesions can vary in severity, clinical appearance, and time to cure; in a proportion of patients lesions can become chronic, leading to disfiguring mucosal leishmaniasis or leishmaniasis recidvans. Albeit not fatal, cutaneous leishmaniasis can have a significant social impact as it may lead to severe stigmatisation of affected individuals when lesions or scars occur on the face and exposed extremeties. Over the last 10–20 years there has been an increase in the number of leishmaniasis cases reported in South Asia, particularly in Afghanistan. Little is known about the household-level risk factors for infection and disease. Here we confirm previous reports that had shown the association of cutaneous leishmaniasis with age and clustering of cases at the household-level. Additionally, we show that risk of cutaneous leishmaniasis is associated with household construction (i.e. brick walls) and design (i.e. proportion of windows with screens)

    Treatment of established postoperative nausea and vomiting: a quantitative systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: The relative efficacy of antiemetics for the treatment of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) is poorly understood. METHODS: Systematic search (MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Library, bibliographies, any language, to 8.2000) for randomised comparisons of antiemetics with any comparator for the treatment of established PONV. Dichotomous data on prevention of further nausea and vomiting, and on side effects were combined using a fixed effect model. RESULTS: In seven trials (1,267 patients), 11 different antiemetics were tested without placebos; these data were not further analysed. Eighteen trials (3,809) had placebo controls. Dolasetron 12.5–100 mg, granisetron 0.1–3 mg, tropisetron 0.5–5 mg, and ondansetron 1–8 mg prevented further vomiting with little evidence of dose-responsiveness; with all regimens, absolute risk reductions compared with placebo were 20%–30%. The anti-nausea effect was less pronounced. Headache was dose-dependent. Results on propofol were contradictory. The NK(1) antagonist GR205171, isopropyl alcohol vapor, metoclopramide, domperidone, and midazolam were tested in one trial each with a limited number of patients. CONCLUSIONS: Of 100 vomiting surgical patients receiving a 5-HT(3) receptor antagonist, 20 to 30 will stop vomiting who would not have done so had they received a placebo; less will profit from the anti-nausea effect. There is a lack of evidence for a clinically relevant dose-response; minimal effective doses may be used. There is a discrepancy between the plethora of trials on prevention of PONV and the paucity of trials on treatment of established symptoms. Valid data on the therapeutic efficacy of classic antiemetics, which have been used for decades, are needed

    AIB1 gene amplification and the instability of polyQ encoding sequence in breast cancer cell lines

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    BACKGROUND: The poly Q polymorphism in AIB1 (amplified in breast cancer) gene is usually assessed by fragment length analysis which does not reveal the actual sequence variation. The purpose of this study is to investigate the sequence variation of poly Q encoding region in breast cancer cell lines at single molecule level, and to determine if the sequence variation is related to AIB1 gene amplification. METHODS: The polymorphic poly Q encoding region of AIB1 gene was investigated at the single molecule level by PCR cloning/sequencing. The amplification of AIB1 gene in various breast cancer cell lines were studied by real-time quantitative PCR. RESULTS: Significant amplifications (5–23 folds) of AIB1 gene were found in 2 out of 9 (22%) ER positive cell lines (in BT-474 and MCF-7 but not in BT-20, ZR-75-1, T47D, BT483, MDA-MB-361, MDA-MB-468 and MDA-MB-330). The AIB1 gene was not amplified in any of the ER negative cell lines. Different passages of MCF-7 cell lines and their derivatives maintained the feature of AIB1 amplification. When the cells were selected for hormone independence (LCC1) and resistance to 4-hydroxy tamoxifen (4-OH TAM) (LCC2 and R27), ICI 182,780 (LCC9) or 4-OH TAM, KEO and LY 117018 (LY-2), AIB1 copy number decreased but still remained highly amplified. Sequencing analysis of poly Q encoding region of AIB1 gene did not reveal specific patterns that could be correlated with AIB1 gene amplification. However, about 72% of the breast cancer cell lines had at least one under represented (<20%) extra poly Q encoding sequence patterns that were derived from the original allele, presumably due to somatic instability. Although all MCF-7 cells and their variants had the same predominant poly Q encoding sequence pattern of (CAG)(3)CAA(CAG)(9)(CAACAG)(3)(CAACAGCAG)(2)CAA of the original cell line, a number of altered poly Q encoding sequences were found in the derivatives of MCF-7 cell lines. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that poly Q encoding region of AIB1 gene is somatic unstable in breast cancer cell lines. The instability and the sequence characteristics, however, do not appear to be associated with the level of the gene amplification

    A Literature Survey and Classifications on Data Deanonymisation

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    The problem of disclosing private anonymous data has become increasingly serious particularly with the possibility of carrying out deanonymisation attacks on publishing data. The related work available in the literature is inadequate in terms of the number of techniques analysed, and is limited to certain contexts such as Online Social Networks. We survey a large number of state-of-the-art techniques of deanonymisation achieved in various methods and on different types of data. Our aim is to build a comprehensive understanding about the problem. For this survey, we propose a framework to guide a thorough analysis and classifications. We are interested in classifying deanonymisation approaches based on type and source of auxiliary information and on the structure of target datasets. Moreover, potential attacks, threats and some suggested assistive techniques are identified. This can inform the research in gaining an understanding of the deanonymisation problem and assist in the advancement of privacy protection

    Chondrocyte Deformations as a Function of Tibiofemoral Joint Loading Predicted by a Generalized High-Throughput Pipeline of Multi-Scale Simulations

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    Cells of the musculoskeletal system are known to respond to mechanical loading and chondrocytes within the cartilage are not an exception. However, understanding how joint level loads relate to cell level deformations, e.g. in the cartilage, is not a straightforward task. In this study, a multi-scale analysis pipeline was implemented to post-process the results of a macro-scale finite element (FE) tibiofemoral joint model to provide joint mechanics based displacement boundary conditions to micro-scale cellular FE models of the cartilage, for the purpose of characterizing chondrocyte deformations in relation to tibiofemoral joint loading. It was possible to identify the load distribution within the knee among its tissue structures and ultimately within the cartilage among its extracellular matrix, pericellular environment and resident chondrocytes. Various cellular deformation metrics (aspect ratio change, volumetric strain, cellular effective strain and maximum shear strain) were calculated. To illustrate further utility of this multi-scale modeling pipeline, two micro-scale cartilage constructs were considered: an idealized single cell at the centroid of a 100×100×100 μm block commonly used in past research studies, and an anatomically based (11 cell model of the same volume) representation of the middle zone of tibiofemoral cartilage. In both cases, chondrocytes experienced amplified deformations compared to those at the macro-scale, predicted by simulating one body weight compressive loading on the tibiofemoral joint. In the 11 cell case, all cells experienced less deformation than the single cell case, and also exhibited a larger variance in deformation compared to other cells residing in the same block. The coupling method proved to be highly scalable due to micro-scale model independence that allowed for exploitation of distributed memory computing architecture. The method’s generalized nature also allows for substitution of any macro-scale and/or micro-scale model providing application for other multi-scale continuum mechanics problems

    Identification of Mammalian Protein Quality Control Factors by High-Throughput Cellular Imaging

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    Protein Quality Control (PQC) pathways are essential to maintain the equilibrium between protein folding and the clearance of misfolded proteins. In order to discover novel human PQC factors, we developed a high-content, high-throughput cell-based assay to assess PQC activity. The assay is based on a fluorescently tagged, temperature sensitive PQC substrate and measures its degradation relative to a temperature insensitive internal control. In a targeted screen of 1591 siRNA genes involved in the Ubiquitin-Proteasome System (UPS) we identified 25 of the 33 genes encoding for 26S proteasome subunits and discovered several novel PQC factors. An unbiased genome-wide siRNA screen revealed the protein translation machinery, and in particular the EIF3 translation initiation complex, as a novel key modulator of misfolded protein stability. These results represent a comprehensive unbiased survey of human PQC components and establish an experimental tool for the discovery of genes that are required for the degradation of misfolded proteins under conditions of proteotoxic stress

    Implementing a new mathematics curriculum in England: district Research Lesson Study as a driver for student learning, teacher learning and professional dialogue.

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    Against a backdrop of a transformation in teacher professional development and learning and state school organisation in England this century, this chapter describes a project which harnessed six cycles of Research Lesson Study at school and district level over two years to tailor the implementation of a new statutory curriculum in England to address the professional development needs of teachers and classroom learning needs of London students. It also reports the findings of research carried out during the project into how these teachers learned and developed this new curricular expertise and practice- knowledge through lesson study dialogues that supported student learning. It concludes by proposing future directions for teacher professional learning research and practice
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