34 research outputs found

    Substrate specificity of a peptidyl-aminoacyl-l/d-isomerase from frog skin

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    In the skin of fire-bellied toads (Bombina species), an aminoacyl-l/d-isomerase activity is present which catalyses the post-translational isomerization of the l- to the d-form of the second residue of its substrate peptides. Previously, this new type of enzyme was studied in some detail and genes potentially coding for similar polypeptides were found to exist in several vertebrate species including man. Here, we present our studies to the substrate specificity of this isomerase using fluorescence-labeled variants of the natural substrate bombinin H with different amino acids at positions 1, 2 or 3. Surprisingly, this enzyme has a rather low selectivity for residues at position 2 where the change of chirality at the alpha-carbon takes place. In contrast, a hydrophobic amino acid at position 1 and a small one at position 3 of the substrate are essential. Interestingly, some peptides containing a Phe at position 3 also were substrates. Furthermore, we investigated the role of the amino-terminus for substrate recognition. In view of the rather broad specificity of the frog isomerase, we made a databank search for potential substrates of such an enzyme. Indeed, numerous peptides of amphibia and mammals were found which fulfill the requirements determined in this study. Expression of isomerases with similar characteristics in other species can therefore be expected to catalyze the formation of peptides containing d-amino acids

    Protection by Anti-β-Glucan Antibodies Is Associated with Restricted β-1,3 Glucan Binding Specificity and Inhibition of Fungal Growth and Adherence

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    Anti-β-glucan antibodies elicited by a laminarin-conjugate vaccine confer cross-protection to mice challenged with major fungal pathogens such as Candida albicans, Aspergillus fumigatus and Cryptococcus neoformans. To gain insights into protective β-glucan epitope(s) and protection mechanisms, we studied two anti-β-glucan monoclonal antibodies (mAb) with identical complementarity-determining regions but different isotypes (mAb 2G8, IgG2b and mAb 1E12, IgM). C. albicans, the most relevant fungal pathogen for humans, was used as a model

    Folding propensity and biological activity of peptides: the effect of a single stereochemical isomerization in structural and mechanical properties of bombinins in aqueous solution

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    Folding propensities of bombinins H2 and H4, two members of amphibian bombinins H, a family of 17-20 residue alpha-helical peptides, have been investigated by means of circular dichroism (CD) measurements and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The two peptides, with primary structure IIGPVLGLVGSALGGLLKKI-NH2 and differing only for the configuration of the second aminoacid (an L-isoleucine in H2 and a D-alloisoleucine in H4) behave rather differently in solution. In particular both CD measurements and MD simulations indicate that bombinin H2 shows a markedly higher tendency to fold. From a careful inspection of AID trajectories it emerges that the stereochemical isomerization mutation of residue 2 to D-alloisoleucine in H4 peptide, drastically decreases its ability to form intrapeptide contacts. MD simulations also indicate that the conformational sampling in both systems derives from a subtle combination of energetic and entropic effects both involving the peptide itself and the solvent. The present results have been finally paralleled with preliminary information on bombinins H2 and H4 biological activity, i.e. interaction with membrane, supporting the hypothesis of an "already folded" conformation in water rather than interfacial folding tenet

    Toward an improved structural model of the frog-skin antimicrobial peptide esculentin-1b(1-18)

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    Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are found in various classes of organisms as part of the innate immune system. Despite high sequence variability, they share common features such as net positive charge and an amphipathic fold when interacting with biologic membranes. Esculentin-1b is a 46-mer frog-skin peptide, which shows an outstanding antimicrobial activity. Experimental studies revealed that the N-terminal fragment encompassing the first 18 residues, Esc(1-18), is responsible for the antimicrobial activity of the whole peptide, with a negligible toxicity toward eukaryotic cells, thus representing an excellent candidate for future pharmaceutical applications. Similarly to most of the known AMPs, Esc(1-18) is expected to act by destroying/permeating the bacterial plasma-membrane but, to date, its 3D structure and the detailed mode of action remains unexplored. Before an in-depth investigation on peptide/membranes interactions could be undertaken, it is necessary to characterize peptide's folding propensity in solution, to understand what is intrinsically due to the peptide sequence, and what is actually driven by the membrane interaction. Circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy were used to determine the structure adopted by the peptide, moving from water to increasing amounts of trifluoroethanol. The results showed that Esc(1-18) has a clear tendency to fold in a helical conformation as hydrophobicity of the environment increases, revealing an intriguing amphipathic structure. The helical folding is adopted only by the N-terminal portion of the peptide, while the rest is unstructured. The presence of a hydrophobic cluster of residues in the C-terminal portion suggests its possible membrane-anchoring rol

    Duodenal sodium/glucose co-transporter 1 expression under fasting conditions is associated with postload hyperglycemia

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    CONTEXT: Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is associated with a higher intestinal expression of the glucose transporters sodium/glucose cotransporter 1 (SGLT-1) and glucose transporter 2 (GLUT-2). It is currently unsettled whether prediabetes conditions characterized by postprandial hyperglycemia, such as impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and normal glucose tolerance (NGT) with 1-hour postload glucose ≥155 mg/dL (8.6 mmol/L) (NGT-1h-high) are associated with increased expression of these glucose carriers in the intestine. OBJECTIVE: We evaluated whether duodenal abundance of SGLT-1 and GLUT-2 is augmented in subjects with IGT and NGT-1h-high, in comparison with subjects with NGT and 1-hour postload glucose ˂155 mg/dL (NGT-1h-low). DESIGN: Cross-sectional. PATIENTS: A total of 54 individuals underwent an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Duodenal SGLT-1 and GLUT-2 protein and messenger RNA levels were assessed by Western blot and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, respectively. RESULTS: Of the 54 subjects examined, 18 had NGT-1h-low, 12 had NGT-1h-high, 12 had IGT, and 12 had T2DM. Duodenal SGLT-1 protein and messenger RNA levels were significantly higher in individuals with NGT-1h-high, IGT, or T2DM in comparison with NGT-1h-low subjects. GLUT-2 abundance was higher in individuals with T2DM in comparison with NGT-1h-low subjects; no substantial increase in GLUT-2 expression was observed in NGT-1h-high or IGT individuals. Univariate correlations showed that duodenal SGLT-1 abundance was positively correlated with 1-hour postload plasma glucose levels (r = 0.44; P = 0.003) but not with fasting or 2-hour postload glucose levels. CONCLUSIONS: Duodenal SGLT-1 expression is increased in individuals with 1-hour postload hyperglycemia or IGT, as well as in subjects with T2DM, and it positively correlates with early postload glucose excursion

    R990G polymorphism of calcium-sensing receptor does produce a gain-of-function and predispose to primary hypercalciuria

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    Head and Neck Histoplasmosis—A Nightmare for Clinicians and Pathologists! Experience at a Tertiary Referral Cancer Centre

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    Histoplasmosis is a rarely reported deep mycotic infection in the Indian context. Oral or oropharyngeal manifestation can occur as an isolated symptom or as part of a disseminated process associated with immunosuppression especially with HIV and diabetes. Five cases of head and neck histoplasmosis accrued over 6 years in a tertiary referral cancer institute were reviewed. All these patients presented clinically as cancer. In three patients, the marked pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia led to a mistaken biopsy diagnosis of malignancy following which definitive surgical treatment was performed. The subsequent excision revealed typical features of histoplasmosis. Isolated oral presentation of histoplasmosis can mimic malignancy both clinically as well as pathologically, leading to potentially disastrous consequences. A high index of suspicion in those with overt or hidden immunosuppression and a deep wedge biopsy to demonstrate the organisms in the subepithelial tissue is recommended