3 research outputs found

    Inhibition of the HIF1α-p300 interaction by quinone- and indandione-mediated ejection of structural Zn(II).

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    Protein-protein interactions between the hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) and the transcriptional coactivators p300/CBP are potential cancer targets due to their role in the hypoxic response. A natural product based screen led to the identification of indandione and benzoquinone derivatives that reduce the tight interaction between a HIF-1α fragment and the CH1 domain of p300. The indandione derivatives were shown to fragment to give ninhydrin, which was identified as the active species. Both the naphthoquinones and ninhydrin were observed to induce Zn(II) ejection from p300 and the catalytic domain of the histone demethylase KDM4A. Together with previous reports on the effects of related compounds on HIF-1α and other systems, the results suggest that care should be taken in interpreting biological results obtained with highly electrophilic/thiol modifying compounds

    Nucleic acid recognition and antiviral activity of 1,4-substituted terphenyl compounds mimicking all faces of the HIV-1 Rev protein positively-charged α-helix

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    Small synthetic molecules mimicking the three-dimensional structure of α-helices may find applications as inhibitors of therapeutically relevant protein-protein and protein-nucleic acid interactions. However, the design and use of multi-facial helix mimetics remains in its infancy. Here we describe the synthesis and application of novel bilaterally substituted p-terphenyl compounds containing positively-charged aminoalkyl groups in relative 1,4 positions across the aromatic scaffold. These compounds were specifically designed to mimic all faces of the arginine-rich α-helix of the HIV-1 protein Rev, which forms deeply embedded RNA complexes and plays key roles in the virus replication cycle. Two of these molecules recognized the Rev site in the viral RNA and inhibited the formation of the RRE-Rev ribonucleoprotein complex, a currently unexploited target in HIV chemotherapy. Cellular assays revealed that the most active compounds blocked HIV-1 replication with little toxicity, and likely exerted this effect through a multi-target mechanism involving inhibition of viral LTR promoter-dependent transcription and Rev function. Further development of this scaffold may open new avenues for targeting nucleic acids and may complement current HIV therapies, none of which involve inhibitors interfering with the gene regulation processes of the virus.This project was supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (Grants BFU2012–30770 and BFU2015–65103-R to J.G.; CTQ2013-43310 and CTQ2017-84249-P to S.F. and FIS PI16CIII/0034 to J.A.; and FPU15/01485 predoctoral fellowship to D.M.S.), Generalitat Valenciana of Spain (FPA/2015/014 and APOTIP/2016/A007 to J.G. and PROMETEOII/2014/073 to S.F.), the Spanish AIDS Research Network (RD16CIII/0002/0001-ISCIII–FEDER to J.A.), Universidad Católica de Valencia (2017-114-001 and 2018-114-001 to J.G.), and European AIDS Vaccine Initiative 2020 (ID 681137 to J.A.). The authors thank Ainhoa Sánchez for carrying out initial fluorescence anisotropy experiments, Ángel Cantero-Camacho for designing and testing the primers used to amplify LTRc, and Jerónimo Bravo and Antonio Pineda for facilitating access to ITC equipment. Plasmid pLTR(HTLV)-luc (pGL4.20-U3R) was kindly donated by Thomas Kress.S