52 research outputs found

    Public Bus Transport Reform and Service Contract in Arao

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    AbstractConfronting with declined passengers and increased subsidy, Arao city government has taken a plan for reforming public bus transport since 2005. The monopoly operating right of public bus transport service was transferred to one private company. This paper summarizes the valuable experience of public transport reforms by analyzing the subsidy and efficiency before and after the reform in Arao. The reform has proven be influential on reducing subsidy. However, it is hard to balance the service level and cost thus subsidy. By summarizing the characteristic of the reform, results show that introduction of competitive tendering is necessary in a long time in the reform afterward. Moreover, an appropriate contract and regulatory rules that contract parties both operator and authority in the provision of the services are important as well

    An analysis of the influence of urban form on energy consumption by individual consumption behaviors from a microeconomic viewpoint.” Energy Policy

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    Energy consumption is estimated by demand of composite goods, mobility goods. 52.84 GJ of energy is estimated to satisfy one person per year in Kumamoto. 80% of energy is for composite goods and 20% for mobility goods. Land use diversity and distance to city center, affect energy consumption most. Employment density and transit fare are influential factors of energy efficiency. a r t i c l e i n f o t r a c t Using 1997 personal trip survey (PTS) data in the Kumamoto metropolitan area, this paper examined the influence of urban form on energy consumption through an energy estimation model from a microeconomic perspective. As all goods and service are assumed to satisfy the need of people, we estimated the individual energy consumption based on the demand of goods, which is explained by a utility maximization problem constrained by income. 52.84 GJ of energy is estimated for one person one year in Kumamoto metropolitan area. 19.57% of energy is used for mobility goods. A spatial regression was performed to analyze the relationship between energy efficiency and urban form characteristics in terms of density, diversity, and accessibility. The results of regression analysis show that employment density, ratio of employee in retail department, transit fare, and distance to city center are the most influential factors of energy efficiency. Findings suggest compact development and integrated policies for increasing employment density, especially, employment proportion of local residents are suggested. Moreover, measures to improve the attractiveness of mass transit should be encouraged to increase energy efficiency in Kumamoto. Crow

    Transportation disadvantage impedance indexing: A methodological approach to reduce policy shortcomings

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    Access to transport systems and the connection to such systems provided to essential economic and social activities are critical to determine households' transportation disadvantage levels. In spite of the developments in better identifying transportation disadvantaged groups, the lack of effective policies resulted in the continuum of the issue as a significant problem. This paper undertakes a pilot case investigation as test bed for a new approach developed to reduce transportation policy shortcomings. The approach, ‘disadvantage-impedance index’, aims to ease transportation disadvantages by employing representative parameters to measure the differences between policy alternatives run in a simulation environment. Implemented in the Japanese town of Arao, the index uses trip-making behaviour and resident stated preference data. The results of the index reveal that even a slight improvement in accessibility and travel quality indicators makes a significant difference in easing disadvantages. The index, integrated into a four-step model, proves to be highly robust and useful in terms of quick diagnosis in capturing effective actions, and developing potentially efficient policies

    Effect of housing relocation subsidy policy on energy consumption: A simulation case study

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    h i g h l i g h t s Household consumption behaviors are simulated in housing relocation policies. Relocation subsidy policy contributes to more demand of general goods and land. Energy increases in most scenarios with the subsidy policy. Suburban residence taxation policy alone reduces energy. Less car trips and land, and shorter trip time contributes to less energy use. a r t i c l e i n f o t r a c t This study investigates the effect of housing relocation policies on energy consumption by simulating household relocation choice behaviors and consumption behaviors. Energy consumption is estimated based on consumption behaviors. Three types of policy are analyzed: the relocation subsidy policy, the suburban residence taxation policy, and the combination of subsidy and taxation policy. The results show that all policies have influence on housing relocation choice and consumption behaviors. The number of households in a given area would increase by two percent under the relocation subsidy policy. However, this type of policy contributes to greater demand of general goods, land, and more energy consumption. A suburban residence taxation policy shows very limited effect on housing relocation choice behaviors, with only a 0.1% increase of households in the designated area. However, this policy shows strong effect on energy reduction due to shorter trip time and less demand of car trips and land. A combination of subsidy policy and suburban residence taxation policy attracts 2.2% of households move to the city center area. Energy consumption increases as consumption of general goods increases

    クマモト デンテツ ノ シデン ノリイレ LRTカ ニ ヨル クマデン サイセイ オヨビ チュウシン シガイチ カッセイカ プロジェクト

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