187 research outputs found

    Chromosome structure and behaviour in Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Nematoda: Parasitaphelenchidae) germ cells and early embryo

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    Chromosome structure and behaviour in both meiosis of the germ cells and mitosis of the embryo from fertilisation to the two-cell stage in Bursaphelenchus xylophilus were examined by DAPI staining and three-dimensional reconstruction of serial-section images from confocal laser-scanning microscopy. By this method, each chromosome’s shape and behaviour were clearly visible in early embryogenesis from fertilisation through the formation and fusion of the male and female pronuclei to the first mitotic division. The male pronucleus was bigger than that of the female, although the oocyte is larger and richer in nutrients than the sperm. From the shape of the separating chromosomes at anaphase, the mitotic chromosomes appeared to be polycentric or holocentric rather than monocentric. Each chromosome was clearly distinguishable in the male and female germ cells, pronuclei of the one-cell stage embryo, and the early embryonic nuclei. The haploid number of chromosomes (N) was six (2n = 12), and all chromosomes appeared similar. The chromosome pair containing the ribosomal RNA-coding site was visualised by fluorescence in situ hybridisation. Unlike the sex determination system in Caenorhabditis elegans (XX in hermaphrodite and XO in male), the system for B. xylophilus may consist of an XX female and an XY male

    Myanmar migrant laborers in Ranong, Thailand

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    Thailand is the major destination for migrants in mainland Southeast Asia, and Myanmar (Burmese) migrants account for the dominant share. This paper sheds light on the actual working conditions and the life of Myanmar migrants in Thailand, based on our intensive survey in Ranong in southern Thailand in 2009. We found a wide range of serious problems that Myanmar migrants face in everyday life: very harsh working conditions, low income, heavy indebtedness, risk of being human-trafficking victims, harassment by the police and military (especially of sex workers), high risk of illness including malaria and HIV/AIDS and limited access to affordable medical facilities, and a poor educational environment for their children.Myanmar, Thailand, Migrant labor, Migration, Household

    Myanmar migrant laborers in Ranong, Thailand

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    Thailand is the major destination for migrants in mainland Southeast Asia, and Myanmar (Burmese) migrants account for the dominant share. This paper sheds light on the actual working conditions and the life of Myanmar migrants in Thailand, based on our intensive survey in Ranong in southern Thailand in 2009. We found a wide range of serious problems that Myanmar migrants face in everyday life: very harsh working conditions, low income, heavy indebtedness, risk of being human-trafficking victims, harassment by the police and military (especially of sex workers), high risk of illness including malaria and HIV/AIDS and limited access to affordable medical facilities, and a poor educational environment for their children


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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系十二指腸食道逆流による逆流性食道炎-Barrett食道-食道腺癌の発生とcyclooxygenase 2 (COX2)の発現との関係を調べるとともに、選択的COX2阻害薬によるBarrett食道、食道腺癌のchemopreventionの可能性を調べる目的で、7週齢のF334雄性ラットを用いて以下のモデルを作成した。選択的COX2阻害薬としてはcelecoxibを使用した。Group I 十二指腸食道逆流群(Duodenoesophageal reflux, DGR群)ラット80頭を用いて、十二指腸食道逆流モデルを作成した。すなわち、胃全摘術後、十二指腸断端を閉鎖し、空腸を挙上しTreitz靱帯より4cm肛門側部位で、端側で食道空腸吻合を行った。Group II 十二指腸食道逆流+celecoxib投与群(Duodenoesophageal reflux with celecoxib, DGR+CLX群)ラット80頭を用いてGroup Iと全く同じモデルを作成し、術後1週目からcelecoxibを500ppmの濃度で経口投与を開始した。Group III、Control群手術を行わずcelecoxibも投与しない群で10頭とした。手術10,20,30,40週間後に犠牲死させて、Barrett食道・食道腺癌の発生率を比較するとともに、COX2 mRNA発現、PGE2産生量などを検討した。その結果、DGR群ではBarrett食道と食道腺癌の頻度は継時的に高くなり、40週目には89%,47%と高率に認められたのに対して、DGR+CLX群ではともに0%と有意に低率であった。COX2 mRNAの発現はDGR群では10週及び20週の時点でcontrol群に比較して有意に上昇しており、DGR+CLX群でも同様であった。しかしPGE2はDGR群では10週の時点でcontrol群に比較して有意に上昇しているものの、DGR+CLX群では有意に低下しておりcelecoxibの効果が示唆された。研究課題/領域番号:13877199, 研究期間(年度):2001 – 2002出典:「バレット上皮の癌化とその制御に関する基礎的研究」研究成果報告書 課題番号13877199(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所))( https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-13877199/ )を加工して作


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    金沢大医学部異所移植された自家膵の機能と形態の変化を臨床的・実験的に検索した。第1例は62才の男性で膵頭部癌で膵全摘を行い、尾側膵を脾動静脈と大腿動静脈分枝の血管吻合で大腿皮下に移植した。移植膵量は全膵重量の約50%で、組織学的に正常膵であった。移植後の糖代謝は、正常に維持され、術後6週目のIV-GTTの血糖値は術前と同じ正常パターンを示した。しかし、IRIの初期分泌反応は欠如していた。また外瘻より分泌される膵液は1日100-400ml,アミレース値は20-80×【10^4】I.U.で、5か月後まで機能低下はみられなかった。6ケ月後の剖検時の移植膵は、葉間や葉内に線維増生がみられ、腺房細胞は減少し、中等度の萎縮がみられた。ラ島は細胞数が増し、過形成を示し、インシュリン抗体を用いたPAP法によるB細胞の染色性は良好であった。他の1例は50歳の男性で、開腹したが切除不能で、併存する糖尿の改善を意図して尾側膵約30%を大腿皮下に血管吻合で異所移植した。移植膵は、強度の線維化・腺房細胞の萎縮をみる慢性膵炎像を示していたがラ島は良く保持されていた。術前30-92g/day排泄されていた尿糖は、術後2週間で0-10gと減少し、3週以降は陰性となった。しかし、IV-GTTによる血糖曲線は改善されなかった。膵液分泌量は1日3-13mlであった。6カ月後の死亡時の膵臓は、ラ島が良く保存され、B細胞の良好な染色性が観察された。犬を用いた実験では、膵右葉切除後に、膵左葉を脾動静脈を血管系として腸骨血管に異所移植した犬では、膵右葉切除のみの対照に比べて、糖刺激による末梢静脈血インシュリン値は、高値を示す傾向にあった。膵自家異所移植にさいして、膵臓への自律神経遮断が末梢静脈血のインシュリン高値に影響を与えているか否かは未解決の問題として残った。以上の臨床的・実験的観察より、異所移植された膵臓は、非移植の対照に比べ、糖代謝により有利に働いているようである。The aim of the present study was to evaluate the function and morphological change of heterotopic autotransolanted pancreas which was denervated and secreted its hormons into the systemic circulation instead of the portal system. A 62 years old patient had undergone total pancreatectomy for pancreas cancer and autotransplantation of the distal half of pancreas by anastomosis of the splenic vessels to the branches of femoral vessels. The autotransplanted pancreas was normal in histology. Postoperatively, his carbohydrate metabolism was maintained normally and IV-GTT test showed normal blood glucose levels as well as that done preoperatively, though IRI response was impaired with abscence of an early secretory peak. Also the pancreatic exocrine secretion from the external fistula did not decrease in volume and in amylase concentration. However, when he died at the 6th postoperative month, the pancreas consisted of inter- and intra-lobular fibrosis, acinar atrophy, and hypertrophic islets. Another patient, 50 years old man with unresectable pancreatic cancer, excreted a 30-92g of urine sugar daily. In order to improve his impaired carbohydrate metabolism, the distal a third of pancreas with severe chronic pancreatitis was resected and autotransplanted at his thigh. Following the operation, his daily urinary glucose output decreased to 0-10g during the first post-operative two weeks and then disappeared. However, IV-GTT was not improved. Experimental studies demonstrated that peripheral insulin levels after glucose load in the dogs which received heterotopic autotransplantaion of the left limb of pancreas following total pancretectomy were higher, though not significantly in statistics, than those in the control in which the right limb of pancreas was removed. However, it remains to be unresolved whether denervation may be responsible for the higher level of peripheral insulin in the animals with autotransplanted pancreas. Based on these observations, it is concluded that heterotopic autotranasplanted pancreas may offer some advantage in the carbohydrate control over the non-transplanted one.研究課題/領域番号:60570621, 研究期間(年度):1985 – 1986出典:研究課題「膵自家異所移植の研究」課題番号60570621(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/report/KAKENHI-PROJECT-60570621/605706211986kenkyu_seika_hokoku_gaiyo/)を加工して作

    Dual role for alkali metal cations in enhancing the low-temperature radical polymerization of N,N-dimethylacrylamide

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    The radical polymerization of N,N-dimethylacrylamide (DMAAm) has been investigated in the presence of several alkali metal salts, including lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (LiNTf2). The addition of an alkali metal salt led to a significant increase in the yield and molecular weight of the resulting polymer. NMR analysis of mixtures of DMAAm and LiNTf2 suggested that DMAAm was being activated by the coordination of Li+ to its C=O group. Electron spin resonance analysis of the DMAAm polymerization in the presence of LiNTf2 suggested that the propagating radical was being stabilized by Li+ through a single-electron lithium bond, because a signal for the propagating radical of the acrylamide derivatives was observed for the first time in solution when LiNTf2 was added. Based on these results, we have proposed a mechanism for this polymerization, where the propagation steps occur between a lithium ion-stabilized propagating radical and a lithium ion-activated incoming monomer. Furthermore, polymers with a wide range of stereoregularities, such as isotactic, syndiotactic and heterotactic systems, were successfully prepared using this method by carefully selecting the appropriate combination of solvent and alkali metal salt

    Syndiotactic- and heterotactic-specific radical polymerization of N-n-propylmethacrylamide complexed with alkali metal ions

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    We investigated the radical polymerization of N-n-propylmethacrylamide (NNPMAAm) in the presence of alkali metal bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imides (MNTf2), in particular LiNTf2. The addition of MNTf2 led to a significant improvement in the yield and molecular weight of the resulting poly(NNPMAAm)s. Furthermore, the solvent employed influenced stereospecificity in the presence of LiNTf2. The stoichiometry of the NNPMAAm–Li+ complex appeared to be critical to determining the stereospecificity in the NNPMAAm polymerization. The 1:1-complexed monomer in protic polar solvents provided syndiotactic-rich polymers, whereas the 2:1-complexed monomer in aprotic solvents gave heterotactic-rich polymers. Stereochemical analyses revealed that m-addition by an r-ended radical was the key step in the induction of heterotactic specificity in the aprotic solvents. Spectroscopic analyses suggested that the Li+ cation played a dual role in the polymerization process, with Li+ stabilizing the propagating radical species and also activating the incoming monomer. Kinetic studies with the aid of electron spin resonance spectroscopy revealed that the addition of LiNTf2 caused a significant increase in the kp value and a decrease in the kt value. The stereoregularity of poly(NNPMAAm)s was found to influence the phase transition behavior of their aqueous solutions. In a series of syndiotactic-rich polymers, the phase-transition temperature decreased gradually with increase in rr triad content. Furthermore, heterotactic-rich poly(NNPMAAm) exhibited high hysteresis, which increased in magnitude with increasing mr triad content

    Thermally induced cationic polymerization of isobutyl vinyl ether in toluene in the presence of solvate ionic liquid

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    Radical polymerization of isobutyl vinyl ether (IBVE) was attempted with the aid of the interaction between the corresponding propagating radical and lithium cation (Li+). LiN(SO2CF3)2 (LiNTf2) and ester compounds, such as methyl methacrylate (MMA) and vinyl acetate (VAc), were added as a Li+ source and dissolving agent for LiNTf2, respectively. Homopolymers of cationically polymerizable IBVE were obtained despite the presence of radically polymerizable monomers such as MMA and VAc. Contrary to our expectation, the polymerization proceeded via not a radical mechanism but a cationic mechanism. However, this cationic polymerization was found to be unusual. In particular, the polymer yield increased with the polymerization temperature; successful polymerization was observed at 100 °C, whereas no polymerization occurred at lower temperatures such as at 0 °C. The behavior of the present system was therefore defined as “thermally induced cationic polymerization”. The mechanism of thermally induced cationic polymerization is still not clear, but it is assumed that the propagating cation is markedly stabilized through its interaction with the solvate ionic liquid formed between LiNTf2 and the Lewis base

    Dual-radionuclide simultaneous gastric emptying and bile transit study after gastric surgery with double-tract reconstruction

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    金沢大学医学部附属病院核医学診療科木南, 伸一Objective: The physiology of gastrointestinal transfer function after proximal gastrectomy with bypass-tract reconstruction is not well understood. We applied a simultaneous dual-radionuclide method with a hepatobiliary imaging and gastric emptying study to evaluate physiologic alterations occurring after surgery. Methods: Nineteen patients with early gastric cancer, including 9 preoperative control patients and 10 who had proximal gastrectomy and double-tract reconstruction surgery were examined by dual-radionuclide hepatobiliary and gastric emptying studies (99mTc PMT and 111In DTPA). Retention fraction in the stomach at 3 minutes (R3) and 60 minutes (R60) and gastric emptying half-time (GET) were calculated. Bile reflux and mixture of bile and food were also evaluated. Results: The retention fractions of R3 and R60 were significantly lower in the double-tract reconstruction group than those in the preoperative group. GET differed significantly between the double-tract and preoperative groups (20.7 min ± 7.1 min and 36.2 min ± 11.0 min, p = 0.0018). The mixture of bile and food was not good in the double-tract reconstruction group (p = 0.014 vs. preoperative). Patients with a large residual stomach showed slower initial emptying (p = 0.0068) and a better mixture of bile and food (p = 0.058) compared to those with a small residual stomach. The bile reflux was not significantly increased after surgery. Conclusion: The dual-radionuclide gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary imaging was feasible and could demonstrate characteristic transit patterns of the foods and bile in the double-tract reconstruction procedure. A larger residual stomach, if possible, is desirable to provide better transfer and mixing of bile and foods