78 research outputs found

    小特集:先進燃料核融合研究の現状と展開 3.D-3He,D-D 先進燃料核融合炉の探究

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    より安全なD-3He,D-D 先進燃料核融合炉の実現可能性について概説する.高アスペクト比のトカマクではベータ値が低いので自己点火は困難であるが,ベータ値を高くとれる球状トカマク(Spherical tokamak,ST)では自己点火が可能なことを示す.しかしこれらの炉のプラズマ電流は100MA 程度と大きく,ディスラプションが大きな問題である.そこでディスラプションを起こさずにすみそうな逆転磁場ピンチ(reversed-field pinch,RFP)を用いてD-3He 炉ができないかも考える.さらにプロトン・ボロン(p-B)炉についても議論し,これらの先進炉にまつわる様々な問題点,その研究の魅力についても触れる


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    Modelling the Spatial Dynamics of Culture Spreading in the Presence of Cultural Strongholds

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    Cultural competition has throughout our history shaped and reshaped the geography of boundaries between humans. Language and culture are intimately connected and linguists often use distinctive keywords to quantify the dynamics of information spreading in societies harbouring strong culture centres. One prominent example, which is addressed here, is Kyoto's historical impact on Japanese culture. We construct a first minimal model, based on shared properties of linguistic maps, to address the interplay between information flow and geography. In particular, we show that spreading of information over Japan in the pre-modern time can be described as a Eden growth process, with noise levels corresponding to coherent spatial patches of sizes given by a single days walk, and with patch-to-patch communication time comparable to the time between human generations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    11. 米国におけるトカマク核融合炉設計 : ARIE : 核融合エネルギーの社会的受容性と科学的見通し Ⅲ

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    A 1,000MW fusion power plant ARIES-RS tokamak reactor is reviewed. It is operated in a reversed-shear mode, and has a bootstrap current fraction of 90%, an RF current drive power of 80MW, a plasma current of 11MA, a toroidal field of 8T, and its toroidal beta β=5%. For cost minimization and safety, ARIES-RS has a lithium blanket with V-alloy as the structural material and an integration unit "sector" consisting of the first wall/blanket, blanket/reflector, and high and low temperature shields. The sector can be removed horizontally and carried away by robots, and maintained in the hot cell.特集 : 核融合エネルギーの社会的受容性と科学的見通しFeature Article : Public Acceptance of Fusion Energy and Scientific Feasibility of a Fusion Reacto

    The Effect of the Nuclear Elastic Scattering on the Ignition Condition in the Magnetically Confined D-^3He Plasmas

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    小特集 : 核燃焼プラズマにおける核弾性散乱とその炉心特性への影響Special Topic Article : Nuclear Elastic Scattering and Its Effect on Reactor Characteristics in Nuclear Burning Plasma