3 research outputs found

    Uji Potensi Senyawa Metabolit Sekunder Tanaman Putri Malu (Mimosa pudica L.) Sebagai Inhibitor Xanthine Oxidase Secara In Silico

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    ABSTRAKXantin oksidase merupakan enzim yang berperan sebagai katalisator dalam oksidasi hipoksantin menjadi xantin dan xantin menjadi asam urat. Peningkatan kadar asam urat disebut dengan hiperurisemia yaitu kondisi kadar asam urat serum meningkat melebihi dari nilai normal yaitu >6 mg/dL pada wanita dan >7 mg/dL pada pria yang mana dapat menyebabkan komplikasi seperti pirai dan batu ginjal. Secara in vivo dan in vitro, putri malu (Mimosa pudica L.) memiliki aktivitas sebagai inhibitor xantin oksidase. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengann tujuan untuk mengetahui senyawa metabolit sekunder  herba putri malu yang berpotensi dalam menghambat aktivitas enzim xantin oksidase. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengann metode in silico molecular docking yaitu penambatan ligan uji dari 14 senyawa metabolit sekunder herba putri malu dengan xantin oksidase (PDB ID: 3NVW) menggunakan program Autodock 4.2 dengan senyawa pembanding Allopurinol. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan senyawa uji terbaik yang berpotensi menghambat aktivitas xantin oksidase yang ditandai dengan rendahnya nilai energi bebas (-∆G) yaitu hernancorizin (-10,12 kcal/mol), crocetin (-8,53 kcal/mol),  luteolin (-8,48 kcal/mol), diplotasin (-8,35kcal/mol), quersetin (-8,20 kcal/mol), dan mimopudin (-8,05 kcal/mol). Selain itu, asam amino yang paling banyak terlibat berdasarkan hasil interaksi pembentukan ikatan hidrogen ligan-protein yaitu Glu 802, Arg 880, Glu 1261 dan Thr 1010. Berdasarkan hasil penambatan yang dilakukan, senyawa hernancorizin memiliki potensi besar dalam penghambatan enzim xantin oksidase karena memiliki kekuatan dan kestabilan yang tinggi dengan energi penambatan terendah ketika ditambatkan dengan protein target. Kata kunci :Autodock 4;Hiperurisemia;Inhibitor xantine oksidase;Mimosa pudica L;Penambatan molekul.ASBTRACTXanthine oxidase is an enzyme that acts as a catalyst in the oxidation of hypoxanthine to xanthine and xanthine to uric acid. Increased uric acid levels are called hyperuricemia, which is a condition where serum uric acid levels increase beyond the normal value, namely > 7 mg/dL in men and > 6 mg/dL in women, which can cause complications such as gout and kidney stones. In vitro and in vivo, Putri malu (Mimosa pudica L.) can inhibit xanthine oxidase activity. This study was conducted to determine the content of secondary metabolites in the Putri malu herb, which is thought to determine the activity of the xanthine oxidase enzyme. This research was carried out in silico with ligand tethering of 14 secondary metabolites of the Putri malu herb with xanthine oxidase (PDB ID: 3NVW) using the Autodock 4.2 program with the comparison compound Allopurinol. The results showed that the best compounds that might inhibit xanthine oxidase activity were characterized by a low value of free energy (-∆G) namely hernancorizin (-10,12 kcal/mol), crocetin (-8,53 kcal/mol),  luteolin (-8,48 kcal/mol), diplotasin (-8,35kcal/mol), quercetin (-8,20 kcal/mol), dan mimopudine (-8,05 kcal/mol). Selain In addition, the most involved amino acids based on the interaction of hydrogen ligand-protein interactions were Glu 802, Arg 880, Glu 1261 and Thr 1010. Based on the tethering results, hernancorizin has great potential in inhibiting xanthine oxidase because it has high strength and stability with the lowest binding energy when attached to the target protein. Keywords : Autodock 4; Hyperuricemia; Xanthine Oxydase; Mimosa pudica L; Molecular docking


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    Objective: This study aimed to increase the yield of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) made from water hyacinth ɑ-cellulose by enzymatic hydrolysis by using purified enzyme and to find it’s characteristics compared to the reference. Methods: In this research, MCC was prepared from water hyacinth powder through the chemical isolation process of ɑ-cellulose, followed by enzymatic hydrolysis with purified cellulase from Chaetomium globosum. The yield of MCC was improved by using purified enzyme and optimization of temperature, pH, and hydrolysis time. Identification was carried out by using ZnCl and infrared spectrophotometry, followed by characterization of MCC include particle size analysis (PSA) and diffracto­gram pattern (X-Ray Diffraction) compared to reference Avicel PH 101. Results: Purified enzyme from Chaetomium globosum has high activity with a clear zone area of 45 mm with cellulolytic index 6.5 that almost same as Trichoderma reesei (50 mm), with the cellulase enzyme activity of 6.691 U/ml. The optimum condition was at a temperature of 50⁰C and pH 6.0 with the hydrolysis time of 2 h, which produced 95% yield of MCC. Identification with ZnCl and FTIR spectrum showed positive results, similar to the reference. The results of organoleptic test, particle size analysis, and diffracto­gram pattern (X-Ray Diffraction) showed crystalline characteristic similar to reference (Avicel PH 101). Conclusion: Enzyme from Chaetomium globosum has a higher activity of cellulase than Trichoderma reesei with MCC obtained was 95%. Based on the comparison of the organoleptic test, particle size analysis, and diffracto­gram pattern, MCC from water hyacinth has a great potential which showed similar characteristic to reference (Avicel pH 101)


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    Objective: This study aimed to increase the yield of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) from kapok pericarpium alpha-cellulose produced by enzymatic hydrolysis using purified cellulase from Termites (Macrotermes gilvus) and to compare the characteristics with the reference product. Methods: In this research, MCC was prepared from kapok pericarpium powder through the chemical isolation process of alpha-cellulose, followed by enzymatic hydrolysis with purified cellulase from Macrotermes gilvus. The yield was improved by using purified cellulase in optimized temperature, pH, and hydrolysis time. Identification was carried out by using ZnCl and infrared spectrophotometry, followed by characterization of MCC include particle size analysis (PSA) and diffracto­gram pattern (X-Ray Diffraction). The results were compared with Avicel PH 101 as the reference product. Results: Purified cellulase from Macrotermes gilvus showed high cellulose activity. Cellulose in the concentration of 11.743 U/ml formed 49 mm clear zone area with cellulolytic index 7.16 that similar to the formed clear zone area of Trichoderma reesei (50 mm), the optimum hydrolysis condition was achieved at 50 °C, pH 6.0, in 2 h, which produced 80% yield of MCC. Produced MCC was analyzed with ZnCl and FTIR spectrum resulting in positive results, similar to reference. The results of the organoleptic test, particle size analysis, and diffracto­gram pattern (X-Ray Diffraction) showed crystalline characteristics of MCC is similar to the reference (Avicel PH 101). Conclusion: Cellulase Macrotermes gilvus yielded 80% MCC and higher enzymatic activity than Trichoderma reesei. Based on the organoleptic test, particle size analysis, and diffracto­gram pattern observation, MCC from kapok pericarpium has shown similar characteristics to reference (Avicel pH 101) and might be potential to be further developed