2,113 research outputs found

    Color Managing for Papers Containing Optical Brightening Agents

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    The role of a color-managed inkjet proof is to predict and simulate the visual appearance of printed color. The proof-to-print visual match works well under different viewing conditions when the input ICC profile and the output ICC profile, built from characterization datasets, do not contain optical brightening agents (OBA). OBAs influence printed color when measured for characterization and viewed. These brightening agents absorb UV wavelengths in the illuminant and fluoresce in the blue wavelengths. As more and more OBAs are used in printing paper production, the role of color proofing becomes more difficult. The difference in the amount of the UV component of the measuring and viewing light sources cause a problem where the OBA effect, as measured, may not be the same amount of OBA effect that should be proofed under the viewing illuminant. There are two objectives in this research project. The first objective is to show how printed colors, under identical printing conditions on OBA and non-OBA substrates, look different than when they are proofed using current characterization for proofing practices. Both M0 (UV-included) and M2 (UV-cut) measurement data are collected from color patches with selected tonal values and input ICC profiles created from this data are used to proof the brightened reference print. The results show that the UV-cut characterization treatment produces a very poor proof to the reference, while the UV-included proof was ranked as a fairly high match. A third commercially available software designed to improve upon the UV-included treatment, the X-Rite Optical Brightened Compensation module, was also tested and found to be a good match to the reference as well. The second objective is to propose different ways the characterization data can be adjusted for the OBAs in a reference print on brightened paper, by accounting for the influence of UV in the measurement illuminant, and the influence of UV in the viewing illuminant. By means of psychometric analyses, the results show that (1) the proof-to- print match is the worst when OBA in print and UV in the measurement illuminant are not addressed (UV-cut characterization data from M2); (2) although not conclusive, the proof-to-print match improves when OBA in print, UV in the measurement illuminant (characterization data from M0), and UV in the viewing illuminant are addressed

    The Design and Development of Enhanced Thermal Desorption Products

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    This research study is based on a knowledge-transfer collaboration between The National Centre for Product Design and Development Research (PDR) and Markes International Ltd. The aim of the two-year collaboration has been to implement design tools and techniques for the development of enhanced thermal desorption products. Thermal desorption is a highly-specialised technique for the analysis of trace-level volatile organic compounds. This technique allows minute quantities of these compounds to be measured; however, there is an increasing demand from customers for greater sensitivity over a wider range of applications, which means new design methodologies need to be evaluated. The thermal desorption process combines a number of disparate chemical, thermal and mechanical disciplines, and the major design constraints arise from the need to cycle the sample through extremes in temperature. Following the implementation of a comprehensive product design specification, detailed design solutions have been developed using the latest 3D CAD techniques. The impact of the advanced design techniques is assessed in terms of improved product performance and reduced development times, and the wider implications of new product development within small companies are highlighted. 

    Metal accumulation kinetics by the estuarine macroalga, Fucusceranoides

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    The kinetics of Cu, Cd and Pb accumulation by the macroalga, Fucus ceranoides, was studied under simulated estuarine conditions. Accumulation of Cu and Pb proceeded via a pseudo-first-order reaction that was reversible, suggesting desorption or efflux of accumulated metal, with forward rate constants on the order of 0.1h-1. For both metals, reaction reversibility increased and the equilibrium constant decreased with increasing salinity (from 1 to 33.5) and system response times were <10h throughout. Accumulation of Cd proceeded via a first-order reaction that was irreversible, suggesting little desorption or efflux of metal, with rate constants that decreased with increasing salinity (from 0.023 to 0.015h-1) and reaction half-lives ranging from approximately 30-50h. Inorganic equilibrium speciation calculations suggest that interactions of Cu, Cd and Pb principally involve the respective free ions, but that additional ions (e.g. CdCl+) and biotic processes may also be significant. ‱Accumulation of Cu, Cd and Pb by the estuarine macroalga, Fucus ceranoides, decreases along a salinity gradient.‱Accumulation of Cu and Pb proceeds via a reversible pseudo-first-order reaction.‱In contrast, accumulation of Cd proceeds via an irreversible first-order reaction.‱Differences in reaction mechanisms are attributed to differences in the ability of metals to be internalised. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd

    Devonian and Carboniferous stratigraphical correlation and interpretation in the Central North Sea, Quadrants 25 – 44

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    This report details the stratigraphy and palaeogeography of Devonian and Carboniferous rocks of the UK Central North Sea for the 21CXRM Palaeozoic project. The 21CXRM Palaeozoic project results are delivered as a series of reports and digital datasets for each area. This report describes the stratigraphical correlation of Devonian and Carboniferous strata south of, and over, the Mid North Sea High (Quadrants 25-44) using both well and seismic data. It builds on the work of Cameron (1993a) and others, and uses lithostratigraphy to understand how facies vary across the area. A major outcome of this work is the detailed description of the Cleveland Group, the basinal correlative of the Scremerston, Yoredale and Millstone Grit formations within the offshore extension of the Cleveland Basin

    Chasing a Tiger in a network society? Hull City’s proposed name change in the pursuit of China and East Asia’s new middle class consumers

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    The English Premier League possesses multiple global dimensions, including its clubs’ economic ownership, player recruitment patterns and television broadcasts of its matches. The owner of Hull City Association Football Club’s economic rights, Dr Assam Allam, announced plans to re-name the club ‘Hull City Tigers’ in an attempt to re-orientate the club towards seemingly lucrative East Asian, and specifically Chinese, markets in 2013. This article, first, draws upon Manuel Castells’ work in The Rise of the Network Society to critically discuss the logic of Hull City’s proposed reorientation to suit ‘new middle class’ consumers in China and the East Asian global region and second, uses the example to theoretically engage with Castells’ idea that ‘networks’ replace ‘hierarchies’ as social structures. This leads to the argument that while these plans might intend to strengthen the club’s financial position, they overlook a concern with local environments that Castells guides us toward. By looking toward the local consumer practices in China and the East Asian global region, Allam would find: (a) the normalisation in production and consumption of counterfeit club-branded sportswear and television broadcasts which makes increasing the club’s revenues difficult; and (b) that the region’s ‘new middle classes’ (marked by disposable income) are unlikely to foster support for Hull City, even if ‘Tigers’ is added to its name

    Static Ricci-flat 5-manifolds admitting the 2-sphere

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    We examine, in a purely geometrical way, static Ricci-flat 5-manifolds admitting the 2-sphere and an additional hypersurface-orthogonal Killing vector. These are widely studied in the literature, from different physical approaches, and known variously as the Kramer - Gross - Perry - Davidson - Owen solutions. The 2-fold infinity of cases that result are studied by way of new coordinates (which are in most cases global) and the cases likely to be of interest in any physical approach are distinguished on the basis of the nakedness and geometrical mass of their associated singularities. It is argued that the entire class of solutions has to be considered unstable about the exceptional solutions: the black string and soliton cases. Any physical theory which admits the non-exceptional solutions as the external vacuua of a collapsing object has to accept the possibility of collapse to zero volume leaving behind the weakest possible, albeit naked, geometrical singularities at the origin.Finally, it is pointed out that these types of solutions generalize, in a straightforward way, to higher dimensions.Comment: Generalize, in a straightforward way, to higher dimension
