1,682 research outputs found
Penetration of Commercial and Dental Waxes
Penetration of commercial and dental waxes was studied. Measurements indicated that resistance of paraffin and dental inlay waxes to penetration was closely related to the temperature at which solid-solid transformations occurred. Annealed waxes were more resistant to penetration than unannealed waxes.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/67386/2/10.1177_00220345740530023701.pd
A Distinctive Large Breeding Population of Ringed Seals (Phoca hispida) Inhabiting the Baffin Bay Pack Ice
Aerial surveys in June and July, 1978 and 1979, documented an unexpectedly large population (at least 417,000) of ringed seals, some with pups, inhabiting the pack ice of Baffin Bay. Pack-ice seals are smaller than their fast-ice counterparts and have a different diet and gut parasite load. Age and productive data, although limited, indicate that the offshore seals are a normal breeding population. Pack-ice seals probably mix with fast-ice seals in coastal areas during the brief open-water season but morphological and ecological differences suggest that the populations are reproductively isolated. This study prompts reconsideration of the importance of offshore pack ice to ringed seals and, therefore, to the coastal hunting economy of Inuit in Greenland and Baffin Island.Key words: ringer seals, Baffin Bay, pack ice, distribution, population discreteness, managementDes inventaires aériens effectués en juin et juillet, 1978 et 1979, ont documenté une population importante d'au moins 417 000 phoques annelés, certains accompagnés de jeunes, habitant le pack de la baie Baffin. Les phoques du pack sont plus petits que ceux de la banquise côtière et ont un régime alimentaire et des parasites intestinaux différents. Des données sur l'âge et le reproduction, quoique limitées, indiquent que les phoques au large des côtes suivent un cycle de reproduction normal. Les phoques du pack se mêlent probablement à ceux de la banquise dans les régions côtières durant la brève saison d'eau libre mais les différences morphologiques et écologiques suggèrent que les populations se reproduisent peut-être indépendamment l'une de l'autre. La présente étude encourage une reconsidération de l'importance du pack chez les phoques annelés et ainsi, de son importance dans 1'économie côtière des Inuit chasseurs du Groenland et de l'île de Baffin.Mots clés: phoque annelés, baie Baffin, banquise, distribution, isolation reproductrice de la population, contrôle de la populatio
Absence of a dose-rate effect in the transformation of C3H 10T1/2 cells by α-particles
The findings of Hill et al. (1984) on the greatly enhanced transformation frequencies at very low dose rates of fission neutrons induced us to perform an analogous study with -particles at comparable dose rates. Transformation frequencies were determined with γ-rays at high dose rate (0·5 Gy/min), and with -particles at high (0·2 Gy/min) and at low dose rates (0·83-2·5 mGy/min) in the C3H 10T1/2 cell system.
α-particles were substantially more effective than γ-rays, both for cell inactivation and for neoplastic transformation at high and low dose rates. The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) for cell inactivation and for neoplastic transformation was of similar magnitude, and ranged from about 3 at an -particle dose of 2 Gy to values of the order of 10 at 0·25 Gy. In contrast to the experiments of Hill et al. (1984) with fission neutrons, no increased transformation frequencies were observed when the -particle dose was protracted over several hours
Transformation elastodynamics and active exterior acoustic cloaking
This chapter consists of three parts. In the first part we recall the
elastodynamic equations under coordinate transformations. The idea is to use
coordinate transformations to manipulate waves propagating in an elastic
material. Then we study the effect of transformations on a mass-spring network
model. The transformed networks can be realized with "torque springs", which
are introduced here and are springs with a force proportional to the
displacement in a direction other than the direction of the spring terminals.
Possible homogenizations of the transformed networks are presented, with
potential applications to cloaking. In the second and third parts we present
cloaking methods that are based on cancelling an incident field using active
devices which are exterior to the cloaked region and that do not generate
significant fields far away from the devices. In the second part, the exterior
cloaking problem for the Laplace equation is reformulated as the problem of
polynomial approximation of analytic functions. An explicit solution is given
that allows to cloak larger objects at a fixed distance from the cloaking
device, compared to previous explicit solutions. In the third part we consider
the active exterior cloaking problem for the Helmholtz equation in 3D. Our
method uses the Green's formula and an addition theorem for spherical outgoing
waves to design devices that mimic the effect of the single and double layer
potentials in Green's formula.Comment: Submitted as a chapter for the volume "Acoustic metamaterials:
Negative refraction, imaging, lensing and cloaking", Craster and Guenneau
ed., Springe
Electric field and exciton structure in CdSe nanocrystals
Quantum Stark effect in semiconductor nanocrystals is theoretically
investigated, using the effective mass formalism within a
Baldereschi-Lipari Hamiltonian model for the hole states. General expressions
are reported for the hole eigenfunctions at zero electric field. Electron and
hole single particle energies as functions of the electric field
() are reported. Stark shift and binding energy of the
excitonic levels are obtained by full diagonalization of the correlated
electron-hole Hamiltonian in presence of the external field. Particularly, the
structure of the lower excitonic states and their symmetry properties in CdSe
nanocrystals are studied. It is found that the dependence of the exciton
binding energy upon the applied field is strongly reduced for small quantum dot
radius. Optical selection rules for absorption and luminescence are obtained.
The electric-field induced quenching of the optical spectra as a function of
is studied in terms of the exciton dipole matrix element. It
is predicted that photoluminescence spectra present anomalous field dependence
of the emission lines. These results agree in magnitude with experimental
observation and with the main features of photoluminescence experiments in
nanostructures.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl
Utilizing a biology-driven approach to map the exposome in health and disease:An essential investment to drive the next generation of environmental discovery
BACKGROUND: Recent developments in technologies have offered opportunities to measure the exposome with unprecedented accuracy and scale. However, because most investigations have targeted only a few exposures at a time, it is hypothesized that the majority of the environmental determinants of chronic diseases remain unknown. OBJECTIVES: We describe a functional exposome concept and explain how it can leverage existing bioassays and high-resolution mass spectrometry for exploratory study. We discuss how such an approach can address well-known barriers to interpret exposures and present a vision of next-generation exposomics. DISCUSSION: The exposome is vast. Instead of trying to capture all exposures, we can reduce the complexity by measuring the functional exposome— the totality of the biologically active exposures relevant to disease development—through coupling biochemical receptor-binding assays with affinity purification–mass spectrometry. We claim the idea of capturing exposures with functional biomolecules opens new opportunities to solve critical problems in exposomics, including low-dose detection, unknown annotations, and complex mixtures of exposures. Although novel, biology-based measurement can make use of the existing data processing and bioinformatics pipelines. The functional exposome concept also complements conven-tional targeted and untargeted approaches for understanding exposure-disease relationships. CONCLUSIONS: Although measurement technology has advanced, critical technological, analytical, and inferential barriers impede the detection of many environmental exposures relevant to chronic-disease etiology. Through biology-driven exposomics, it is possible to simultaneously scale up discovery of these causal environmental factors. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP8327
Mathematical analysis of the two dimensional active exterior cloaking in the quasistatic regime
We design a device that generates fields canceling out a known probing field
inside a region to be cloaked while generating very small fields far away from
the device. The fields we consider satisfy the Laplace equation, but the
approach remains valid in the quasistatic regime in a homogeneous medium. We
start by relating the problem of designing an exterior cloak in the quasistatic
regime to the classic problem of approximating a harmonic function with
harmonic polynomials. An explicit polynomial solution to the problem was given
earlier in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 (2009), 073901]. Here we show convergence of
the device field to the field needed to perfectly cloak an object. The
convergence region limits the size of the cloaked region, and the size and
position of the device.Comment: submitted to Analysis and Mathematical Physic
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