985 research outputs found

    Estimates of dispersive effects in a bent NLC main linac

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    An alternative being considered for the Next Linear Collider (NLC) is not to tunnel in a straight line but to bend the Main Linac into an arc so as to follow an equipotential. We begin here an examination of the effects that this would have on vertical dispersion, with its attendant consequences on synchrotron radiation and emittance growth by looking at two scenarios: a gentle continuous bending of the beam to follow an equipotential surface, and an introduction of sharp bends at a few sites in the linac so as to reduce the maximum sagitta produced.Comment: LINAC2000 conference; MOA1

    Incidence of temporomandibular joint clicking in adolescents with and without unilateral posterior cross-bite: a 10-year follow-up study

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    Among different malocclusions, posterior cross-bite is thought to have a strong impact on the correct functioning of the masticatory system. The association between unilateral posterior cross-bite (UPCB) and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) clicking, however, remains still controversial. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the presence of UCPB during early adolescence increases the risk of reporting TMJ clicking after a long-term follow-up. A longitudinal survey design was carried out in a group of 12-year-old young adolescents, who were examined at baseline for TMJ clicking sounds and unilateral posterior cross-bite. After 10 years, 519 subjects could be reached by a telephone survey. Standardised questions were used to collect self-reported TMJ sounds and to determine whether participants had received an orthodontic treatment. Logistic regression analysis revealed a significant association between unilateral posterior cross-bite and subjectively reported TMJ clicking (odds ratio = 6·0; 95% confidence limits = 3·4-10·8; P < 0·0001). The incidence of TMJ clicking was 12%. At a ten-year follow-up, self-reports of TMJ clicking were significantly associated with the presence of UPCB at baseline, but not with the report of having received an orthodontic treatment. Within the limitation of this study, the presence of unilateral posterior cross-bite in young adolescents may increase the risk of reporting TMJ sounds at a 10-year follow-up. The provision of an orthodontic treatment, however, does not appear to reduce the risk of reporting TMJ sounds

    The effect of culture on pain sensitivity

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    Cross-cultural differences in pain sensitivity have been identified in pain-free subjects as well as in chronic pain patients. The aim was to assess the impact of culture on psychophysical measures using mechanical and electrical stimuli in patients with temporomandibular disorder (TMD) pain and pain-free matched controls in three cultures. This case-control study compared 122 female cases of chronic TMD pain (39 Saudis, 41 Swedes and 42 Italians) with equal numbers of age- and gender-matched TMD-free controls. Pressure pain threshold (PPT) and tolerance (PPTo) were measured over one hand and two masticatory muscles. Electrical perception threshold and electrical pain threshold (EPT) and tolerance (EPTo) were recorded between the thumb and index fingers. Italian females reported significantly lower PPT in the masseter muscle than other cultures (P < 0.001) and in the temporalis muscle than Saudis (P = 0.003). Swedes reported significantly higher PPT in the thenar muscle than other cultures (P = 0.017). Italians reported significantly lower PPTo in all muscles than Swedes (P ≤ 0.006) and in the masseter muscle than Saudis (P < 0.001). Italians reported significantly lower EPTo than other cultures (P = 0.01). Temporomandibular disorder cases, compared to TMD-free controls, reported lower PPT and PPTo in all the three muscles (P < 0.001). This study found cultural differences between groups in the PPT, PPTo and EPTo. Overall, Italian females reported the highest sensitivity to both mechanical and electrical stimulation, while Swedes reported the lowest sensitivity. Mechanical pain thresholds differed more across cultures than did electrical pain thresholds. Cultural factors may influence response to type of pain test

    Influence of culture on pain comorbidity in women with and without temporomandibular disorder-pain

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    Evidence on cultural differences in prevalence and impact of common chronic pain conditions, comparing individuals with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) versus individuals without TMD, is limited. The aim was to assess cross-cultural comorbid pain conditions in women with chronic TMD pain. Consecutive women patients (n = 122) with the index condition of chronic TMD pain diagnosed per the research diagnostic criteria for TMD and TMD-free controls (n = 121) matched for age were recruited in Saudi Arabia, Italy and Sweden. Self-report questionnaires assessed back, chest, stomach and head pain for prevalence, pain intensity and interference with daily activities. Logistic regression was used for binary variables, and ancova was used for parametric data analysis, adjusting for age and education. Back pain was the only comorbid condition with a different prevalence across cultures; Swedes reported a lower prevalence compared to Saudis (P 50% due to back pain compared to Italians or Swedes (P < 0·01). Headache was the most common comorbid condition in all three cultures. The total number of comorbid conditions did not differ cross-culturally but were reported more by TMD-pain cases than TMD-free controls (P < 0·01). For both back and head pain, higher average pain intensities (P < 0·01) and interference with daily activities (P < 0·01) were reported by TMD-pain cases, compared to TMD-free controls. Among TMD-pain cases, Italians reported the highest pain-related disability (P < 0·01). Culture influences the associated comorbidity of common pain conditions. The cultural influence on pain expression is reflected in different patterns of physical representation

    Delayed-onset muscle soreness does not influence occlusal sensitivity and position sense of the mandible

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    Masticatory muscle-pain patients often complain about sensorimotor changes, but the effects of pain on the psychophysical properties remain unclear. This study aimed to investigate the effects of delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) on the jaw's position sense (PS) and occlusal sensitivity (OS). In all, 12 participants underwent intense concentric–eccentric jaw exercises. Self-reported muscle fatigue and pain, pain-free maximum mouth opening (MMO), pain pressure thresholds (PPTs) at right and left masseter and right and left anterior temporalis, maximum voluntary bite force (MVBF), PS and OS were recorded before, immediately after, 24 h, 48 h and 1 week after the exercises. Data were analysed with repeated measures anova. Pain and fatigue increased significantly after the exercises, while fatigue also increased 24 h afterwards. Time and site had a significant effect for PPTs, not for MVBF. MMO decreased significantly 24 h after the exercises. OS and PS did not change significantly. Experimentally induced DOMS does not influence the psychophysical properties of the masticatory system


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    Treatment of Palatally Displaced Canines Using Miniscrews for Direct or Indirect Anchorage: A Three-Dimensional Prospective Cohort Study on Tooth Movement Speed

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    Palatally impacted canines are usually challenging to treat in terms of both biomechanics and possible side effects. Different therapeutic approaches have been reported with or without the use of temporary anchorage devices, including the canine-first approach. Two groups of patients with palatally impacted canines were compared, observing their canine movement measured on consecutive CBCTs after three months of treatment. In the control group, impacted canines were treated with direct anchorage on miniscrews, and in the test group with indirect anchorage using a miniscrew-supported transpalatal arch. The primary outcome was the canine movement speed; the secondary outcome was the change in the root length of adjacent teeth. The median monthly apex speed was 1.05 mm in the control group (IR [0.74, 1.64]) and 0.72 mm in the test group (IR [0.27, 1.30]). The median monthly cusp displacement was 1.89 mm in the control group (IR [1.04, 2.84]) and 1.08 mm in the test group (IR [0.81, 1.91]). Approximately 50% of teeth adjacent to an impacted canine underwent a negative root length change of less than 1 mm in the majority of cases, but no significant differences were found in root length changes between groups. No statistically significant differences in the reported speeds were found, and no miniscrew failures were observed in either group

    Web-based randomised controlled trials in orthodontics

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    Randomised controlled trials (RCT) are considered the best source of scientific evidence--the gold standard--when evaluating the efficacy of orthodontic treatments. Frequently, RCT are planned as multicentre trials, with the intention of increasing statistical power and raising the precision of outcome estimates. The management of large-scale RCT, however, requires even more thorough organisation than conventional RCT. Indeed, the need for high accuracy and standardisation in data collection, research aids, secretarial skills, staff and patient training, and organisational meetings, make these studies time-consuming, expensive and, in general, relatively complex to carry out well. A website was developed to support a large scale-orthodontic RCT which aimed to evaluate the efficacy of a functional appliance(www.ortodonzia.unina.it). Websites such as this can increase the quality of data collection, simplify the randomisation process, speed up data collection, and improve trial monitoring. Web-based RCT have the potential to help globalise orthodontic research and also increase our rate of acquisition of evidence in orthodontics

    Morphological, nutritional and safety traits of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) reared in floating cages

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    To evaluate the influence of fattening on morphological, nutritional and safety characteristics, two lots of bluefin tuna were sampled before (November: 2 C, 4 ?) and after 5 months of fattening (April: 5 C, 5 ?). The specimens, after death, were refrigerated and analysed at different times over the period of a week for morphological and flesh physico-chemical parameters in six muscle sites. Tuna sampled in April had greater body weight (44.04 vs 36.41kg), trunk length (52.21 vs 48.22cm) and minimum and maximum circumferences (13.74 vs 12.77 and 94.90 vs 89.10cm). No differences in other linear measures or body components were found. Fattening did not influence flesh colour or total lipid content, producing small differences in its chemical composition: greater C18:0, C18:1n9 and PUFAn6 percentages; higher putrescine and histamine (0.489 vs 0.335 and 0.666 vs 0.370mg/kg) but lower spermine and spermidine (10.598 vs 17.387 and 2.420 vs 3.928mg/kg) levels. Large differences in physico-chemical parameters were found between muscle sites and a significant interaction between sampling date and muscle site indicated non homogeneous changes in chemical composition of dorsal, ventral and red muscle after fattening. Sex only influenced fat content in viscera (C 12.84 vs ? 9.84%)