40 research outputs found

    Influence of nontrophic interactions between benthic invertebrates on river sediment processes: a microcosm study

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    The main objective of this study was to measure the impact of benthic invertebrate diversity on river sediment processes. We quantified the effects of interactions between three taxa (asellids, chironomid larvae, and tubificid worms). The impacts of different taxa richness treatments were measured on sediment reworking, O2 concentrations, bacterial abundances, and numbers of active bacteria in slow filtration sand–gravel columns. The coefficients of sediment reworking measured in multitaxa treatments were lower than those predicted from one-taxon treatments. The interactions among invertebrates also significantly reduced O2 concentrations in sediments. These results were probably due to interactions between the different sediment structures produced by each taxon (tubes, macropores, and fecal pellets) that modified water flow and associated microbial activities in the interstitial habitat. The stimulation of aerobic microbial processes with two- and three-taxa treatments, whereas one-taxon treatments could increase or decrease O2 consumption in columns, indicates that interactions among invertebrates limited the variability of the system functioning. We suggest that, beyond a small number of detritivorous taxa, a threshold effect on bioturbation process and microbial activities was produced by animals in the experimental system. Finally, the interactions between taxa played a significant role in microbial processes in the system studied

    Parvidrilidae Erseus 1999

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    OTHER PARVIDRILIDAE <p>Several other specimens from three localities (below) appear to be parvidrilids and have unique characters supporting their consideration as new species. Unfortunately, they cannot be identified or classified until additional material has been collected.</p> <p>Slovenia, phreatic zone of the Podlipščica valley, (PASCALIS KRI 187; 45°59′34″N, 14°15′01″E). One single specimen. Atria and spermatheca in XII, atria very large and globular, filling whole of segment.</p> <p>Slovenia, Pajsarjeva cave, 1997. One specimen characterized by very long atria reaching 13/14, with a thin wall and full of spermatozoids. Spermathecae not seen because of the poor preservation of the specimen.</p> <p>Italy, Tondello spring, Verona (PASCALIS LES 129: 45°27′52″N, 11°03′55″E). One broken specimen with very long atria.</p>Published as part of <i>MartĂ­nez-Ansemil, Enrique, ChĂątelliers, Michel CreuzĂ© Des, Martin, Patrick & Sambugar, Beatrice, 2012, The Parvidrilidae - a diversified groundwater family: description of six new species from southern Europe, and clues for its phylogenetic position within Clitellata (Annelida), pp. 530-558 in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 166 (3)</i> on page 548, DOI: 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2012.00857.x, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/5408987">http://zenodo.org/record/5408987</a&gt

    Parvidrilus spelaeus Martinez-Ansemil, Sambugar & Giani 2002

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    <i>PARVIDRILUS SPELAEUS</i> MARTÍNEZ- ANSEMIL, SAMBUGAR & GIANI, 2002 <p> <i>New material:</i> Mine of Ponte Vajo Falconi, Italy (PASCALIS LES 060; 10°59′07′′E; 45°39′36′′N), pools of percolating water, 2002, <i>leg</i>. Stoch F., Tomasin G., one specimen; Bus del Cao cave, Italy (PASCALIS LES 001; 10°54′48′′E; 45°35′36′′N), subterranean brook, 2002, <i>leg</i>. Stoch F., Tomasin G., two specimens; Buso del Progno cave, Italy (PASCALIS LES 003; 10°55′02′′E; 45°36′28′′N), subterranean brook, 2002, <i>leg</i>. Stoch F., Tomasin G., one specimen; Covolo della Croce cave, Italy (PASCALIS LES 099; 11°07′16′′E; 45°36′43′′N), rimstone pools, 2002, <i>leg</i>. Stoch F., Tomasin G., one specimen; Monte Capriolo cave, Italy (PASCALIS LES 195; 11°04′52′′E; 45°35′38′′N), rimstone pools, 2002, <i>leg</i>. Stoch F., Tomasin G., four specimens; Buso della Volpe cave, Italy (PASCALIS LES 149; 11°12′52′′E; 45°36′48′′N), small pools in gravel, 2002, <i>leg</i>. Stoch F., Tomasin G., two specimens; Montorio, via del Lanificio, Italy (PASCALIS LES 131; 11°03′59′′E; 45°27′34′′N), hyporheic site, Bou-Rouch pump, 2002, <i>leg</i>. Stoch F., Tomasin G., two specimens; spring near Jelenska jama, Slovenia (PAS- CALIS KRI 097; 14°21′19′′E; 45°55′05′′N) 2002, <i>leg</i>. Brancelj A., one specimen; spring near Žumerju, Slovenia (PASCALIS KRI 005; 14°35′47′′E; 45°53′16′′N), 2002, <i>leg</i>. Brancelj A., one specimen; Pajsarjeva cave, Slovenia; (14°15′56′′E; 45°59′52′′N), subterranean brook, 2009, <i>leg</i>. Gasparo F., Sambugar B., two specimens.</p> <p> <i>Description:</i> The new material of <i>P. spelaeus</i> enables us to confirm the attachment of the spermathecal duct to the anterior part of segment XIII, and very thin vasa deferentia joining atria proximally. The so-called diffuse prostate surrounding the atria referred to in Martínez-Ansemil <i>et al</i>. (2002: fig. 12) is now interpreted as a large peritoneal layer, not observed in fully developed individuals.</p> <p> <i>COI sequence:</i> EMBL accession number: HE800202 (Pisoliti cave, Trieste, Italy).</p> <p> <i>Distribution and habitat:</i> Presently, the known distribution of <i>P. spelaeus</i> is limited to the Alpine district of northern Italy and extends into the Slovenian Dinaric region, where it was found in several phreatic and hyporheic habitats: from small pools of percolating water to streamlets and in cave lakes, springs, and rock aquifers (see also Martínez-Ansemil <i>et al</i>., 2002).</p>Published as part of <i>MartĂ­nez-Ansemil, Enrique, ChĂątelliers, Michel CreuzĂ© Des, Martin, Patrick & Sambugar, Beatrice, 2012, The Parvidrilidae - a diversified groundwater family: description of six new species from southern Europe, and clues for its phylogenetic position within Clitellata (Annelida), pp. 530-558 in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 166 (3)</i> on pages 546-547, DOI: 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2012.00857.x, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/5408987">http://zenodo.org/record/5408987</a&gt

    Parvidrilus tomasini MartĂ­nez-Ansemil & ChĂątelliers & Martin & Sambugar 2012, SP. NOV.

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    <i>PARVIDRILUS TOMASINI</i> SAMBUGAR & MARTÍNEZ- ANSEMIL SP. NOV. (FIG. 7) <p> <i>Types:</i> Holotype. MCSNVRO1004, entire mature specimen, stained in paracarmine and mounted in Canada balsam. Sa Ucca de su Tintirriolu cave (40°27′08′′N, 8°39′15′′E) Siniscola, Sardinia, Italy, 17.iii.2005, <i>leg.</i> Gianfranco Tomasin, Fabio Stoch, Jos Notenboom.</p> <p> <i>Etymology:</i> Named after Gianfranco Tomasin, for his important contribution to the knowledge of Italian cave ecosystems.</p> <p>NEW EUROPEAN SPECIES OF PARVIDRILIDAE 545</p> <p> <i>Description:</i> Entire mature worm, length 1.2 mm, 24 segments, width 45 Mm at VI, 55 Mm at XII. Prostomium rounded, 15 Mm long, 29 Mm wide at base. Body wall thin (especially in dorsal part), unpapillated; foreign particles adhering to cuticle here and there along body. Numerous transversal rows of thin cutaneous glands per segment. Clitellum weakly developed (about XI- XIII), except for two prominent pads comprising a few cells on lateral sides in XII, just anterior to the transversal setal line (Fig. 7G, cl).</p> <p>Dorsal (dorsolateral) and ventral (ventrolateral) setae present from III and posteriorly situated on each segment. Dorsal bundles with two (three) straight, thin single-pointed needles (22–29 Mm long) and one long, thin, and flexible hair setae (120– 200 Mm long) (Fig. 7A–C, h, n). Ventral bundles composed of two- three strongly curved crotchets, 20–26 Mm long, with enlarged distal half and doublepronged tip with minute distal tooth, and accompanied by one thin hair seta (95–135 Mm long) only present in III- XI (Fig. 7A–C, G, h, cr). No modified genital setae; ventral bundles of segment XII with a single bifid crochet.</p> <p>No eyes. Brain long, extending into segment IV, deeply incised posteriorly. Ventral nerve cord in contact with epidermis, beneath muscles of the body wall. Most setigeral segments with a mid-dorsal glandular pouch opening posteriorly on each segment, on about the transversal setal line; glandular pouches absent from IV- VI.</p> <p>Digestive tract complete, entirely ciliated. An eversible pharynx, with small dorsal pad set off from oesophagus, followed by a narrow, winding tube extending into IX, with thick muscular walls at about VII- VIII; alimentary canal completed by a gut containing sediment, clearly enlarged from segment XIV (Fig. 7E, g). Compact pharyngeal glands present in IV- VI. Digestive tract surrounded by a welldeveloped layer of chloragogen cells from V. Coelomocytes and nephridia not observed.</p> <p>Two somewhat disaggregated testes attached to septum 10/11 (Fig. 7A, t). A few free germ cells and morulae floating in the coelomic cavity of segment XI and in the most anterior part of XII (Fig. 7A, mo). Sperm funnels hardly observed (Fig. 7A, f). Vasa deferentia seemingly present as very thin (about 1.5 Mm wide), long and tightly folded ducts in XII (Fig. 7A, E, vd). Atria elongate (about 150 Mm long), tubular (15–22 Mm wide), extending into segments XII- XIII, merging below the nerve cord and opening on the tip of a mid-ventral pore (in a small porophore?) located between ventral setal bundles of segment XII (Fig. 7A, D, a 1, a 2, ed). Atria made up by an outer thin muscular layer <1.5 Mm thick, and a nucleated epithelial layer, limited to the proximal and most distal parts of atrial wall. Atrial lumen filled in by a granular material (secretions?, remains of old epithelial cells?), and with a large amount of spermatozoids, their heads orientated towards the distal atrial end, and their long flagella orientated towards the proximal atrial end, with a clear flamigerous aspect (Fig. 7C–F, gm, sp). Prostate glands absent. Two small ovaries with maturing eggs attached to septum 11/12 (Fig. 7A, F, o). A mature egg observed in XIV (Fig. 7A, e). Oviducts not observed. A single spermatheca present in XII. Spermathecal ampulla tubular (35 Mm long, about 10 Mm wide), thin walled, and obliquely orientated towards the posterodorsal part of the segment; ampulla followed by a conical, bent duct (about 20 Mm long), beginning with a thick epithelium delimiting a wide lumen, and then tapering, with the lumen becoming very narrow, and ending in a minute pore in an anterior and somewhat lateral position, on left side of the worm. Ampulla full of spermatozoids (Fig. 7A, C, D, sa, sd).</p> <p> <i>Remarks: Parvidrilus tomasini</i> sp. nov. is a species with long atria (about eight times longer than wide), and a single spermatheca located in the atrial segment. The most characteristic anatomical features of this species are the tubular shape of the spermathecal ampulla and the well-defined, narrow spermathecal duct. Compared with the other two species that have a spermatheca in segment XII, the atria of <i>P. tomasini</i> are considerably shorter than those of <i>P. stochi</i> and longer than those of <i>P. strayeri</i> (see Erséus, 1999, and remarks below).</p> <p> <i>Distribution and habitat: Parvidrilus tomasini</i> is known only from the type locality in the Sa Ucca de su Tintirriolu cave (Sardinia, Italy). The cave occurs in an isolated Miocene limestone area surrounded by volcanic rocks of the same age. A small brook runs through the lower gallery in contact with the basaltic floor.</p>Published as part of <i>MartĂ­nez-Ansemil, Enrique, ChĂątelliers, Michel CreuzĂ© Des, Martin, Patrick & Sambugar, Beatrice, 2012, The Parvidrilidae - a diversified groundwater family: description of six new species from southern Europe, and clues for its phylogenetic position within Clitellata (Annelida), pp. 530-558 in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 166 (3)</i> on pages 544-546, DOI: 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2012.00857.x, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/5408987">http://zenodo.org/record/5408987</a&gt

    Parvidrilus stochi MartĂ­nez-Ansemil & ChĂątelliers & Martin & Sambugar 2012, SP. NOV.

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    PARVIDRILUS STOCHI SAMBUGAR & MARTÍNEZ- ANSEMIL SP. NOV. (FIG. 6) Types: Holotype. VRO1003, mature specimen unstained, whole-mounted in Canada balsam. Monte Majore cave (40°30â€Č47â€Čâ€ČN, 8°36â€Č33â€Čâ€ČE), Thiesi, Sardinia, Italy, 26.vi.2008, leg. Fabio Stoch, Gianfranco Tomasin, Beatrice Sambugar, Paolo Marcia. Other material examined: One partially mature specimen, stained in paracarmine and whole-mounted in Canada balsam, from type locality, 17.iii.2005, leg. Fabio Stoch, Gianfranco Tomasin, Jos Notenboom. Two immature specimens, stained in paracarmine and whole-mounted in Canada balsam, from type locality, 8.ix.2006, leg. Fabio Stoch, Paolo Marcia. Etymology: Named after our friend Fabio Stoch, for his important contributions to the knowledge of European subterranean fauna. Description: Entire mature worms, length 1.2 mm, 28 segments, width 45 Mm at V, 55 Mm at XII. Prostomium rounded, 15 Mm long, 29 Mm wide at base. Body wall thin (especially in dorsal part), unpapillated; foreign particles adhering to cuticle along the body, but neither dense nor continuous. Numerous transversal rows of thin cutaneous glands per segment. Clitellum weakly developed (about XI- XIII), but some large cells observed in XII and XIII (Fig 6C, cl). Dorsal (dorsolateral) and ventral (ventrolateral) setae present from III, posteriorly situated in each segment. Dorsal bundles with two (three) straight, thin single-pointed needles (20–28 Mm long) and one (two) long, thin and flexible hair setae (115–200 Mm long) (Fig. 6A–C, h, n). Ventral bundles with (one) two–three (four) strongly curved crotchets, 20–27 Mm long, with enlarged distal half and double-pronged tip with minute distal tooth (Fig. 6A–C, cr), and accompanied by one thin hair seta (95–110 Mm long) only present in preclitellar ventral bundles III- VIII. No modified genital setae; ventral bundles of segment XII with three bifid crochets. No eyes. Brain long, extending into segment IV, deeply incised posteriorly. Ventral nerve cord in contact with epidermis, beneath muscles of the body wall. Most setigeral segments with a mid-dorsal glandular pouch opening posteriorly on each segment, on or immediately adjacent to the transversal setal line; glandular pouches absent from IV- VI. Digestive tract complete, entirely ciliated, ending in a terminal anus. An eversible pharynx, with small dorsal pad set off from oesophagus, followed by a narrow, winding tube, extending into IX, with thick muscular walls at about VII- IX; alimentary canal completed by a gut beginning in X, enlarged and filled in with sediment from segment XV (Fig. 6D–F, g). Compact pharyngeal glands present in IV- VI. Digestive tract surrounded by a well-developed layer of chloragogen cells from V. Coelomocytes and nephridia not observed. No compact testes attached to septum, but many free germ cells and morulae floating in the coelomic cavity of segment XI and in the most posterior and anterior parts of X and XII, respectively (Fig. 6A, E, mo). Sperm funnels and vasa deferentia not observed. Atria very elongate (about 250 Mm long), twisted, tubular, with a diameter slightly decreasing from the proximal to the distal end (20–15 Mm), extending in segments XII –XIV (Fig. 6A, D–F, a 1, a 2), merging below the nerve cord and opening on the tip of a mid-ventral porophore located between the two ventral setal bundles of segment XII (Fig. 6A, D, E, ed, ma, mp, p). Atria made up by extremely thin (muscular?) outer layer and thick lining of vacuolated tissue, with indistinct lumen, except at the most basal portion, where the lumen is large and the epithelial cells are finely granulated. Space occupied by vacuolated cells seemingly progressively replaced by sperm (about two thirds of atrial length of the holotype and only a very small part of atria of the maturing specimen collected in March 2005). Prostate glands absent. Two ovaries attached to septum 11/12 (poorly visible) (Fig. 6A, o). A single egg sac containing mature eggs extending into segment XV (Fig. 6A, e). Two small oviducts seemingly attached to septum 12/13. A single spermatheca present in XII. Spermathecal ampulla ovoid (33 Mm long, 10 Mm high), thin walled, followed by a conical, bent duct (about 20 Mm long), without clear cut off from ampulla, thin walled distally, and proximally constituted by a loosely defined tissue ending close to male pore, in an anterior and somewhat lateral position, on left side of the worm. Ampulla and distal part of spermathecal duct full of spermatozoids (Fig. 6A, D, sa, sd). Remarks: Parvidrilus stochi sp. nov. is one of the three Parvidrilus species known so far that have a single spermatheca in segment XII and are devoid of genital setae. The most outstanding features of P. stochi sp. nov. are the very long, wide, and twisted atria (15 times longer than wide), combined with a spermatheca in the atrial segment that has a large spermathecal duct distally constituted by a loosely defined tissue. The ovoid shape of the spermatheca of this new species is only comparable to that of P. gianii. Distribution and habitat: Parvidrilus stochi is known only from the type locality in the Monte Majore cave (Sardinia, Italy). The cave opens in a small, isolated Miocene limestone outcrop rising from a volcanic plateau dating from the Oligocene- Miocene volcanism. The upper level of the cave is fossilized and percolating waters are collected in pools on clay and rock; the lower gallery is crossed by a small brook, which collects the waters sinking from a small valley at the entrance of the cave.Published as part of MartĂ­nez-Ansemil, Enrique, ChĂątelliers, Michel CreuzĂ© Des, Martin, Patrick & Sambugar, Beatrice, 2012, The Parvidrilidae - a diversified groundwater family: description of six new species from southern Europe, and clues for its phylogenetic position within Clitellata (Annelida), pp. 530-558 in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 166 (3) on pages 542-544, DOI: 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2012.00857.x, http://zenodo.org/record/540898

    Parvidrilus gianii MartĂ­nez-Ansemil, ChĂątelliers, Martin & Sambugar, 2012, SP. NOV.

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    PARVIDRILUS GIANII MARTÍNEZ- ANSEMIL & SAMBUGAR SP. NOV. (FIG. 5) Types: Holotype. MNCN 16.03 /3071, mature specimen, stained in paracarmine and whole-mounted in Canada balsam. Seldesuto cave (43°18â€Č21.0â€Čâ€ČN, 3°37â€Č34.5â€Čâ€ČW, 192 m asl), Matienzo, Cantabria, Spain, 2.ix.2002, leg. Ana Camacho. Paratype. MNCN 16.03 /3072, immature specimen from type locality, 2.ix.2002, leg. Ana Camacho, stained in paracarmine and whole-mounted in Canada balsam. Etymology: Named after Narcisse Giani ‘maĂźtre et ami’, to whom many European oligochaetologists are very much indebted. Description: Entire mature worm, length 1.2 mm, 26 segments, width 40 Mm at V, 42 Mm XII. Prostomium rounded, 15 Mm long, 25 Mm wide at base. Body wall thin (especially in dorsal part), unpapillated; foreign particles adhering to cuticle here and there along the body. Numerous transversal rows of thin cutaneous glands per segment. Clitellum not elevated, occupying at least XII- XIII. Dorsal (dorsolateral) and ventral (ventrolateral) setae present from III and posteriorly situated in each segment. Dorsal bundles with two (three) straight, thin single-pointed needles (20–28 Mm long) and one or two long, thin, and flexible hair setae (105–190 Mm long) (Fig. 5A, B, h, n). Ventral bundles composed of (one) two–three (four) strongly curved crotchets, 20–26 Mm long, with enlarged distal half and doublepronged tip with minute distal tooth (Fig. 5A–C, cr); one thin hair seta (60–90 Mm long) in preclitellar ventral bundles of III–VI. No modified genital setae; a single bifid crochet in ventral bundles of segment XII. No eyes. Brain long, extending into segment IV, deeply incised posteriorly. Ventral nerve cord in contact with epidermis, beneath muscles of the body wall. Most setigeral segments have a mid-dorsal glandular pouch opening posteriorly on each segment, at about the transversal setal line; glandular pouches absent from IV–VI. Digestive tract complete, entirely ciliated and ending in a terminal anus. An eversible pharynx, with small dorsal pad set off from oesophagus, followed by a narrow, thick walled winding tube extending into IX, with thick muscular walls at about VII–IX; alimentary canal completed by a gut clearly enlarged and filled in with sediment posteriorly from segment XIII (Fig. 5E, F, g). Compact pharyngeal glands present in IV–VI. Digestive tract surrounded from V by a well-developed layer of chloragogen cells. Coelomocytes and nephridia not observed. No compact testes attached to septum but free germ cells and morulae floating in the coelomic cavity of segment XI (Fig. 5A, mo). Two small sperm funnels opening in ventral part of septum XI/XII and continuing into very thin vasa deferentia (1.5-2 Mm wide), very likely to be long and tightly folded, entering atria basally (Fig. 5A, F, f, vd). Atria elongate (about 150 Mm long, 14–16 Mm wide), extending in segments XII- XIII, curling anteriad (Fig. 5A, C–F, a 1, a 2), merging below the nerve cord and a thick muscular arch (Fig. 5A, E, ma, nc) into a common ejaculatory duct with cuticular walls, and opening on tip of a mid-ventral porophore located somewhat anterior to the transversal setal line of segment XII (Fig. 5A, F, c, mp, p). Atria made up by outer thin muscular layer (<1 Mm thick) and thick lining of vacuolated tissue, with indistinct lumen, except at the most basal portion, where the lumen is large and epithelial cells are finely granulated. Sparse unordered sperm embedded into vacuolated cells all along atria. Prostate glands absent. Two small ovaries with maturing eggs attached to septum 11/12 (Fig. 5A, F, o). Two small oviducts seemingly attached to septum 12/13 (Fig. 5A, od). A single spermatheca present in XIII. Spermathecal ampulla (empty) ovoid (30 Mm long, 9 Mm high), with a nucleated epithelial wall surrounded by a thick muscular lining; spermathecal duct about 13 Mm long, as a loosely defined structure, without lumen, basally enlarged, in continuity with the ventral body wall at the most anterior part of segment XIII, in a somewhat lateral position, at the left side of the worm (Fig. 5A, D–E, sa, sd). Remarks: The combination of long atria, a single spermatheca in segment XIII, and the cuticular wall of the common ejaculatory duct characterize P. gianii sp. nov. Amongst the three Parvidrilus species that have a single spermatheca in segment XIII, P. gianii is easily distinguishable from the others by its ovoid spermathecal ampulla surrounded by a thick muscular lining, and elongated atria (ten times longer than wide). The cuticular wall of the ejaculatory duct of this new species is unique amongst the genus. Distribution and habitat: Parvidrilus gianii is known only from the type locality, the Seldesuto cave, Matienzo, Cantabria, Spain. The species was sampled at 100 m from the entrance, along the shore of the lake, by stirring up rocks and sand covered by about 25 cm of water. The depth of the lake deepens very quickly a short distance from the shore; the gallery ends in a siphon.Published as part of MartĂ­nez-Ansemil, Enrique, ChĂątelliers, Michel CreuzĂ© Des, Martin, Patrick & Sambugar, Beatrice, 2012, The Parvidrilidae - a diversified groundwater family: description of six new species from southern Europe, and clues for its phylogenetic position within Clitellata (Annelida), pp. 530-558 in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 166 (3) on pages 540-542, DOI: 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2012.00857.x, http://zenodo.org/record/540898

    Parvidrilus camachoi MartĂ­nez-Ansemil, ChĂątelliers, Martin & Sambugar, 2012, SP. NOV.

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    PARVIDRILUS CAMACHOI MARTÍNEZ- ANSEMIL & SAMBUGAR SP. NOV. (FIG. 4) Holotype: MNCN 16.03 /3070, mature specimen, longitudinal sectioned at 0.4 Mm, stained with toluidine blue and mounted in Canada balsam. EstaragĂŒeña cave (43°17â€Č58.2â€Čâ€ČN, 4°36â€Č23.5â€Čâ€ČW, Z 53 m asl), PuentellĂ©s, Cantabria, Spain, 4.ix.2002, leg. Ana Camacho. Etymology: Named after Ana Camacho, responsible for the PASCALIS project for the Spanish partners, in honour of her important contribution to the knowledge of European biospeleology. Description: Body wall thin (especially in dorsal part), and unpapillated. Large globular clitellar cells observed on lateral sides of XI– XIII (Fig 4D, cl); porophore and surrounding area glandular. Brain long, extending into segment IV, deeply incised posteriorly (Fig. 4B, b). Ventral nerve cord in contact with epidermis, beneath muscles of the body wall (Fig. 4B, C, nc). Most setigeral segments have a mid-dorsal glandular pouch opening posteriorly on each segment, at or near the transversal setal line (Fig. 4B, C, gp); glandular pouches absent from IV- VI. Digestive tract complete, entirely ciliated, and ending in a terminal anus. Eversible pharynx, with small dorsal pad set off from oesophagus, followed by a narrow winding tube extending into VIII, with thick muscular walls at about VII– VIII (Fig. 4C, oe); alimentary canal completed by a gut, clearly enlarged from segment XIII (Fig. 4E–J, g). Compact pharyngeal glands present in IV– VI (Fig. 4B, C, pg). Digestive tract from V, surrounded by a well-developed layer of chloragogen cells. Coelomocytes and nephridia not observed. Two narrow testes attached to septum 10/11 (Fig. 4H–I, t). Free germ cells and morulae floating in the coelomic cavity of segment XI (Fig. 4G, mo). A small seminal vesicle in XII (Fig. 4E, G, sv). Sperm funnels not observed. A piece of vas deferens (about 1.5 Mm wide) observed near the basal part of an atrium (Fig. 4A, F, vd). Atria tubular, somewhat curved, moderately elongated (about 32 Mm long, 8–10 Mm wide), extending into the beginning of XIII (Fig. 4A, F–J, a) merging, below the nerve cord, into a common ejaculatory duct which opens at the tip of a mid-ventral porophore located on the transversal setal line of segment XII (Fig. 4A, G–J, ed, mp, p). Atrial wall thin (less than 2 Mm thick) and muscular (?); ejaculatory duct surrounded by a thin layer of muscles. Atrial lumen filled in with a granular material (secretions?, or remains of old epithelial cells?), and with a large amount of spermatozoids, their heads distally attached to atrial wall, and their long flagella orientated to the proximal atrial end, with a clear flamigerous appearance (Fig. 4H–I, gm, sp). Prostate glands absent. Two ovaries attached to septum 11/12 (Fig. 4E, o). A large vitellogenic mature egg in segment XII, slightly protruding into XIII (Fig. 4E, e). Oviducts not observed. A single spermatheca is present in XIII. Spermathecal ampulla round (about 18 Mm in diameter), with a fine epithelial wall (1–3 Mm thick); spermathecal duct (about 10 Mm long) as a loosely defined structure, hollowed by a very narrow duct (?), ending near the septum 12/ 13 in a somewhat lateral position, at the left side of the worm (Fig 4A, E–H, sa, sd). Ampulla filled with spermatozoids, attached around the wall, and with a fine secretion. Remarks: The description of external anatomy cannot be given in detail as the individual was sectioned. Nevertheless, prior to sectioning, we noted that the external anatomy of this specimen agrees in all respects with that of P. spelaeus, including size of the worm, absence of modified genital setae (Fig. 4A, E, cr), and shape and number of dorsal and ventral somatic setae. Parvidrilus camachoi sp. nov. is one of three Parvidrilus species known so far that have a single spermatheca in segment XIII. The narrow and moderately elongated, tubular, bent atria and the roundish spermathecal ampulla filed with spermatozoids attached around the wall are diagnostic traits for this new species. The closest relative to P. camachoi sp. nov. is P. spelaeus but in the latter, atria are pyriform, the spermatheca is very large and irregular in shape, and sperm is arranged in large masses of agglutinated spermatozoids into the spermatheca. Distribution and habitat: Parvidrilus camachoi is known only from the type locality in the EstaragĂŒeña cave PuentellĂ©s, Cantabria, Spain. EstaragĂŒeña corresponds to a resurgence of the Diva River. The cave is hardly accessible, as there is a siphon a few metres from the entrance of the gallery. The species was found in the entrance hall, along the edge of the siphon, in wet sands with abundant organic matter.Published as part of MartĂ­nez-Ansemil, Enrique, ChĂątelliers, Michel CreuzĂ© Des, Martin, Patrick & Sambugar, Beatrice, 2012, The Parvidrilidae - a diversified groundwater family: description of six new species from southern Europe, and clues for its phylogenetic position within Clitellata (Annelida), pp. 530-558 in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 166 (3) on pages 538-540, DOI: 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2012.00857.x, http://zenodo.org/record/540898

    Parvidrilus jugeti DES CHATELLIERS & MARTIN 2012, SP. NOV.

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    &lt;i&gt;PARVIDRILUS JUGETI&lt;/i&gt; DES CH&Acirc;TELLIERS &amp; MARTIN SP. NOV. (FIG. 3) &lt;p&gt; &lt;i&gt;Holotype:&lt;/i&gt; MHNL 44003361, 07.07.1998, mature specimen, stained in paracarmine and whole-mounted in Canada balsam. Corveissiat Cave (46&deg;14&prime;34&prime;&prime;N, 05&deg;29&prime;01&prime;&prime;E, 378 m asl), Ain (01), France, 7.vii.1998.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;i&gt;Paratypes:&lt;/i&gt; MHNL 44003364, one mature specimen; MHNL 44003365, one mature specimen; all specimens stained in paracarmine and whole-mounted in Canada balsam. Corveissiat Cave, France, 20.xii.2007.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;i&gt;Other material examined:&lt;/i&gt; Six other specimens, wholemounted in Canada balsam, in the collection of one of the authors (MCdC): Corveissiat cave (one immature specimen, 7.vii.1998; three mature specimens, 20.xii. 2007; two mature specimens, 10.iii.2008).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;i&gt;Etymology:&lt;/i&gt; Named after Jacques Juget (1928&ndash;2006), mentor to one of us (MCdC), and friend and colleague to all of us, as a tribute to his lifelong contribution to the knowledge of the Clitellata, and particularly subterranean oligochaetes (see Creuz&eacute; des Ch&acirc;telliers, Lafont &amp; Giani, 2007).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;i&gt;Description:&lt;/i&gt; Length 1.96 mm, 28 segments (one complete mature specimen). Width 68 Mm at V, 85 Mm at XII. Prostomium bluntly conical, 25 Mm long, 40 Mm wide at base; prostomium epidermis with numerous stained cell nuclei, indicating a possible sensory or glandular function. Body wall not papillate, cuticle smooth. Clitellum not seen.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Dorsal (dorsolateral) and ventral (ventrolateral) setae present from III, posteriorly situated in each segment. Dorsal bundles with two (three) simplepointed needles (10&ndash;20 Mm long), alternating with one (two) thin and flexible hair setae (length 80 Mm at V, 110 Mm at VIII, 200 Mm at XI) (Fig. 3, ds). Hair setae apparently smooth when observed on permanent mount using an oil immersion lens. Ventral bundles with two (three) sigmoid, bifid crotchets with upper tooth slightly thinner and smaller than lower tooth, and accompanied by one hair seta in preclitellar segments (90 Mm long); from XII, ventral hair setae absent, two crotchets per bundle (Fig. 3, vs). Crotchets without nodulus, 20&ndash;25 Mm long, and shaft out of the body wall, with distal half enlarged on the convex side. Within ventral bundles in preclitellar segments, the uppermost seta bifid, followed by one hair seta; these two setae separated from the other two bifid setae by a distance greater than that between them. No modified genital setae.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;No eyes. Brain short, limited to III. Ventral nerve cord in contact with epidermis, beneath muscles of the body wall. Digestive tract complete; eversible pharynx with dorsal pad, sinuous, ciliated oesophagus, with pharyngeal glands present in III- IV, followed by a simple intestine, dilating in from X and ending in a terminal anus. Layer of chloragogen cells surrounding digestive tract possibly present; details not observable. Coelomocytes absent. Middorsal glandular pouches not observed.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Testes in XI, as an unpaired, dorsal lump of cells with small nuclei in posterior end of coelomic cavity (Fig. 3, t); numerous spermatozoa below this cellular mass, with well-defined tails, detached in the coelom (Fig. 3, sp). Sperm funnels and vasa deferentia not seen. Atria elongate, tubular (265 Mm long, 11 Mm wide), one atrium entering and restricted to XIII, with distal end folded up anteriad, the other one extending straight into XIV (Fig. 3, a). Atria proximally merging below the nerve cord into a common ejaculatory duct, and opening ventrally in anterior part of XII, in front of setal line, through a penis-like structure, surrounded by a thick muscular ring (Fig. 3, mp). Atrial ampullae longitudinally striated, with large lumen filled in with undefined material (cellular? secretory?), different from mature spermatozoa visible in XI; atrial walls very thick, highly refringent under DIC. One mature oocyte (Fig. 3, ov), full of vitellus, ventrally, in anterior part of XII, near 11/12, suggesting the location of an unpaired ovary; a few small ovarian morulae freely developing into the coelomic cavity. Female funnels and spermathecae not observed.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;i&gt;COI sequence:&lt;/i&gt; EMBL accession number: HE800203 (Corveissiat cave, France).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;i&gt;Remarks:&lt;/i&gt; The long, narrowly tubular atria of &lt;i&gt;P. jugeti&lt;/i&gt; sp. nov., which extends to XIV, are quite distinctive amongst the Parvidrilidae known to date. The high refringence of the atrial walls is unique. The outer atrial surface is striated all along the ampullae. &lt;i&gt;Parvidrilus jugeti&lt;/i&gt; (and possibly &lt;i&gt;P. meyssonnieri&lt;/i&gt;) is (are) the only parvidrilid(s) known thus far that lack spermathecae.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; The exact location of ovaries (paired or unpaired?) in &lt;i&gt;P. jugeti&lt;/i&gt; remains obscure. A mature oocyte was observed ventrally in XII, on the right side of the specimen, close to 11/12, which suggests the existence of an unpaired, ventral ovary. In this specimen, it is likely that this female gonad has disappeared after having produced the few morulae observable in the coelomic cavity of XII, as documented previously in naidids (Chekanovskaya, 1962).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;i&gt;Distribution and habitat: Parvidrilus jugeti&lt;/i&gt; is known only from the type locality in the Corveissiat cave, Ain (01), France. Sedimentary rock formation (karstic area); in a little pond, very finely clayey sediment, with little organic matter.&lt;/p&gt;Published as part of &lt;i&gt;Martínez-Ansemil, Enrique, Chùtelliers, Michel Creuzé Des, Martin, Patrick &amp; Sambugar, Beatrice, 2012, The Parvidrilidae - a diversified groundwater family: description of six new species from southern Europe, and clues for its phylogenetic position within Clitellata (Annelida), pp. 530-558 in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 166 (3)&lt;/i&gt; on pages 537-538, DOI: 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2012.00857.x, &lt;a href="http://zenodo.org/record/5408987"&gt;http://zenodo.org/record/5408987&lt;/a&gt