51 research outputs found

    Landslide Detection Using Residual Networks and the Fusion of Spectral and Topographic Information

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    A Two-Stage Optimization Strategy for Fuzzy Object-Based Analysis Using Airborne LiDAR and High-Resolution Orthophotos for Urban Road Extraction

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    Copyright © 2017 Maher Ibrahim Sameen and Biswajeet Pradhan. In the last decade, object-based image analysis (OBIA) has been extensively recognized as an effective classification method for very high spatial resolution images or integrated data from different sources. In this study, a two-stage optimization strategy for fuzzy object-based analysis using airborne LiDAR was proposed for urban road extraction. The method optimizes the two basic steps of OBIA, namely, segmentation and classification, to realize accurate land cover mapping and urban road extraction. This objective was achieved by selecting the optimum scale parameter to maximize class separability and the optimum shape and compactness parameters to optimize the final image segments. Class separability was maximized using the Bhattacharyya distance algorithm, whereas image segmentation was optimized using the Taguchi method. The proposed fuzzy rules were created based on integrated data and expert knowledge. Spectral, spatial, and texture features were used under fuzzy rules by implementing the particle swarm optimization technique. The proposed fuzzy rules were easy to implement and were transferable to other areas. An overall accuracy of 82% and a kappa index of agreement (KIA) of 0.79 were achieved on the studied area when results were compared with reference objects created via manual digitization in a geographic information system. The accuracy of road extraction using the developed fuzzy rules was 0.76 (producer), 0.85 (user), and 0.72 (KIA). Meanwhile, overall accuracy was decreased by approximately 6% when the rules were applied on a test site. A KIA of 0.70 was achieved on the test site using the same rules without any changes. The accuracy of the extracted urban roads from the test site was 0.72 (KIA), which decreased to approximately 0.16. Spatial information (i.e., elongation) and intensity from LiDAR were the most interesting properties for urban road extraction. The proposed method can be applied to a wide range of real applications through remote sensing by transferring object-based rules to other areas using optimization techniques

    Classification of very high resolution aerial photos using spectral-spatial convolutional neural networks

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    © 2018 Maher Ibrahim Sameen et al. Classification of aerial photographs relying purely on spectral content is a challenging topic in remote sensing. A convolutional neural network (CNN) was developed to classify aerial photographs into seven land cover classes such as building, grassland, dense vegetation, waterbody, barren land, road, and shadow. The classifier utilized spectral and spatial contents of the data to maximize the accuracy of the classification process. CNN was trained from scratch with manually created ground truth samples. The architecture of the network comprised of a single convolution layer of 32 filters and a kernel size of 3 × 3, pooling size of 2 × 2, batch normalization, dropout, and a dense layer with Softmax activation. The design of the architecture and its hyperparameters were selected via sensitivity analysis and validation accuracy. The results showed that the proposed model could be effective for classifying the aerial photographs. The overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient of the best model were 0.973 and 0.967, respectively. In addition, the sensitivity analysis suggested that the use of dropout and batch normalization technique in CNN is essential to improve the generalization performance of the model. The CNN model without the techniques above achieved the worse performance, with an overall accuracy and Kappa of 0.932 and 0.922, respectively. This research shows that CNN-based models are robust for land cover classification using aerial photographs. However, the architecture and hyperparameters of these models should be carefully selected and optimized

    Systematic sample subdividing strategy for training landslide susceptibility models

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    © 2019 Elsevier B.V. Current practice in choosing training samples for landslide susceptibility modelling (LSM) is to randomly subdivide inventory information into training and testing samples. Where inventory data differ in distribution, the selection of training samples by a random process may cause inefficient training of machine learning (ML)/statistical models. A systematic technique may, however, produce efficient training samples that well represent the entire inventory data. This is particularly true when inventory information is scarce. This research proposed a systemic strategy to deal with this problem based on the fundamental distribution of probabilities (i.e. Hellinger) and a novel graphical representation of information contained in inventory data (i.e. inventory information curve, IIC). This graphical representation illustrates the relative increase in available information with the growth of the training sample size. Experiments on a selected dataset over the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia were conducted to validate the proposed methods. The dataset contained 104 landslide inventories and 7 landslide-conditioning factors (i.e. altitude, slope, aspect, land use, distance from the stream, distance from the road and distance from lineament) derived from a LiDAR-based digital elevation model and thematic maps acquired from government authorities. In addition, three ML/statistical models, namely, k-nearest neighbour (KNN), support vector machine (SVM) and decision tree (DT), were utilised to assess the proposed sampling strategy for LSM. The impacts of model's hyperparameters, noise and outliers on the performance of the models and the shape of IICs were also investigated and discussed. To evaluate the proposed method further, it was compared with other standard methods such as random sampling (RS), stratified RS (SRS) and cross-validation (CV). The evaluations were based on the area under the receiving characteristic curves. The results show that IICs are useful in explaining the information content in the training subset and their differences from the original inventory datasets. The quantitative evaluation with KNN, SVM and DT shows that the proposed method outperforms the RS and SRS in all the models and the CV method in KNN and DT models. The proposed sampling strategy enables new applications in landslide modelling, such as measuring inventory data content and complexity and selecting effective training samples to improve the predictive capability of landslide susceptibility models

    Assessment of the effects of expressway geometric design features on the frequency of accident crash rates using high-resolution laser scanning data and GIS

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    Accurate information on accidents and on the relevant factors that affect them is critical for establishing the relationship between accident frequency and explanatory factors. In this study, we present a simplified method to extract road geometric features accurately from very high-resolution laser scanning data to analyze accident frequency on the North-South Expressway in Malaysia. Using expressway geometric features (i.e. horizontal and vertical alignments) extracted from laser scanning data and accident histories, this research first developed an APM based on geometric regression and a geographic information system (GIS). Then, an elasticity analysis was conducted to investigate the relationship between accident occurrence and road geometric design features. Results of the case study showed that the length of the road segments (mean = 0.014, elasticity = 0.122), the number of vertical curves in a road section (mean = 4.797, elasticity = 0.999), and the presence of a horizontal curve in a road segment (mean = 2.746, elasticity = 0.877), the average distance to the nearest access point (mean = -0.001, elasticity = −0.035), and AADT (mean = 3.01, elasticity = 0.881) determined accident occurrence, all at a significance level of 5%. This study shows that laser scanning systems can provide an easy and efficient method to collect transportation data, particularly those for accident analysis

    Spatial prediction of rotational landslide using geographically weighted regression, logistic regression, and support vector machine models in Xing Guo area (China)

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    © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. This study evaluated the geographically weighted regression (GWR) model for landslide susceptibility mapping in Xing Guo County, China. In this study, 16 conditioning factors, such as slope, aspect, altitude, topographic wetness index, stream power index, sediment transport index, soil, lithology, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), landuse, rainfall, distance to road, distance to river, distance to fault, plan curvature, and profile curvature, were analyzed. Chi-square feature selection method was adopted to compare the significance of each factor with landslide occurence. The GWR model was compared with two well-known models, namely, logistic regression (LR) and support vcector machine (SVM). Results of chi-square feature selection indicated that lithology and slope are the most influencial factors, whereas SPI was found statistically insignificant. Four landslide susceptibility maps were generated by GWR, SGD-LR, SGD-SVM, and SVM models. The GWR model exhibited the highest performance in terms of success rate and prediction accuracy, with values of 0.789 and 0.819, respectively. The SVM model exhibited slightly lower AUC values than that of the GWR model. Validation result of the four models indicates that GWR is a better model than other widely used models

    Optimized neural architecture for automatic landslide detection from high-resolution airborne laser scanning data

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    © 2017 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. An accurate inventory map is a prerequisite for the analysis of landslide susceptibility, hazard, and risk. Field survey, optical remote sensing, and synthetic aperture radar techniques are traditional techniques for landslide detection in tropical regions. However, such techniques are time consuming and costly. In addition, the dense vegetation of tropical forests complicates the generation of an accurate landslide inventory map for these regions. Given its ability to penetrate vegetation cover, high-resolution airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) has been used to generate accurate landslide maps. This study proposes the use of recurrent neural networks (RNN) and multi-layer perceptron neural networks (MLP-NN) in landscape detection. These efficient neural architectures require little or no prior knowledge compared with traditional classification methods. The proposed methods were tested in the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia. Segmentation parameters and feature selection were respectively optimized using a supervised approach and correlation-based feature selection. The hyper-parameters of network architecture were defined based on a systematic grid search. The accuracies of the RNN and MLP-NN models in the analysis area were 83.33% and 78.38%, respectively. The accuracies of the RNN and MLP-NN models in the test area were 81.11%, and 74.56%, respectively. These results indicated that the proposed models with optimized hyper-parameters produced the most accurate classification results. LiDAR-derived data, orthophotos, and textural features significantly affected the classification results. Therefore, the results indicated that the proposed methods have the potential to produce accurate and appropriate landslide inventory in tropical regions such as Malaysia

    Deep Learning Approach for Building Detection Using LiDAR-Orthophoto Fusion

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    © 2018 Faten Hamed Nahhas et al. This paper reports on a building detection approach based on deep learning (DL) using the fusion of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data and orthophotos. The proposed method utilized object-based analysis to create objects, a feature-level fusion, an autoencoder-based dimensionality reduction to transform low-level features into compressed features, and a convolutional neural network (CNN) to transform compressed features into high-level features, which were used to classify objects into buildings and background. The proposed architecture was optimized for the grid search method, and its sensitivity to hyperparameters was analyzed and discussed. The proposed model was evaluated on two datasets selected from an urban area with different building types. Results show that the dimensionality reduction by the autoencoder approach from 21 features to 10 features can improve detection accuracy from 86.06% to 86.19% in the working area and from 77.92% to 78.26% in the testing area. The sensitivity analysis also shows that the selection of the hyperparameter values of the model significantly affects detection accuracy. The best hyperparameters of the model are 128 filters in the CNN model, the Adamax optimizer, 10 units in the fully connected layer of the CNN model, a batch size of 8, and a dropout of 0.2. These hyperparameters are critical to improving the generalization capacity of the model. Furthermore, comparison experiments with the support vector machine (SVM) show that the proposed model with or without dimensionality reduction outperforms the SVM models in the working area. However, the SVM model achieves better accuracy in the testing area than the proposed model without dimensionality reduction. This study generally shows that the use of an autoencoder in DL models can improve the accuracy of building recognition in fused LiDAR-orthophoto data

    Landslide Detection Using a Saliency Feature Enhancement Technique from LiDAR-Derived DEM and Orthophotos

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    © 2013 IEEE. This study proposes a new landslide detection technique that is semi-automated and based on a saliency enhancement approach. Unlike most of the landslide detection techniques, the approach presented in this paper is simple yet effective and does not require landslide inventory data for training purposes. It comprises several steps. First, it enhances potential landslide pixels. Then, it removes the image background using slope information derived from a very high-resolution LiDAR-based (light detection and ranging) digital elevation model (DEM). After that, morphological analysis was applied to remove small objects, separate landslide objects from each other, and fill the gaps between large bare soil objects and urban objects. Finally, landslide scars were detected using the Fuzzy C-means (FCM) clustering algorithm. The proposed method was developed based on datasets acquired over the Kinta Valley area in Malaysia and tested on another area with a different environment and topography (i.e., Cameron Highlands). The results showed that the proposed landslide detection technique could detect landslides in the training area with a Prediction Accuracy, Kappa index, and Mean Intersection-Over-Union (mIOU) of 71.12%, 0.81, and 68.52%, respectively. The Prediction Accuracy, Kappa index, and mIOU of the method based on the test dataset were 65.78%, 0.68, and 56.14%, respectively. These results show that the proposed method can be used for landslide inventory mapping and risk assessments

    A meta-learning approach of optimisation for spatial prediction of landslides

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    Optimisation plays a key role in the application of machine learning in the spatial prediction of landslides. The common practice in optimising landslide prediction models is to search for optimal/suboptimal hyperparameter values in a number of predetermined hyperparameter configurations based on an objective function, i.e., k-fold cross-validation accuracy. However, the overhead of hyperparameter optimisation can be prohibitive, especially for computationally expensive algorithms. This paper introduces an optimisation approach based on meta-learning for the spatial prediction of landslides. The proposed approach is tested in a dense tropical forested area of Cameron Highlands, Malaysia. Instead of optimising prediction models with a large number of hyperparameter configurations, the proposed approach begins with promising configurations based on several basic and statistical meta-features. The proposed meta-learning approach was tested based on Bayesian optimisation as a hyperparameter tuning algorithm and random forest (RF) as a prediction model. The spatial database was established with a total of 63 historical landslides and 15 conditioning factors. Three RF models were constructed based on (1) default parameters as suggested by the sklearn library, (2) parameters suggested by the Bayesian optimisation (BO), and (3) parameters suggested by the proposed meta-learning approach (BO-ML). Based on five-fold cross-validation accuracy, the Bayesian method achieved the best performance for both the training (0.810) and test (0.802) datasets. The meta-learning approach achieved slightly lower accuracies than the Bayesian method for the training (0.769) and test (0.800) datasets. Similarly, based on F1-score and area under the receiving operating characteristic curves (AUROC), the models with optimised parameters either by the Bayesian or meta-learning methods produced more accurate landslide susceptibility assessment than the model with the default parameters. In the present approach, instead of learning from scratch, the meta-learning would begin with hyperparameter configurations optimal for the most similar previous datasets, which can be considerably helpful and time-saving for landslide modelings