50 research outputs found

    Matrix Metalloproteinase Proteolysis of the Myelin Basic Protein Isoforms Is a Source of Immunogenic Peptides in Autoimmune Multiple Sclerosis

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    Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) play a significant role in the fragmentation of myelin basic protein (MBP) and demyelination leading to autoimmune multiple sclerosis (MS) and experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). The classic MBP isoforms are predominantly expressed in the oligodendrocytes of the CNS. The splice variants of the single MBP gene (Golli-MBP BG21 and J37) are widely expressed in the neurons and also in the immune cells. The relative contribution of the individual MMPs to the MBP cleavage is not known.To elucidate which MMP plays the primary role in cleaving MBP, we determined the efficiency of MMP-2, MMP-8, MMP-9, MMP-10, MMP-12, MT1-MMP, MT2-MMP, MT3-MMP, MT4-MMP, MT5-MMP and MT6-MMP in the cleavage of the MBP, BG21 and J37 isoforms in the in vitro cleavage reactions followed by mass-spectroscopy analysis of the cleavage fragments. As a result, we identified the MMP cleavage sites and the sequence of the resulting fragments. We determined that MBP, BG21 and J37 are highly sensitive to redundant MMP proteolysis. MT6-MMP (initially called leukolysin), however, was superior over all of the other MMPs in cleaving the MBP isoforms. Using the mixed lymphocyte culture assay, we demonstrated that MT6-MMP proteolysis of the MBP isoforms readily generated, with a near quantitative yield, the immunogenic N-terminal 1-15 MBP peptide. This peptide selectively stimulated the proliferation of the PGPR7.5 T cell clone isolated from mice with EAE and specific for the 1-15 MBP fragment presented in the MHC H-2(U) context.In sum, our biochemical observations led us to hypothesize that MT6-MMP, which is activated by furin and associated with the lipid rafts, plays an important role in MS pathology and that MT6-MMP is a novel and promising drug target in MS especially when compared with other individual MMPs

    Long-Term Survival of Human Neural Stem Cells in the Ischemic Rat Brain upon Transient Immunosuppression

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    Understanding the physiology of human neural stem cells (hNSCs) in the context of cell therapy for neurodegenerative disorders is of paramount importance, yet large-scale studies are hampered by the slow-expansion rate of these cells. To overcome this issue, we previously established immortal, non-transformed, telencephalic-diencephalic hNSCs (IhNSCs) from the fetal brain. Here, we investigated the fate of these IhNSC's immediate progeny (i.e. neural progenitors; IhNSC-Ps) upon unilateral implantation into the corpus callosum or the hippocampal fissure of adult rat brain, 3 days after global ischemic injury. One month after grafting, approximately one fifth of the IhNSC-Ps had survived and migrated through the corpus callosum, into the cortex or throughout the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. By the fourth month, they had reached the ipsilateral subventricular zone, CA1-3 hippocampal layers and the controlateral hemisphere. Notably, these results could be accomplished using transient immunosuppression, i.e administering cyclosporine for 15 days following the ischemic event. Furthermore, a concomitant reduction of reactive microglia (Iba1+ cells) and of glial, GFAP+ cells was also observed in the ipsilateral hemisphere as compared to the controlateral one. IhNSC-Ps were not tumorigenic and, upon in vivo engraftment, underwent differentiation into GFAP+ astrocytes, and β-tubulinIII+ or MAP2+ neurons, which displayed GABAergic and GLUTAmatergic markers. Electron microscopy analysis pointed to the formation of mature synaptic contacts between host and donor-derived neurons, showing the full maturation of the IhNSC-P-derived neurons and their likely functional integration into the host tissue. Thus, IhNSC-Ps possess long-term survival and engraftment capacity upon transplantation into the globally injured ischemic brain, into which they can integrate and mature into neurons, even under mild, transient immunosuppressive conditions. Most notably, transplanted IhNSC-P can significantly dampen the inflammatory response in the lesioned host brain. This work further supports hNSCs as a reliable and safe source of cells for transplantation therapy in neurodegenerative disorders

    Hes5 Expression in the Postnatal and Adult Mouse Inner Ear and the Drug-Damaged Cochlea

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    The Notch signaling pathway is known to have multiple roles during development of the inner ear. Notch signaling activates transcription of Hes5, a homologue of Drosophila hairy and enhancer of split, which encodes a basic helix-loop-helix transcriptional repressor. Previous studies have shown that Hes5 is expressed in the cochlea during embryonic development, and loss of Hes5 leads to overproduction of auditory and vestibular hair cells. However, due to technical limitations and inconsistency between previous reports, the precise spatial and temporal pattern of Hes5 expression in the postnatal and adult inner ear has remained unclear. In this study, we use Hes5-GFP transgenic mice and in situ hybridization to report the expression pattern of Hes5 in the inner ear. We find that Hes5 is expressed in the developing auditory epithelium of the cochlea beginning at embryonic day 14.5 (E14.5), becomes restricted to a particular subset of cochlear supporting cells, is downregulated in the postnatal cochlea, and is not present in adults. In the vestibular system, we detect Hes5 in developing supporting cells as early as E12.5 and find that Hes5 expression is maintained in some adult vestibular supporting cells. In order to determine the effect of hair cell damage on Notch signaling in the cochlea, we damaged cochlear hair cells of adult Hes5-GFP mice in vivo using injection of kanamycin and furosemide. Although outer hair cells were killed in treated animals and supporting cells were still present after damage, supporting cells did not upregulate Hes5-GFP in the damaged cochlea. Therefore, absence of Notch-Hes5 signaling in the normal and damaged adult cochlea is correlated with lack of regeneration potential, while its presence in the neonatal cochlea and adult vestibular epithelia is associated with greater capacity for plasticity or regeneration in these tissues; which suggests that this pathway may be involved in regulating regenerative potential

    Quercetin-induced miR-200b-3p regulates the mode of self-renewing divisions in pancreatic cancer

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    Background: Cancer stem cells are suggested to contribute to the extremely poor prognosis of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and dysregulation of symmetric and asymmetric stem cell division may be involved. Anticancer benefits of phytochemicals like the polyphenol quercetin, present in many fruits, nuts and vegetables, could be expedited by microRNAs, which orchestrate cell-fate decisions and tissue homeostasis. The mechanisms regulating the division mode of cancer stem cells in relation to phytochemical-induced microRNAs are poorly understood. Methods: Patient-derived pancreas tissue and 3 established pancreatic cancer cell lines were examined by immunofluorescence and time-lapse microscopy, microRNA microarray analysis, bioinformatics and computational analysis, qRT-PCR, Western blot analysis, self-renewal and differentiation assays. Results: We show that symmetric and asymmetric division occurred in patient tissues and in vitro, whereas symmetric divisions were more extensive. By microarray analysis, bioinformatics prediction and qRT-PCR, we identified and validated quercetin-induced microRNAs involved in Notch signaling/cell-fate determination. Further computational analysis distinguished miR-200b-3p as strong candidate for cell-fate determinant. Mechanistically, miR-200b-3p switched symmetric to asymmetric cell division by reversing the Notch/Numb ratio, inhibition of the self-renewal and activation of the potential to differentiate to adipocytes, osteocytes and chondrocytes. Low miR-200b-3p levels fostered Notch signaling and promoted daughter cells to become symmetric while high miR-200b-3p levels lessened Notch signaling and promoted daughter cells to become asymmetric. Conclusions: Our findings provide a better understanding of the cross talk between phytochemicals, microRNAs and Notch signaling in the regulation of self-renewing cancer stem cell divisions

    Promoting remyelination in multiple sclerosis-recent advances

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    We review the current state of knowledge of remyelination in multiple sclerosis (MS), concentrating on advances in the understanding of the pathology and the regenerative response, and we summarise progress on the development of new therapies to enhance remyelination aimed at reducing progressive accumulation of disability in MS. We discuss key target pathways identified in experimental models, as although most identified targets have not yet progressed to the stage of being tested in human clinical trials, they may provide treatment strategies for demyelinating diseases in the future. Finally, we discuss some of the problems associated with testing this class of drugs, where they might fit into the therapeutic arsenal and the gaps in our knowledge

    Notch controls embryonic Schwann cell differentiation, postnatal myelination and adult plasticity

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    Notch signaling is central to vertebrate development, and analysis of Notch has provided important insights into pathogenetic mechanisms in the CNS and many other tissues. However, surprisingly little is known about the role of Notch in the development and pathology of Schwann cells and peripheral nerves. Using transgenic mice and cell cultures, we found that Notch has complex and extensive regulatory functions in Schwann cells. Notch promoted the generation of Schwann cells from Schwann cell precursors and regulated the size of the Schwann cell pool by controlling proliferation. Notch inhibited myelination, establishing that myelination is subject to negative transcriptional regulation that opposes forward drives such as Krox20. Notably, in the adult, Notch dysregulation resulted in demyelination; this finding identifies a signaling pathway that induces myelin breakdown in vivo. These findings are relevant for understanding the molecular mechanisms that control Schwann cell plasticity and underlie nerve pathology, including demyelinating neuropathies and tumorigenesi

    Axons mediate the distribution of arylsulfatase A within the mouse hippocampus upon gene delivery

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    Axonal transport of the lysosomal enzyme arylsulfatase A (ARSA) may be an additional mechanism of enzyme distribution after in vivo brain gene transfer in an animal model of metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD). Direct molecular demonstration of the movement of this lysosomal enzyme within axonal networks was missing. We generated lentiviral vectors carrying the ARSA cDNA tagged with hemagglutinin or the green fluorescent protein and examined the subcellular localization and anatomical distribution of the tagged enzymes within the MLD hippocampus after in vivo lentiviral gene transfer. The use of tagged ARSA allowed direct real-time observation and tracking of axon-dendritic transport of the enzyme after lentiviral gene therapy. Tagged ARSA was expressed in transduced pyramidal, granule, and hilar neurons within the lentiviral-injected side and was robustly contained in vesicles within ipsilateral axon-dendritic processes as well as in vesicles associated with contralateral axons and commissural axons of the ventral hippocampal commissure. Axonal transport of tagged ARSA led to the correction of hippocampal defects in long-term treated MLD mice, which was accompanied by enzyme uptake in nontransduced contralateral neurons, enzyme accumulation within the lysosomal compartment, and clearance of sulfatide storage deposits in this region of the MLD brain. These results contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms of distribution of lysosomal enzymes within the mammalian brain after direct gene therapy, demonstrating the use of neural processes for enzyme transport

    Promotion of central nervous system remyelination by induced differentiation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells

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    Objective: Repair of demyelinated axons in diseases such as multiple sclerosis requires activation of the myelination program in existing or newly recruited oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs). The control of OPC differentiation and initiation of myelination during repair is poorly understood. In this study, we test the ability of anti-LINGO-1 reagents to promote myelination in vitro and remyelination in the rodent adult central nervous system in vivo. Methods: The effects of LINGO-1 antagonists on the differentiation of OPCs and the promotion of myelination has been assayed using a combination of coculture and slice culture preparations. Using three different animal models of demyelination and remyelination, we morphologically and functionally assessed the effects of LINGO-1 antagonists on OPC differentiation and myelin repair. Results: The data indicate that in vitro treatment with antagonists of LINGO-1 promote OPC differentiation and myelination, whereas in vivo remyelination is accelerated in lysophosphatidylcholine- or cuprizone-induced demyelination. This remyelination is associated with enhanced OPC differentiation and functional recovery of conduction velocities in demyelinated axons. Interpretation: Our studies demonstrate that LINGO-1 antagonism promotes OPC differentiation and remyelination, and suggest LINGO-1 functions as an inhibitor of OPC differentiation to retard central nervous system remyelination. © 2009 American Neurological Association.link_to_subscribed_fulltex