16 research outputs found

    Structural Evolution of Chemically-Driven RuO2 Nanowires and 3-Dimensional Design for Photo-Catalytic Applications

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    Growth mechanism of chemically-driven RuO2 nanowires is explored and used to fabricate three-dimensional RuO2 branched Au-TiO2 nanowire electrodes for the photostable solar water oxidation. For the real time structural evolution during the nanowire growth, the amorphous RuO2 precursors (Ru(OH)(3)center dot H2O) are heated at 180 degrees C, producing the RuO2 nanoparticles with the tetragonal crystallographic structure and Ru enriched amorphous phases, observed through the in-situ synchrotron x-ray diffraction and the high-resolution transmission electron microscope images. Growth then proceeds by Ru diffusion to the nanoparticles, followed by the diffusion to the growing surface of the nanowire in oxygen ambient, supported by the nucleation theory. The RuO2 branched Au-TiO2 nanowire arrays shows a remarkable enhancement in the photocurrent density by approximately 60% and 200%, in the UV-visible and Visible region, respectively, compared with pristine TiO2 nanowires. Furthermore, there is no significant decrease in the device's photoconductance with UV-visible illumination during 1 day, making it possible to produce oxygen gas without the loss of the photoactvity.close1

    The Situation of Housing Environmental Health of Tubercular in Yazd, From Aspect Factors Prevent of Transmission the Communicable Diseases by the World Health Organization Standards

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    Introduction: One of the most important factors for disease risk is the undesirable health condition of the houses. The dark, damp and unsanitary house exposes residents to TB. As the housing status is crucial in establishing the conditions for the transmission of TB, this study was designed to survey the situation of housing environmental health of tuberculosis patients in Yazd on transmission of communicable diseases according to World Health Organization standards in 2010. Methods: In this descriptive study, the housing status of all TB patients of Yazd in 86 cases were collected through a questionnaire survey, observation, and measurement. Results: Results showed that the houses in 22.1 % of cases were made of adobe and mud, 3.55% having average density of room, 50% of houses had insufficient natural light, 54.7 % had unfavorable natural ventilation, and 26.7 %, inadequate heating appliances. Also 32.6 % of the floor, 32.6 % of the walls, 37.2 % of the ceilings, 22.1 % of the sewage disposal, 12.8 % of drinking water, 20.9% of garbage collection, 11.6% of keeping-pet places, and 20.9% of waste disposal were in unhealthy conditions. In addition, 2.3% of these houses lacked toilet and 7% lacked bathroom. Conclusions: Comparing the housing condition of people with TB via the existing standards, the status is assessed as unfavorable. Thus improvement of the tuberculosis condition calls for the education programs to inform people of such disadvantages. Also the attention of housing stakeholders and relevant agencies should be drawn to help low-income people

    A review of Craniopharyngioma and the retrospective study on 100 patients

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    This study was performed in order to improve the knowledge about Craniopharyngioma tumors, and tried to present extensive datas about the signs and symptoms, the clinical process and the treatments and their complications of the patients with Craniopharyngioma, admitted in the hospitals of Tehran university during 15 years (1355-70). Ultimately, these datas have been compared with those in the reputable books and new medical papers; And the results are present at the end of the discussion. Undoubtedly, this study is not free of the limitations of retrospective studies. Our patients-contrary to the textbooks are predominantly males; And also their most common chief complaints are neurological manifestations, and headache (82%) is the most common one. There is only a little difference in the prevalence of some of the endocrinologic and ophthalmic manifestations between our datas and what in the texts, while, in some others, we can see a great diversity between the 2. For instance, decreased libido in men and amenorrhea in women, among our patients are prominently less than what we study in the books; And blood pressure disturbances, sensory and motor symptoms and urinary incontinence have not been seen in our patients. In most cases, CT scan leads to diagnosis and its diagnostic accuracy in 2 times higher than that of the simple radiography and it can show the sella enlargement obviously. In a majority of cases (More than 95%), excision a part of the tumor (From just limited to the biopsy area to 90% of tumor mass) was the only therapeutic measure. In only a few patients, tumor excision was followed by radiotherapy, that showed the better results. The most common delayed complication was the recurrence of the disease

    Comparison of the Efficacy of Oral and Injectable Forms of Prophylactic Antibiotics in Grade Ii Traumatic Ulcers in Emergency Wards of University Hospitals of Yazd

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    Introduction: Traumatic ulcers are one of the most common causes of referral to emergency wards and interfere with wound healing. Even in a complete sterile condition, all of the ulcers may be contaminated with bacteria, but a few of them progress and cause clinical manifestations. There is a controversy on the use prophylactic antibiotics in traumatic ulcers. In this study we compare the efficacy of oral and injectable forms of antibiotics in prophylaxis of infection. Methods: In this clinical trial study, 237 cases suffering from grade II traumatic ulcers were selected by simple random method and divided into 2 groups; first group was administered 1 gram cephazoline prior to suturing and received no other antibiotics , while the second group received 500 mg cephalexin capsule before suturing and continued the treatment for 24 hours. (500 mg QID) .Patients were followed up on day 7, 10 and 30 after discharge from hospital for infection of the wounds. The collected data was analyzed by SPSS 11 software using Chi-squire and Fisher exact tests. Results: According to the findings, confounding variables such as sex, age, width of the wound, traumatic cause and site and also the time course until referral to the emergency ward were similar in both groups. Prevalence of infection in the group receiving oral and injection forms of antibiotic was 2.5% and 1.7%, respectively, difference of which was not significant.(P=0.683) Conclusion: As the prevalence of wound infection is similar in both groups, oral forms of antibiotics can be used instead of injectable forms for wound infection prophylaxis