17 research outputs found

    Dynamical cluster approximation: Nonlocal dynamics of correlated electron systems

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    We recently introduced the dynamical cluster approximation (DCA), a technique that includes short-ranged dynamical correlations in addition to the local dynamics of the dynamical mean-field approximation while preserving causality. The technique is based on an iterative self-consistency scheme on a finite-size periodic cluster. The dynamical mean-field approximation (exact result) is obtained by taking the cluster to a single site (the thermodynamic limit). Here, we provide details of our method, explicitly show that it is causal, systematic, Phi derivable, and that it becomes conserving as the cluster size increases. We demonstrate the DCA by applying it to a quantum Monte Carlo and exact enumeration study of the two-dimensional Falicov-Kimball model. The resulting spectral functions preserve causality, and the spectra and the charge-density-wave transition temperature converge quickly and systematically to the thermodynamic limit as the cluster size increases

    Nonlocal dynamical correlations of strongly interacting electron systems

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    We introduce an extension of the dynamical mean-field approximation (DMFA) that retains the causal properties and generality of the DMFA, but allows for systematic inclusion of nonlocal corrections. Our technique maps the problem to a self-consistently embedded cluster. The DMFA (exact result) is recovered as the cluster size goes to 1 (infinity). As a demonstration, we study the Falicov-Kimball model using a variety of cluster sizes. We show that the sum rules are preserved, the spectra are positive definite, and the nonlocal correlations suppress the charge-density wave transition temperature

    The Dynamical Cluster Approximation: A New Technique for Simulations of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems

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    Abstract. We present the algorithmic details of the dynamical cluster approximation (DCA) algorithm. The DCA is a fully-causal approach which systematically restores non-local correlations to the dynamical mean field approximation (DMFA). The DCA is in the thermodynamic limit and becomes exact for an infinite cluster size, while reducing to the DMFA for a cluster size of unity. Using the onedimensional Hubbard Model as a non-trivial test of the method, we systematically compare the results of a quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) based DCA with those obtained by finite-size QMC simulations (FSS). We find that the single-particle Green function and the self-energy of the DCA and FSS approach the same limit as the system size is increased, but from complimentary directions. The utility of the DCA in addressing problems that have not been resolved by FSS is demonstrated.

    Admittance and Nonlinear Transport in Quantum Wires, Point Contacts, and Resonant Tunneling Barriers

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    We present a discussion of the admittance (ac-conductance) and nonlinear I-V-characteristic for a number of mesoscopic conductors. Our approach is based on a generalization of the scattering approach which now includes the effects of the (long-range) Coulomb interaction. We discuss the admittance of a wire with an impurity and with a nearby gate. We extend a discussion of the low-frequency admittance of a quantum point contact to investigate the effects of the gates used to form the contact. We discuss the nonlinear I-V characteristic of a resonant double barrier structure and discuss the admittance for the double barrier for a large range of frequencies. Our approach emphasizes the overall conservation of charge (gauge invariance) and current conservation and the resulting sum rules for the admittance matrix and nonlinear transport coefficients