4 research outputs found

    Application of the luminescence single-aliquot technique for dose estimation in the Marmara Sea

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    Turkoz, Mustafa Burak/0000-0002-4127-7650; Bolukdemir, Mustafa/0000-0002-7911-7863; Bolukdemir, Mustafa Hicabi/0000-0002-7911-7863WOS: 000233786300008PubMed: 15961197The aim of this study is to obtain the equivalent dose, which is the important quantity for all the studies related to the use of luminescence in dating sediments. Recent advances in luminescence dating have led to increasing application of the technique to sediment from the depositional environmental samples. The sample used in this study is the active main fault sample that was collected from the Sea of Marmara in NW Turkey. Equivalent dose was measured using both the multiple-aliquots and the single-aliquot techniques. In this study single aliquot regeneration on additive dose (SARA) procedure was also used. The result obtained was not in agreement with the results evaluated from the multiple-aliquots procedure. So a simple modification was suggested for SARA. procedure. In our modified procedure the calculated dose (D) values were obtained by using the additive dose protocol instead of regeneration protocol. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Comparison of the decay-rate parameter of the luminescence signal generated by various laboratory radiation doses

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    Turkoz, Mustafa Burak/0000-0002-4127-7650; Bolukdemir, Mustafa Hicabi/0000-0002-7911-7863; Bolukdemir, Mustafa/0000-0002-7911-7863WOS: 000231307200010In this work the parameter a representing the decay-rate of luminescence signal was investigated for two different samples, for luminescence dating purpose. The procedures of preheating/measurement and dose/preheating/measurement were repeatedly used for the natural and beta-irradiated forms of the samples at different infrared-stimulation time. Experimental data has shown that the IRSL signal decays in a way, which depends on the beta-dose given to the samples. This behavior is different from that observed by DULLER1 who did not find such dose-dependence