11 research outputs found

    Multiple loci are linked with anti-red blood cell antibody production in NZB mice – comparison with other phenotypes implies complex modes of action

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    The New Zealand Black (NZB) mouse strain is a model of autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (AHA) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), characterized by the production of anti-red blood cell (RBC) antibodies and anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA), respectively. A linkage analysis was carried out in an (NZB Ă— BALB/c) F(2) cross in order to identify loci involved in the production of both anti-RBC IgM and IgG antibodies. These regions of linkage were compared with linkage data to ANA from the same cohort and other linkage analyses involving New Zealand mice. Four previously described NZB loci linked to anti-RBC antibodies were confirmed, and eight novel loci linked to this trait were also mapped: five of which were of NZB origin, and three derived from the non-autoimmune BALB/c background. A comparison between loci linked with anti-RBC antibodies and ANA demonstrated many that co-localize, suggesting the presence of genes that result in the general breaking of tolerance to self-antigen. Furthermore, the observation that some loci were associated only with the anti-RBC response suggests an antigen specific mechanism in addition to a general breaking of tolerance. A locus linked with anti-RBC antibodies and ANA on distal chromosome 7 in this cohort is orthologous to one on the q arm of human chromosome 11, a region linked to AHA and ANA in human SLE

    Whole blood assay to access T cell-immune responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens in healthy Brazilian individuals

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    The production of interferon gamma (IFNgamma) guarantees effective T cell-mediated immunity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. In the present study, we simply compare the in vitro immune responses to Mycobacterium antigens in terms of IFNg production in a total of 10 healthy Brazilian volunteers. Whole blood and mononuclear cells were cultivated in parallel with PPD, Ag85B, and M. bovis hsp65, and five-days supernatants were harvested for cytokine detection by ELISA. The inter-assay result was that the overall profile of agreement in response to antigens was highly correlated (r² = 0.9266; p = 0.0102). Potential analysis is in current progress to dictate the usefulness of this method to access the immune responses also in tuberculosis patients and its contacts