34 research outputs found

    Zoonotic parasites associated with felines from the Patagonian Holocene

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    Feline coprolites were examined for parasites with the aim of studying ancient infections that occurred in the Patagonian region during the Holocene period. Eggs compatible to Trichuris sp., Calodium sp., Eucoleus sp., Nematodirus sp., Oesophagostomum sp. (Nematoda), Monoecocestus sp. (Cestoda) and Eimeria macusaniensis (Coccidia) were recovered from faecal samples. The results obtained from the analysis provide evidence of consumption by felids of the viscera of both rodents and camelids. This knowledge allows for improved explanations as to the distribution of parasitism and its significance to the health of humans and animals inhabiting the area under study during the Middle Holocene

    Topical tropicamide induced delirium and psychosis: case report Delírio e psicose induzidos por tropicamida tópica: relato de caso

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    Acute psychosis and confusional states are known complications of treatment with anticholinergic agents in the elderly. We report an 87-year-old female patient presenting with acute neurobehavioral abnormalities requiring hospitalization immediately after starting treatment for openangle glaucoma with the topic cycloplegic muscarinic receptor blocker tropicamide. Case-effect relationship was confirmed. The authors make a review of the literature trying to identify the clinical manifestations and risk factors for this complication.<br>Tratamento com drogas anticolinérgicas é uma causa conhecida de alterações agudas do estado mental em idosos. Relata-se o caso de uma paciente de 87 anos de idade com alterações comportamentais agudas, que necessita de internamento imediatamente após início de terapia para glaucoma de ângulo aberto com tropicamida, um agente cicloplégico bloqueador de receptor muscarínico. A relação causa-efeito foi confirmada depois de a droga ter sido reiniciada durante o internamento. É apresentada uma revisão da literatura delineando as manifestações clínicas mais comuns e fatores de risco para essa complicação