6 research outputs found

    Comparison of percentage body fat and body mass index for the prediction of inflammatory and atherogenic lipid risk profiles in elderly women

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    Silvana Schwerz Funghetto,1 Alessandro de Oliveira Silva,2 Nuno Manuel Frade de Sousa,3 Marina Morato Stival,1 Ramires Alsamir Tibana,4 Leonardo Costa Pereira,1 Marja Letícia Chaves Antunes,1 Luciano Ramos de Lima,1 Jonato Prestes,4 Ricardo Jacó Oliveira,1 Maurílio Tiradentes Dutra,2 Vinícius Carolino Souza,1,4 Dahan da Cunha Nascimento,4 Margô Gomes de Oliveira Karnikowski1 1University of Brasília (UnB), Brasília, DF, Brazil; 2Center University of Brasilia (UNICEUB), Brasilia, DF, Brazil; 3Laboratory of Exercise Physiology, Faculty Estácio de Sá of Vitória, ES, Brazil; 4Catholic University of Brasília, Brasília, DF, Brazil Objective: To compare the clinical classification of the body mass index (BMI) and percentage body fat (PBF) for the prediction of inflammatory and atherogenic lipid profile risk in older women.Method: Cross-sectional analytical study with 277 elderly women from a local community in the Federal District, Brazil. PBF and fat-free mass (FFM) were determined by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. The investigated inflammatory parameters were interleukin 6 and C-reactive protein.Results: Twenty-five percent of the elderly women were classified as normal weight, 50% overweight, and 25% obese by the BMI. The obese group had higher levels of triglycerides and very low-density lipoproteins than did the normal weight group (P≤0.05) and lower levels of high-density lipoproteins (HDL) than did the overweight group (P≤0.05). According to the PBF, 49% of the elderly women were classified as eutrophic, 28% overweight, and 23% obese. In the binomial logistic regression analyses including age, FFM, and lipid profile, only FFM (odds ratio [OR]=0.809, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.739–0.886; P<0.0005) proved to be a predictor of reaching the eutrophic state by the BMI. When the cutoff points of PBF were used for the classification, FFM (OR=0.903, CI=0.884–0.965; P=0.003) and the total cholesterol/HDL ratio (OR=0.113, CI=0.023–0.546; P=0.007) proved to be predictors of reaching the eutrophic state.Conclusion: Accurate identification of obesity, systemic inflammation, and atherogenic lipid profile is key to assessing the risk of cardiometabolic diseases. Classification based on dual energy X-ray absorptiometry measures, along with biochemical and inflammatory parameters, seems to have a great clinical importance, since it allows the lipid profile eutrophic distinction in elderly overweight women. Keywords: lipids, aging, body fat, women, body mass index, health profil

    Perfil da condição bucal de idosas do Distrito Federal Oral health status of elderly women from the Brazilian Federal District

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    Os trabalhos realizados no Brasil a respeito das principais afecções bucais dos gerontes mostram situação preocupante. O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar a frequência de edentulismo, analisar o uso e a necessidade de prótese, calcular o índice CPOD e verificar a condição periodontal de idosas residentes no Distrito Federal. Cento e quarenta mulheres com idade igual ou superior a sessenta anos foram examinadas. A condição de cada prótese foi avaliada observando presença de prejuí­zo estético ou funcional. Em seguida, foi realizado exame clínico para detectar a presença de cárie, restaurações e dentes perdidos para cálculo do índice CPOD. O exame periodontal incluiu a verificação do índice de placa visível, índice de sangramento gengival, medidas de profundidade de sondagem clínica, perda de inserção clínica e mobilidade dental de todos os dentes presentes. Os resultados revelaram péssimas condições bucais dos pacientes examinados. A taxa de edentulismo mostrou-se elevada, o índice CPOD foi alto (29,8), com predomínio do componente extraído (87,1%) e a condição periodontal foi considerada grave. A partir destes dados, pode-se concluir que o perfil da condição bucal das idosas representadas neste estudo é precário, o que reflete a necessidade de se elaborar programas de promoção de saúde e de reabilitação para este segmento da população.<br>Data from Brazilian researches that evaluated oral health of elderly people show a worrisome situation. The purpose of this study was to estimate the frequency of edentulism, analyze both the use and need profiles of prosthesis, calculate the DMFT index and check the condition of periodontal elderly residents in the Federal District. One hundred and forty women aged 60 years or above were examined. The condition of each prosthesis was evaluated to detect the presence of functional or aesthetic damage. Then, clinical examination was carried out to detect the number of decayed, missing or filled teeth in order to calculate the DMFT index. The periodontal examination included the index of visible plaque, bleeding index, measurement of clinical probing depth, measurement of clinical attachment level and teeth mobility. The results showed poor oral conditions of the patients. The rate of edentulism was high, the DMFT index was elevated (29.8) with a predominance of the extracted component (87.1%) and periodontal condition was considered severe. From these data we can conclude that the oral condition of elderly represented in this study is precarious and reflects the need for health promotion and rehabilitation programs for this segment of the population