22 research outputs found

    Simple synthesis of 32P-labelled inositol hexakisphosphates for study of phosphate transformations

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    In many soils inositol hexakisphosphate in its various forms is as abundant as inorganic phosphate. The organismal and geochemical processes that exchange phosphate between inositol hexakisphosphate and other pools of soil phosphate are poorly defined, as are the organisms and enzymes involved. We rationalized that simple enzymic synthesis of inositol hexakisphosphate labeled with 32P would greatly enable study of transformation of soil inositol phosphates when combined with robust HPLC separations of different inositol phosphates

    Multiple beta spectrum analysis based on spectrum fitting

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    A method of separating beta spectra into each radionuclide spectrum was proposed in this study. Based on mathematical curve fits, the spectrum of each radionuclide was defined by using the maximum energy information and process to separate specific spectra from the whole spectrum. Information on P-32, Y-90, and Rh-106 radionuclides from the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements was used for applying the proposed method. A relative error of less than 2% was achieved with the application of the method