44 research outputs found

    Facile, productive, and cost-effective synthesis of a novel tetrazine-based iron oxide nanoparticle for targeted image contrast agents and nanomedicines

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    We have developed an operationally simple, time, and cost-effective protocol to produce a novel tetrazine-based iron oxide nanoparticle using commercially available and inexpensive materials. Our protocol proceeds at room temperature and uses hexafluorophosphate azabenzotriazole tetramethyl uronium, a well-known, widely used reagent for the large-scale industrial production of important pharmaceuticals. The nanoparticles obtained have a diameter range between 16 and 21 nm and showed no toxicity against endothelial cell lines. The tetrazine moiety on the nanoparticle surface could potentially allow further attachment of specific targeting vectors by using so-called copper-free click chemistry. We therefore anticipate that our protocol can represent a significant breakthrough in the future development and commercialization of improved, tissue-specific contrast agents and drug delivery for clinical diagnosis, monitoring and therapy of diseases at an asymptomatic stage

    Efficacy of serology driven “test and treat strategy” for eradication of H. pylori in patients with rheumatic disease in the Netherlands

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    The treatment of choice of H. pylori infections is a 7-day triple-therapy with a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) plus amoxicillin and either clarithromycin or metronidazole, depending on local antibiotic resistance rates. The data on efficacy of eradication therapy in a group of rheumatology patients on long-term NSAID therapy are reported here. This study was part of a nationwide, multicenter RCT that took place in 2000–2002 in the Netherlands. Patients who tested positive for H. pylori IgG antibodies were included and randomly assigned to either eradication PPI-triple therapy or placebo. After completion, follow-up at 3 months was done by endoscopy and biopsies were sent for culture and histology. In the eradication group 13% (20/152, 95% CI 9–20%) and in the placebo group 79% (123/155, 95% CI 72–85%) of the patients were H. pylori positive by histology or culture. H. pylori was successfully eradicated in 91% of the patients who were fully compliant to therapy, compared to 50% of those who were not (difference of 41%; 95% CI 18–63%). Resistance percentages found in isolates of the placebo group were: 4% to clarithromycin, 19% to metronidazole, 1% to amoxicillin and 2% to tetracycline

    The chicken IL-1 family: evolution in the context of the studied vertebrate lineage

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    The interleukin-1 gene family encodes a group of related proteins that exhibit a remarkable pleiotropy in the context of health and disease. The set of indispensable functions they control suggests that these genes should be found in all eukaryotic species. The ligands and receptors of this family have been primarily characterised in man and mouse. The genomes of most non-mammalian animal species sequenced so far possess all of the IL-1 receptor genes found in mammals. Yet, strikingly, very few of the ligands are identifiable in non-mammalian genomes. Our recent identification of two further IL-1 ligands in the chicken warranted a critical reappraisal of the evolution of this vitally important cytokine family. This review presents substantial data gathered across multiple, divergent metazoan genomes to unambiguously trace the origin of these genes. With the hypothesis that all of these genes, both ligands and receptors, were formed in a single ancient ancestor, extensive database mining revealed sufficient evidence to confirm this. It therefore suggests that the emergence of mammals is unrelated to the expansion of the IL-1 family. A thorough review of this cytokine family in the chicken, the most extensively studied amongst non-mammalian species, is also presented. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00251-014-0780-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Clinical trials of CAR-T cells in China

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    Abstract Novel immunotherapeutic agents targeting tumor-site microenvironment are revolutionizing cancer therapy. Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-engineered T cells are widely studied for cancer immunotherapy. CD19-specific CAR-T cells, tisagenlecleucel, have been recently approved for clinical application. Ongoing clinical trials are testing CAR designs directed at novel targets involved in hematological and solid malignancies. In addition to trials of single-target CAR-T cells, simultaneous and sequential CAR-T cells are being studied for clinical applications. Multi-target CAR-engineered T cells are also entering clinical trials. T cell receptor-engineered CAR-T and universal CAR-T cells represent new frontiers in CAR-T cell development. In this study, we analyzed the characteristics of CAR constructs and registered clinical trials of CAR-T cells in China and provided a quick glimpse of the landscape of CAR-T studies in China

    How to pick a single amine?

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    Inducible, selective labeling of proteins via enzymatic oxidation of tyrosine

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    Proteins can be labeled site-specifically and in inducible fashion by exposing a small peptide tag (G4Y) on any of its termini and activating the newly exposed tyrosine residue with the enzyme mushroom tyrosinase. The enzyme generates a quinone by oxidizing the tyrosine, which in turn can perform strain-promoted oxidation-controlled ortho-quinone cycloaddition (SPOCQ) with strained alkynes and alkenes, generating a stable conjugation product. Here, we describe a protocol to perform SPOCQ reaction on proteins, along with notes to optimize yield and reaction rates. Conjugation efficiencies of over 95% to antibodies have been reported using this protocol.</p