58 research outputs found

    A new perspective on Workload Control by measuring operating performances through an economic valorization

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    Workload Control (WLC) is a production planning and control system conceived to reduce queuing times of job-shop systems, and to offer a solution to the lead time syndrome; a critical issue that often bewilders make-to-order manufacturers. Nowadays, advantages of WLC are unanimously acknowledged, but real successful stories are still limited. This paper starts from the lack of a consistent way to assess performance of WLC, an important burden for its acceptance in the industry. As researchers often put more focus on the performance measures that better confirm their hypotheses, many measures, related to different WLC features, have emerged over years. However, this excess of measures may even mislead practitioners, in the evaluation of alternative production planning and control systems. To close this gap, we propose quantifying the main benefit of WLC in economic terms, as this is the easiest, and probably only way, to compare different and even conflicting performance measures. Costs and incomes are identified and used to develop an overall economic measure that can be used to evaluate, or even to fine tune, the operating features of WLC. The quality of our approach is finally demonstrated via simulation, considering the 6-machines job-shop scenario typically adopted as benchmark in technical literature

    Defining accurate delivery dates in make to order job-shops managed by workload control

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    Workload control (WLC) is a lean oriented system that reduces queues and waiting times, by imposing a cap to the workload released to the shop floor. Unfortunately, WLC performance does not systematically outperform that of push operating systems, with undersaturated utilizations levels and optimized dispatching rules. To address this issue, many scientific works made use of complex job-release mechanisms and sophisticated dispatching rules, but this makes WLC too complicated for industrial applications. So, in this study, we propose a complementary approach. At first, to reduce queuing time variability, we introduce a simple WLC system; next we integrate it with a predictive tool that, based on the system state, can accurately forecast the total time needed to manufacture and deliver a job. Due to the non-linearity among dependent and independent variables, forecasts are made using a multi-layer-perceptron; yet, to have a comparison, the effectiveness of both linear and non-linear multi regression model has been tested too. Anyhow, if due dates are endogenous (i.e. set by the manufacturer), they can be directly bound to this internal estimate. Conversely, if they are exogenous (i.e. set by the customer), this approach may not be enough to minimize the percentage of tardy jobs. So, we also propose a negotiation scheme, which can be used to extend exogenous due dates considered too tight, with respect to the internal estimate. This is the main contribution of the paper, as it makes the forecasting approach truly useful in many industrial applications. To test our approach, we simulated a 6-machines job-shop controlled with WLC and equipped with the proposed forecasting system. Obtained performances, namely WIP levels, percentage of tardy jobs and negotiated due dates, were compared with those of a set classical benchmark, and demonstrated the robustness and the quality of our approach, which ensures minimal delays

    Comparison of new metaheuristics, for the solution of an integrated jobs-maintenance scheduling problem

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    This paper presents and compares new metaheuristics to solve an integrated jobs-maintenance scheduling problem, on a single machine subjected to aging and failures. The problem, introduced by Zammori et al. (2014), was originally solved using the Modified Harmony Search (MHS) metaheuristic. However, an extensive numerical analysis brought to light some structural limits of the MHS, as the analysis revealed that the MHS is outperformed by the simpler Simulated Annealing by Ishibuchi et al. (1995). Aiming to solve the problem in a more effective way, we integrated the MHS with local minima escaping procedures and we also developed a new Cuckoo Search metaheuristic, based on an innovative Levy Flight. A thorough comparison confirmed the superiority of the newly developed Cuckoo Search, which is capable to find better solutions in a smaller amount of time. This an important result, both for academics and practitioners, since the integrated job-maintenance scheduling problem has a high operational relevance, but it is known to be extremely hard to be solved, especially in a reasonable amount of time. Also, the developed Cuckoo Search has been designed in an extremely flexible way and it can be easily readapted and applied to a wide range of combinatorial problems. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Defining accurate delivery dates in make to order job-shops managed by workload control

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    Workload control (WLC) is a lean oriented system that reduces queues and waiting times, by imposing a cap to the workload released to the shop floor. Unfortunately, WLC performance does not systematically outperform that of push operating systems, with undersaturated utilizations levels and optimized dispatching rules. To address this issue, many scientific works made use of complex job-release mechanisms and sophisticated dispatching rules, but this makes WLC too complicated for industrial applications. So, in this study, we propose a complementary approach. At first, to reduce queuing time variability, we introduce a simple WLC system; next we integrate it with a predictive tool that, based on the system state, can accurately forecast the total time needed to manufacture and deliver a job. Due to the non-linearity among dependent and independent variables, forecasts are made using a multi-layer-perceptron; yet, to have a comparison, the effectiveness of both linear and non-linear multi regression model has been tested too. Anyhow, if due dates are endogenous (i.e. set by the manufacturer), they can be directly bound to this internal estimate. Conversely, if they are exogenous (i.e. set by the customer), this approach may not be enough to minimize the percentage of tardy jobs. So, we also propose a negotiation scheme, which can be used to extend exogenous due dates considered too tight, with respect to the internal estimate. This is the main contribution of the paper, as it makes the forecasting approach truly useful in many industrial applications. To test our approach, we simulated a 6-machines job-shop controlled with WLC and equipped with the proposed forecasting system. Obtained performances, namely WIP levels, percentage of tardy jobs and negotiated due dates, were compared with those of a set classical benchmark, and demonstrated the robustness and the quality of our approach, which ensures minimal delays

    A Cooperative and Competitive Serious Game for Operations and Supply Chain Management – Didactical Concept and Final Evaluation

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    Abstract—In the last decades, Serious Games (SGs) have been implemented more and more in the engineering field, for both educational and professional purposes. The interest in digital SGs has increased even more in the last years of covid-19 pandemic, due to their location-independent availability and to the possibility to use SGs to apply theoretical knowledge and involve the users in a challenging way. Since the beginning of project Open Digital Laboratory For You (DigiLab4U) in October 2018, the University of Parma started to develop a brand-new SG with a strong focus on Operation and Supply Chain Management. The game has been studied as a multiplayer cooperative and competitive game which projects learners in a fictitious universe where multiple companies compete against each other in the same market. The realization of the game started from the definition of the didactical concept, underwent the user acceptance testing phases (alpha and beta tests) up until reach the release and the corresponding final evaluation feedback

    An Exploratory Research on Adaptability and Flexibility of a Serious Game in Operations and Supply Chain Management

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    Serious games (SGs) in industrial engineering education are an established topic, whose implementations are continuously growing. In particular, they are recognized as effective tools to teach and learn subjects like Operations and Supply Chain Management. The research on SGs, however, is primarily focused on displaying applications and teaching results of particular games to achieve given purposes. In this paper, we provide an exploratory research on the flexibility and adaptability of a specific SG to different target groups and students’ needs in the field of operations and supply chain management. We first provide an overview of the SG and introduce its mechanics. Next, we explain how the mechanics has been implemented, by means of a set of parameters and indicators. We report the results of two different game sessions, played by a class of bachelor’s degree students at different levels of difficulty, which were achieved by altering some specific game parameters. By comparing the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in the two sessions, we report and discuss the consequences of the modified game parameters, in terms of impact on the difficulty level of the SG measured by the indicators. Experimental results match with our hypothesis, since the increased level of difficulty of sourcing and delivery times only deteriorates the related subset of indicators in the harder game session, without altering the remaining KPIs

    A Keyword, Taxonomy and Cartographic Research Review of Sustainability Concepts for Production Scheduling in Manufacturing Systems

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    The concept of sustainability is defined as composed of three pillars: social, environmental, and economic. Social sustainability implies a commitment to equity in terms of several “interrelated and mutually supportive” principles of a “sustainable society”; this concept includes attitude change, the Earth’s vitality and diversity conservation, and a global alliance to achieve sustainability. The social and environmental aspects of sustainability are related in the way sustainability indicators are related to “quality of life” and “ecological sustainability”. The increasing interest in green and sustainable products and production has influenced research interests regarding sustainable scheduling problems in manufacturing systems. This study is aimed both at reducing pollutant emissions and increasing production efficiency: this topic is known as Green Scheduling. Existing literature research reviews on Green Scheduling Problems have pointed out both theoretical and practical aspects of this topic. The proposed work is a critical review of the scientific literature with a three-pronged approach based on keywords, taxonomy analysis, and research mapping. Specific research questions have been proposed to highlight the benefits and related objectives of this review: to discover the most widely used methodologies for solving SPGs in manufacturing and identify interesting development models, as well as the least studied domains and algorithms. The literature was analysed in order to define a map of the main research fields on SPG, highlight mainstream SPG research, propose an efficient view of emerging research areas, propose a taxonomy of SPG by collecting multiple keywords into semantic clusters, and analyse the literature according to a semantic knowledge approach. At the same time, GSP researchers are provided with an efficient view of emerging research areas, allowing them to avoid missing key research areas and focus on emerging ones

    A review of RFID based solutions for indoor localization and location-based classification of tags

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    Wireless communication systems are very used for indoor localization of items. In particular, two main application field can be identified. The former relates to detection or localization of static items. The latter relates to real-time tracking of moving objects, whose movements can be reconstructed over identified timespans. Among the adopted technologies, Radio-Frequency IDentification (RFID), especially if based on cheap passive RFID tags, stands out for its affordability and reasonable efficiency. This aspect makes RFID suitable for both the above-mentioned applications, especially when a large number of objects need to be tagged. The reason lies in a suitable trade-off between low cost for implementing the position sensing system, and its precision and accuracy. However, RFID-based solutions suffer for limited reading range and lower accuracy. Solutions have been proposed by academia and industry. However, a structured analysis of developed solutions, useful for further implementations, is missing. The purpose of this paper is to highlight and review the recently proposed solutions for indoor localization making use of RFID passive tags. The paper focuses on both precise and qualitative location of objects. The form relates to (i) the correct position of tags, namely mapping their right position in a 2D or 3D environment. The latter relates to the classification of tags, namely the identification of the area where the tag is regardless its specific position

    Engineered mucoperiosteal scaffold for cleft palate regeneration towards the non-immunogenic transplantation

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    Cleft lip and palate (CL/P) is the most prevalent craniofacial birth defect in humans. None of the surgical procedures currently used for CL/P repair lead to definitive correction of hard palate bone interruption. Advances in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine aim to develop new strategies to restore palatal bone interruption by using tissue or organ-decellularized bioscaffolds seeded with host cells. Aim of this study was to set up a new natural scaffold deriving from a decellularized porcine mucoperiosteum, engineered by an innovative micro-perforation procedure based on Quantum Molecular Resonance (QMR) and then subjected to in vitro recellularization with human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hBM-MSCs). Our results demonstrated the efficiency of decellularization treatment gaining a natural, non-immunogenic scaffold with preserved collagen microenvironment that displays a favorable support to hMSC engraftment, spreading and differentiation. Ultrastructural analysis showed that the micro-perforation procedure preserved the collagen mesh, increasing the osteoinductive potential for mesenchymal precursor cells. In conclusion, we developed a novel tissue engineering protocol to obtain a non-immunogenic mucoperiosteal scaffold suitable for allogenic transplantation and CL/P repair. The innovative micro-perforation procedure improving hMSC osteogenic differentiation potentially impacts for enhanced palatal bone regeneration leading to future clinical applications in humans

    The dual role of curcumin and ferulic acid in counteracting chemoresistance and cisplatin-induced ototoxicity.

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    Platinum-based agents, such as cisplatin, form the mainstay of currently used chemotherapeutic regimens for several malignancies; however, the main limitations are chemoresistance and ototoxic side effects. In this study we used two different polyphenols, curcumin and ferulic acid as adjuvant chemotherapeutics evaluating (1) in vivo their antioxidant effects in protecting against cisplatin ototoxicity and (2) in vitro the transcription factors involved in tumor progression and cisplatin resistance. We reported that both polyphenols show antioxidant and oto-protective activity in the cochlea by up-regulating Nrf-2/HO-1 pathway and downregulating p53 phosphorylation. However, only curcumin is able to influence inflammatory pathways counteracting NF-\u3baB activation. In human cancer cells, curcumin converts the anti-oxidant effect into a pro-oxidant and anti-inflammatory one. Curcumin exerts permissive and chemosensitive properties by targeting the cisplatin chemoresistant factors Nrf-2, NF-\u3baB and STAT-3 phosphorylation. Ferulic acid shows a biphasic response: it is pro-oxidant at lower concentrations and anti-oxidant at higher concentrations promoting chemoresistance. Thus, polyphenols, mainly curcumin, targeting ROS-modulated pathways may be a promising tool for cancer therapy. Thanks to their biphasic activity of antioxidant in normal cells undergoing stressful conditions and pro-oxidant in cancer cells, these polyphenols probably engage an interplay among the key factors Nrf-2, NF-\u3baB, STAT-3 and p53
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