32 research outputs found

    Multifocal Motor Neuropathy

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    Objective: Our objective was to do an epidemiologic survey of patients with multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN) in comparison with those with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in Japan. Methods: In this retrospective study, we examined 46 patients with MMN and 1,051 patients with ALS from major neuromuscular centers in Japan from 2005 to 2009. Diagnosis was based on the European Federation of Neurological Societies/Peripheral Nerve Society (EFNS/PNS) and the revised El Escorial criteria. The efficacy of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) was also taken into consideration in the diagnosis of MMN. Results: The ratio of MMN to ALS patients (0-0.10) varied among the centers, but mostly converged to 0.05. The prevalence was estimated to be 0.29 MMN patients and 6.63 ALS patients per 100,000 population. Conclusions: The frequency of MMN patients was around 1 out of 20 ALS patients, and MMN was possibly underdiagnosed in some centers

    Rippling is not always electrically silent in rippling muscle disease.

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    Rippling muscle disease (RMD) is a myopathy with hyperirritability, the pathophysiology for which is uncertain.We report electromyographic findings in a 30-year-old man with RMD. Clinical features included muscle rippling and percussion-induced rapid muscle contractions. Both were associated with bursts of short-duration, low-amplitude spikes, which resembled single muscle fiber discharges. Our case stands in contrast to previously reported cases, which showed either electrical silence or motor unit potential discharges associated with rippling, and may represent muscle fiber hyperexcitability

    Cytogenetic evidence and dmrt linkage indicate male heterogamety in a non-bilaterian animal.

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    The diversity of sex determination systems in animals suggests that sex chromosomes evolve independently across different lineages. However, the present data on these systems is largely limited and represented mainly by bilaterian animals. Sex chromosomes and sex determination system based on cytogenetic evidence remain a mystery among non-bilaterians, the most basal animals. Here, we investigated the sex determination system of a non-bilaterian (Goniopora djiboutiensis) based on karyotypic analysis and identification of locus of dmrt1, a known master sex-determining gene in many animals. Results showed that among the three isolated dmrt genes, GddmrtC was sperm-linked. Fluorescence in situ hybridization revealed that 47% of the observed metaphase cells contained the GddmrtC locus on the shorter chromosome of the heteromorphic pair, whereas the other 53% contained no GddmrtC locus and pairing of the longer chromosome of the heteromorphic pair was observed. These findings provided the cytogenetic evidence for the existence of the Y sex chromosome in a non-bilaterian animal and supports male heterogamety as previously reported in other non-bilaterian species using RAD sequencing. The Y chromosome-specific GddmrtC sequence was most homologous to the vertebrate dmrt1, which is known for its role in male sex determination and differentiation. Our result on identification of putative sex chromosomes for G. djiboutiensis may contribute into understanding of the possible genetic sex determination systems in non-bilaterian animals

    Karyotypic analysis and isolation of four DNA markers of the scleractinian coral Favites pentagona (Esper, 1795) (Scleractinia, Anthozoa, Cnidaria)

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    We performed conventional and molecular cytogenetic studies on the Favites pentagona Esper, 1795, a scleractinian coral mostly found along the west coast of Japan. Karyotype analysis of F. pentagona by G-banding revealed a karyogram containing a homogenously staining region (HSR) on chromosome 10 in more than 50% of the examined metaphase spreads. This HSR consisted of sequences from 18S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes, as demonstrated by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and DNA sequencing. We highlighted the development of four chromosomal FISH markers from repetitive genes such as U2 small nuclear RNA linked to 5S rRNA sequence (U2 snRNA-5S), 18S rRNA, histone H3, and uncharacterized gene FP-9X. The chromosomal locations of the U2 snRNA-5S and 18S RNA were on the terminal end of long arm of chromosomes 2 and 10, respectively, while the histone H3 and the uncharacterized gene were located near the centromeres of chromosomes 1 and 9, respectively. These FISH markers will improve the karyotyping of F. pentagona from mitotic preparations which helps in widening our understanding of coral genetic structure and chromosome organization. In addition, these improvements in karyotyping will provide the basis in constructing of chromosome-level genome assembly for F. pentagona

    Identification of homogeneously staining regions by G-banding and chromosome microdissection, and FISH marker selection using human Alu sequence primers in a scleractinian coral Coelastrea aspera Verrill, 1866 (Cnidaria)

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    Karyotype analysis was performed on the scleractinian coral Coelastrea aspera Verrill, 1866, commonly found along temperate coasts in Japan (30–35°N) and in coastal waters in the Indian and Pacific oceans. G-banding of C. aspera was successfully performed, although the banding pattern was not as clear as that in mammals. The karyogram clearly revealed that this coral had a homogeneously staining region (hsr) in chromosome 11. This hsr consisted of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) related genes, which was demonstrated by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with probes generated using 28S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) primers and those generated through chromosome microdissection. In addition, we conducted silver-stained nucleolus organizer region (Ag-NOR) analysis and found Ag depositions in the interphase nuclei but not on rRNA gene loci and hsr(s) in the mitotic stage. The hsr of this coral was observed in approximately 50% of the metaphase spreads analyzed. This may explain the diversity of coral rDNA based on the molecular study of sequence analysis. Furthermore, it was discovered that human telomere and Alu repeated sequences were present in this C. aspera. Probes derived from human Alu sequences are expected to play an important role in the classification of corals. Overall, our data can be of great value in discriminating among scleractinian coral species and understanding their genetics, including chromosomal evolution