6 research outputs found

    Renal dysfunction and all-cause mortality in cardio-renal syndrome: calculation of glomerular filtration rate is crucial, independent of the equation.

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    Background: Impaired renal function has negative impact on cardiovascular outcome, and cardiorenal syndrome (CRS), with its five classes, encompasses the complex heart-kidney relationship. Although glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is considered the best overall index of kidney function, the topic is debated, since different formulae may provide different values in different groups of patients. Methods: We retrospectively investigated 438 adult Caucasian subjects admitted to an internal medicine unit. Mean age was 80±8 years, 50.6% males. CRS type 1 to 5 was diagnosed in 48.2%, 21.9%, 20.1%, 6.6%, and 3.2% of cases, respectively. Kidney function was evaluated by estimated GFR (eGFR) using the following equations: (a) Modification of Diet in Renal Disease MDRD186 (GFRMDRD186); (b) MDRD175 (GFRMDRD175); (c) Mayo Clinic Quadratic (GFRMAYO); (d) Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (GFR CDK-EPI); (e) Cockcroft-Gault (GFRC-G); and (f) Schaeffner’s equation (GFRBIS1) [3-4]. Duration of follow-up was 2.4±1.4 years, and the primary endpoint was all-cause mortality. Results: As for estimation of renal function in the different age subgroups, significant differences were given only by GFRC-G and GFRBIS1 formulae, with lower values in subjects aged >80 years and higher in those aged 60 years. Out of the 438 considered subjects, 144 deaths (38.7%) were recorded after a follow-up of 2.4±1.4 years. Deceased patients had a higher mean age compared with survivors (82±8 vs. 78±9, p<0.001), and showed lower GFR values as well (GFRMDRD186 30.7±12.3 vs. 36.4±12.7 ml/min/1.73 m2; GFRMDRD175 28.8±11.6 vs. 34.2±12; GFRMAYO 31.7±15.3 vs. 39±16.5; GFRCDK-EPI 27.4±11.4 vs. 33.2±12.3; GFRC-G 26.8±11.8 vs. 35±15.2; GFRBIS1 28.7±9.4 vs. 34.4±10.9, respectively, p<0.001 for all). ROC analysis showed that the area under the curve was similar using the different equations. Age (HR 1.047 [1.022-1.072]) and GFR were predictors of all-cause mortality, but for GFR the HR values calculated by the different equations were quite similar: GFRMDRD1860.973 [0.960-0.986]; GFRMDRD1750.971 [0.957-0.986]; GFRMAYO0.970 [0.956-0.985]; GFRCDK-EPI 0.971 [0.957-0.985]; GFRC-G0.979 [0.968-0.990]; GFRBIS1 0.963 [0.946-0.981] (p<0.001 for all). Conclusions: GFR calculation (with any equation) should always be performed in subjects admitted to internal medicine wards, since its close relationship with mortality

    Dry matter production and nitrogen use efficiency of giant missionary grass in response to pig slurry application

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    This study assessed the effect of successive applications of pig slurry on the dry matter (DM) production and the nitrogen use efficiency of giant missionary grass along two years. A total of 55, 110, 165, 220 and 275 m³ of pig slurry/ha/year were applied in order to supply 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 kg of total N/ha/year, respectively. These treatments were compared with the ammonium nitrate (200 kg of N/ha/year) source of N and with a control (no nitrogen application). Annually, nitrogen was applied in four divided doses, after the cutting of forage grasses, which takes place five times a year. The total DM yield did not differ between years and increased linearly as a function of pig slurry application, ranging from 2,698 kg of DM/ha/year (control) to 11,371 kg of DM/ha/year (275 m³ of pig slurry/ha/year). There was an increment of 32.3 kg of DM/m³ of pig slurry/ha or 17.7 kg of DM/kg of N/ha. The highest average daily DM accumulation rate (66.8 kg of DM/ha/day) was achieved with the highest pig slurry rate, from February/2007 to April/2008. Nitrogen use efficiency did not differ across pig slurry rates (19.0 kg of DM/kg of N), but it was lower than that obtained with ammonium nitrate (30.3 kg of DM/kg of N). The efficiency index of pig slurry ranged from 0.52 to 0.72

    Effect of fertilization with fluid swine slurry on production and nutritive value of Tifton 85 Efeito da fertilização com esterco líquido de suínos sobre a produção e o valor nutritivo do capim-tifton 85

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different doses of liquid swine slurry on dry matter accumulation rate and nutritive values (crude proten and neutral detergent fiber) of Tifton 85 grass pasture cultivated in southwestern Paraná from October 2005 to March 2006. It was used a complete random experimental design in a 4 x 4 factorial scheme composed of four doses of swine slurry in the plots (0, 80, 160 and 320 m³/ha) and four consecutive cuts in the subplots of the pasture. It was carried out two applications, one in the beginning of the experiment and other after 80 days. Cuts were performed every time pasture height was 40 cm. There was a dose versus cut interaction for all variables. Swine slurry promoted increase on dry matter accumulation rate only on the first cut after its application (cuts 1 and 3). Dry matter maximal yield (24.2 t/ha) was obtained at 249 m³/ha of swine slurry manure (143 and 106 m³/ha, respectively for applications 1 and 2), corresponding to 450 kg of N/ha. Percentage of crude protein increases and neutral detergent fiber of Tifton 85 grass decreases as dose of swine slurry increases, improving forage nutritive value. Use efficiency and nitrogen recovery rate decrease with addition of swine slurry doses.<br>Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de diferentes doses de dejeto líquido de suínos sobre a taxa de acúmulo de matéria seca e o valor nutritivo (proteína bruta e fibra em detergente neutro) de uma pastagem de capim-tifton 85 cultivada na região sudoeste do Paraná no período de outubro de 2005 a março de 2006. Utilizou-se delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso em esquema fatorial de 4 x 4, composto por quatro doses de dejetos líquidos de suínos nas parcelas (0, 80, 160 e 320 m³/ha) e quatro cortes consecutivos nas subparcelas da pastagem. Foram realizadas duas aplicações, uma no início do experimento e outra 80 dias após. Os cortes foram realizados sempre que a altura da pastagem atingisse 40 cm. Houve interação dose versus corte para todas as variáveis. Os dejetos promoveram aumento na taxa de acúmulo de matéria seca somente no primeiro corte após sua aplicação (cortes 1 e 3). O rendimento máximo de matéria seca (24,2 t/ha) foi obtido na dose de 249 m³/ha de dejetos (143 e 106 m³/ha, respectivamente, para as aplicações 1 e 2), correspondentes a 450 kg/ha de nitrogênio. O percentual de proteína bruta aumenta e o de fibra em detergente neutro do capim-tifton 85 diminui com o aumento da dose de dejetos, melhorando o valor nutritivo da forragem. A eficiência de utilização e a taxa de recuperação do nitrogênio diminuem com o incremento da dose de dejetos líquido de suínos

    Suplementação de bovinos em pastagem de Coastcross (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers) no verão Cattle supplementation on coastcross pasture (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers) during the summer

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    O experimento foi realizado no município de Luiziana, noroeste do Estado do Paraná, no período de outubro de 2000 a fevereiro de 2001. Foram utilizados 32 novilhos inteiros, com 13 meses de idade e peso inicial médio de 325 kg, pertencentes a dois grupos genéticos distintos, sendo 20 ½ Red Angus ½ Nelore e 12 ½ Marchigiana ½ Nelore. Avaliou-se o desempenho destes animais, em quatro piquetes de Coastcross (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers), perfazendo um total de 5,05 ha e diferentes níveis de suplementação energética (na base de 0; 0,2; 0,4; e 0,6% do peso vivo) com casca de soja. Foram realizadas estimativas da disponibilidade e da qualidade da forragem. Após 112 dias de experimento, observaram-se elevados ganhos de peso para todos os tratamentos (acima de 0,850 kg/dia).<br>This trial was carried out in Luiziana, northwest of Paraná, from November 2000 to February 2001. Twenty-four animals with 325 kg of initial body weight and 13 months of age, from two different genetic groups, ½ Red Angus ½ Nellore (20) and ½ Marchigiana ½ Nellore (12) were used. Animal performance was evaluated, under grazing conditions on coastcross (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers) and four levels of soybean hulls: 0, 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6% of body weight. Pasture production and quality were also evaluated. The experimental area consisted of four paddocks of Coastcross, with 5.05 ha of total area. After 112 days of experimental period, all treatments showed high gains per animal (above 0.850 kg/day)

    Influência do Fósforo, Micorriza e Nitrogênio no Conteúdo de Minerais de Brachiaria brizantha e Arachis pintoi Consorciados Effect of Phosphorus, Mycorrhizal and Nitrogen on Mineral Content of Brachiaria brizantha - Arachis pintoi Mixture

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    O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação com o objetivo de avaliar a influência do fósforo (P), fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMA's) e nitrogênio (N) no acúmulo de minerais na MS da parte aérea de braquiária MG-4 (Brachiaria brizantha cv. MG-4) e amendoim forrageiro (Arachis pintoi cv. Amarillo) consorciados, em solo de baixa fertilidade. O delineamento utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, num esquema fatorial 5x2x2, sendo cinco doses de P (25, 50, 75, 100 e 200 mg de P/kg de solo), dois tratamentos de inoculação do solo (inoculado e não com o FMA Glomus etunicatum) e dois tratamentos de N (com e sem N em cobertura), com quatro repetições. Foi realizado o corte da parte aérea das plantas aos 60 dias após a germinação para a determinação das quantidades acumuladas de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S na MS da parte aérea. As adubações fosfatada e, principalmente, a nitrogenada provocaram aumento no conteúdo de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S na braquiária MG-4, não se verificando tal aumento com a micorrização. No amendoim forrageiro, observou-se redução destes minerais com a aplicação de N, ao passo que a micorrização resultou em aumento dos mesmos. Por outro lado, a adubação fosfatada provocou pequeno aumento no acúmulo de minerais na MS da parte aérea do amendoim forrageiro.<br>This experiment was carried out in a greenhouse condition to study the effect of phosphorus, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and nitrogen on mineral accumulation in braquiaria MG-4 (Brachiaria brizantha cv. MG-4) above ground forage DM and peanut (Arachis pintoi cv. Amarillo) mixture, in soil of low fertility. The experimental design was a completely randomized in a 5x2x2 factorial arrangement, with five P rates (25, 50, 75, 100 and 200 mg/kg of soil), two inoculations (inoculated and no inoculated) and two levels of N (with and without N), with four replicates. The harvest of the above ground parts of plants was at 60 days after seed germination to determine the accumulated amounts of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S. The phosphorus and mainly the nitrogen fertilization increased the accumulation of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S in plant DM of braquiaria MG-4, however, this was not observed for mycorrhization. For forage peanut, a reduction of these minerals was observed with application of N, whereas the mycorrhization resulted in an increase of them. On the other hand, the phosphorus caused little increase in the accumulation of minerals in plant DM of peanut forage

    Proteinase inhibitors and their function in plants: A review

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