73 research outputs found

    Su bstance P Sti m ulates and In h ibits Intesti nal Peristalsis via Distinct Receptors1

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    ABSTRACT The tachykinins substance P (SP) and neurokinin A participate in the neural control of intestinal peristalsis

    Intrecci linguistici. Lingue e dialetti italiani tra i giovani italoamericani nella grande area di New York

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    Da quando furono introdotti dai primi immigrati che si insediarono sul suolo americano, la lingua e i dialetti italiani negli Stati Uniti si sono continuamente trasformati. Sui comportamenti linguistici degli emigrati italiani all\u2019estero incisero fattori di natura sociale, culturale, geografica ed economica, nonch\ue9 le diverse ondate migratorie. In particolare, nelle comunit\ue0 italoamericane, la lingua e i dialetti italiani andarono a comporre un continuum linguistico che si accompagn\uf2 all\u2019inglese secondo combinazioni diverse e con un variegato ventaglio di forme. Questo saggio si propone di ripercorrere le tappe che hanno segnato questi cambiamenti, analizzando alcune ricerche svolte a partire dagli anni Ottanta nonch\ue9 i dati della condizione in cui versa attualmente la lingua italiana negli Stati Uniti. Vengono, inoltre, presentati i risultati legati all\u2019uso della lingua e dei dialetti, frutto di una survey condotta nel 2013 su un campione di giovani italoamericani residenti nella grande area di New York. Nonostante le differenze tra le diverse generazioni d\u2019immigrazione dei giovani partecipanti allo studio, emerge come vi sia, soprattutto nelle nuove generazioni di italoamericani, una tendenza alla ripresa di interesse verso la lingua delle origini e i dialetti, espressa anche attraverso la volont\ue0 di trasmetterla ai propri figli

    Maximum Reuse Distance Scheduling for Cellular-V2X Sidelink Mode 3

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    Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication will be the key technology to improve safety on the road. In particular, the cooperative awareness service will give vehicles the capacity of being aware of the neighborhood through the periodic dissemination of beacon messages, carrying mobility information. Applications like these need a wireless technology able to provide high reliability and low latency. In this context, Cellular-V2X based on long term evolution (LTE) Release 14 is a promising candidate. Objective of this work is to focus on LTE Sidelink mode 3, where resources reserved to direct links are managed by the network and to propose a resource scheduling algorithm based on the knowledge, with different levels of accuracy, of the positions of the vehicles at the network side. Through simulations, carried out in realistic highway and urban scenarios, we compare the proposed solution with a benchmark algorithm based on the concept of reuse distance and we demonstrate that the new solution, other than always offering the highest performance in terms of packet reception ratio and latency, does not require the fine tuning of any parameter

    Survey and perspectives of vehicular Wi-Fi versus sidelink cellular-V2X in the 5G era

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    The revolution of cooperative connected and automated vehicles is about to begin and a key milestone is the introduction of short range wireless communications between cars. Given the tremendous expected market growth, two different technologies have been standardized by international companies and consortia, namely IEEE 802.11p, out for nearly a decade, and short range cellular-vehicle-to-anything (C-V2X), of recent definition. In both cases, evolutions are under discussion. The former is only decentralized and based on a sensing before transmitting access, while the latter is based on orthogonal resources that can be also managed by an infrastructure. Although studies have been conducted to highlight advantages and drawbacks of both, doubts still remain. In this work, with a reference to the literature and the aid of large scale simulations in realistic urban and highway scenarios, we provide an insight in such a comparison, also trying to isolate the contribution of the physical and medium access control layers

    TRUDI: Testing environment for vehicular applications running with devices in the loop

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    Vehicles will be equipped with short-range wireless technologies with the aim to improve safety and traffic efficiency. Novel applications are thus being implemented for future cars and trucks, and one of the main issues is how to conduct tests and optimizations in an effective way, limiting the need to perform costly and time consuming experiments on the road. To cope with this issue, we have implemented a simulator with hardware-in-the-loop (HIL), called TRUDI, where the hardware and the implemented applications are tested in the laboratory by injecting virtual positions of the vehicles with the support of a traffic simulator. TRUDI acts as a man-in-the-middle between the communication module and the application itself, making it possible to perform tests with the real devices and providing as an output a system ready for the road. Using TRUDI, it is possible to check the application with a few vehicles and real wireless devices or many vehicles using simulated communication components before moving to experiments on the road. As an example use case, an application for the intersection management is presented, where the driver is warned of the presence and speed of other vehicles approaching the same junction

    Sensitivity Analysis of Tcs Measurement on ITER TF Conductors

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    The measurement of current sharing temperature of Cable in Conduit Conductors is the main test for the acceptance of superconducting cables for the ITER Project. This temperature is defined as the one at which the average electric field along the cable reaches a critical value of 10 microV/m. Due to the complexity of the measurement, the evaluation of Tcs from the experimental results is not straightforward. Different techniques of elaboration of the raw experimental data can result in rather different estimations of Tcs. The aim of this work is to elaborate a standardized procedure of data treatment to be applied to all measurements. To this purpose, the assessment of the impact of the different measurement methodologies and data treatment techniques applied in the procedure is very important. A sensitivity analysis is therefore presented, to evaluate the influence on the final evaluation of of the main parameters and methodologies involved in the proposed procedure

    Functional and clinical outcomes of telemedicine in patients with spinal cord injury.

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare the 6-month outcomes of telerehabilitation intervention with those of standard care for spinal cord injury (SCI). DESIGN: Multicenter randomized controlled trial. SETTING: Home, nursing, or unspecialized hospital care provided after discharge from a spinal cord unit. PARTICIPANTS: Adult patients with nonprogressive, complete, or incomplete SCI discharged for the first time from the spinal cord unit to their homes (Belgium and Italy) or to their homes or another facility (England). INTERVENTIONS: All patients received the standard care they would have normally received after discharge from the spinal cord unit. In addition, patients in the telemedicine group received 8 telemedicine weekly sessions in the first 2 months, followed by biweekly telemedicine sessions for 4 months. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Functional status at 6 months, clinical complications during the postdischarge period, and patient satisfaction. RESULTS: No significant differences in the occurrence of clinical complications were found between the study groups. A higher improvement of functional scores in the telemedicine group was found only at the Italian site: FIM total score 3.38+/-4.43 (controls) versus 7.69+/-6.88 (telemedicine group), FIM motor score 3.24+/-4.38 (controls) versus 7.55+/-7.00 (telemedicine group;
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