13,797 research outputs found

    Causal Structure and Birefringence in Nonlinear Electrodynamics

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    We investigate the causal structure of general nonlinear electrodynamics and determine which Lagrangians generate an effective metric conformal to Minkowski. We also proof that there is only one analytic nonlinear electrodynamics presenting no birefringence.Comment: 11 pages, no figure

    Cross-Domain Learning for Classifying Propaganda in Online Contents

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    As news and social media exhibit an increasing amount of manipulative polarized content, detecting such propaganda has received attention as a new task for content analysis. Prior work has focused on supervised learning with training data from the same domain. However, as propaganda can be subtle and keeps evolving, manual identification and proper labeling are very demanding. As a consequence, training data is a major bottleneck. In this paper, we tackle this bottleneck and present an approach to leverage cross-domain learning, based on labeled documents and sentences from news and tweets, as well as political speeches with a clear difference in their degrees of being propagandistic. We devise informative features and build various classifiers for propaganda labeling, using cross-domain learning. Our experiments demonstrate the usefulness of this approach, and identify difficulties and limitations in various configurations of sources and targets for the transfer step. We further analyze the influence of various features, and characterize salient indicators of propaganda

    Sistemas produtivos utilizados em lavouras conduzidas em "Plantio Direto" na região dos cerrados.

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    Esta publicação apresenta os sistemas produtivos e procedimentos técnicos usados com maior frequência em áreas conduzidas em plantio direto no Sudoeste dos Cerrados, nos municípios de Chapadão do Sul, Costa Rica e São Gabriel do Oeste (MS), alto Taquari (MT) e Chapadão do Céu (GO).bitstream/CPAO-2010/32324/1/BP200952.pdfDocumento on-line

    Pustumeira (Gromphrena elegans Mart. var. elegans) : uma nova e boa opção forrageira para áreas de sequeiro.

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    O trabalho teve como objetivo coletar, multiplicar e analisar o valor protéico e a digestibilidade "in vitro" da matéria seca (DIVMS) para fins de uso como forragem

    A MILP model for an extended version of the Flexible Job Shop Problem

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    A MILP model for an extended version of the Flexible Job Shop Scheduling problem is proposed. The extension allows the precedences between operations of a job to be given by an arbitrary directed acyclic graph rather than a linear order. The goal is the minimization of the makespan. Theoretical and practical advantages of the proposed model are discussed. Numerical experiments show the performance of a commercial exact solver when applied to the proposed model. The new model is also compared with a simple extension of the model described by \"Ozg\"uven, \"Ozbakir, and Yavuz (Mathematical models for job-shop scheduling problems with routing and process plan flexibility, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 34:1539--1548, 2010), using instances from the literature and instances inspired by real data from the printing industry.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, 4 tables. Optimization Letters, 201