8 research outputs found

    Measurements of Medium Wave HD Radio Reception in a Dense Urban Region

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    Abstract This paper presents the results of measurements of medium wave received field strength, HD Radio audio quality and maximum coverage distances in a dense urban region. Analog AM and digital HD Radio signals broadcasting the same content were simultaneously transmitted in SĂŁo Paulo, the largest city in Brazil. The received signal intensity and the reception quality were recorded along radial routes of up to 45 km from the transmitter under both mobile and static conditions, enabling the comparative assessment of the digital and analog system performances

    Custo energético de construção de uma instalação para armazenagem de feno Energy inputs used for building a hay storage structure

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    O trabalho teve como objetivo obter uma estimativa da energia empregada na construção de uma estrutura utilizada para armazenamento de fardos de feno, em um sistema de produção animal. Para tanto utilizaram-se os coeficientes energéticos levantados pela Fundação Centro Tecnológico de Minas Gerais (CETEC). O valor obtido foi de 587,09 MJ.m-2, o qual foi amplamente diferente daqueles observados na literatura. Da energia total empregada na construção da instalação os itens fechamentos, estrutura de cobertura, piso e fundaçÔes representaram 50,35, 27,71, 18,72 e 3,22%, respectivamente. Considerando o sistema de produção de feno de alfafa e "coast-cross" como um todo, a instalação contribuiu com somente 0,14 e 0,16% da composição do custo energético anual destas culturas, respectivamente.<br>The study objective was to estimate the energy involved in the construction of the structure to store hay bales in a animal production system. Data on energy coefficients published by Fundação Centro Tecnológico de Minas Gerais was used. The value of 587.09 MJ.m-2 was obtained, which is thoroughly different from those observed in the literature. In the total spent energy in the construction of the installation, the items walls, roof structure, floor and foundations represented 50.35, 27.71, 18.72 and 3.22%, respectively. Considering the whole alfalfa and coast-cross hay production system, the installation contributed with only 0.14 and 0.16% of the annual energy cost composition of these crops, respectively

    Adverse Selection in Acquisitions of Small Manufacturing Firms: A Comparison of Private and Public Targets

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    This study investigates acquisitions of small manufacturing firms and compares private and public targets. We develop the argument that private targets tend to involve higher transaction costs in the presence of adverse selection problems than their public counterparts. Consistent with predictions, the empirical evidence indicates that bidders choose to acquire public rather than private targets when acquiring young firms and when engaging in inter-industry transactions. Acquirers also tend to avoid private targets that have significant intangible assets and have not signaled the value of these resources through other means such as collaborative agreements. The results shed light on the benefits of being public and the decision-making criteria employed by acquiring organizations. Copyright Springer 2005

    CiĂȘncias Sociais e SaĂșde no Brasil: TrĂȘs DĂ©cadas de Ensino e Pesquisa

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