982 research outputs found

    Shear stress activation of nitric oxide synthase and increased NO levels in human red blood cells

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    Since the discovery of nitric oxide (NO) as a vasoactive molecule, red blood cells (RBC) have been considered to participate in NO-mediated control of the circulation. The classical role attributed to RBC was scavenging of NO, thereby impacting the local bioavailability of this important regulator of vascular tone^1^. RBC have been shown to be a source of NO, primarily via its transport bound to haemoglobin^2, 3^. Under specific conditions, haemoglobin plays an active role in converting NO derivatives (e.g., nitrite) to NO^4, 5^, with this NO originating from RBC being an effective modulator of vascular smooth muscle tone^6^. Interestingly, RBC contain a NO synthase (NOS) protein^7^, can actively synthesize NO using L-arginine as a substrate^8^, and can export NO under appropriate conditions^8, 9^. It has been previously hypothesized that RBC NOS may be activated by shear forces acting on the cell^10^, and we have recently shown that RBC NOS phosphorylation can be enhanced by subjecting RBC in suspension to shearing forces^9^: NO concentration in the suspending medium was increased subsequent to flow of RBC suspensions through five [mu]m pores^11^. We have now directly demonstrated increased RBC NOS activity and intracellular NO levels in immobilized RBC exposed to well-defined fluid shear stress. Immunostaining for serine 1177 phosphorylation and the NO-sensitive fluorescent probe diaminofluorescein were employed. Our results suggest that RBC deformation in constricted vessels may increase NO levels and favor vasodilation, thereby providing an important role for RBC in regulating the circulation

    Some potential blood flow experiments for space

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    Blood is a colloidal suspension of cells, predominantly erythrocytes, (red cells) in an aqueous solution called plasma. Because the red cells are more dense than the plasma, and because they tend to aggregate, erythrocyte sedimentation can be significant when the shear stresses in flowing blood are small. This behavior, coupled with equipment restrictions, has prevented certain definitive fluid mechanical studies from being performed with blood in ground-based experiments. Among such experiments, which could be satisfactorily performed in a microgravity environment, are the following: (1) studies of blood flow in small tubes, to obtain pressure-flow rate relationships, to determine if increased red cell aggregation can be an aid to blood circulation, and to determine vessel entrance lengths, and (2) studies of blood flow through vessel junctions (bifurcations), to obtain information on cell distribution in downstream vessels of (arterial) bifurcations, and to test flow models of stratified convergent blood flows downstream from (venous) bifurcations
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