4 research outputs found

    Cost-Effective Allocation Of Nested Routing Relay Node Resources

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    By implementing an overlay routing system, the ability to adjust various routing features (such as latency or TCP throughput) is available, without requiring any changes to the underlying standards. However, laying the groundwork for overlays involves setting up the overlay infrastructure. Here we have an optimization challenge that arises: The smallest set of overlay nodes to find is one that is sufficient to provide the necessary routing features. To prove that in a thorough manner, we analyze this optimization issue here. This paper shows that it is hard to approximate and so provides a nontrivial approximation approach. The details of the plan are examined in the context of numerous actual scenarios to measure the benefit that may be realized. Here, we examine a wide range of BGP-enabled routers to see how few required less than 100 BGP-enabled servers to implement BGP routing policy across the shortest pathways to all autonomous systems (ASs), hence lowering the average path length of routed pathways by 40%. The study is able to prove the scheme's many uses, the first of which is for TCP performance improvement, with results that achieve nearly optimal placement of overlay nodes. Also, when using Voice-over-IP (VoIP) applications, where a small number of overlay nodes can have a significant impact on maximum peer-to-peer delay, the study shows that the scheme's many functions are useful

    A Proficient Method For High Eminence And Cohesive Relevant Phrase Mining

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    A sentence is an integral unit of semantic nature, context and significance. Visualizing sentences for each topic is an important way to investigate and interpret unstructured corporate texts in subject modeling. Usually the term mining method is double: mining phrases and modeling theme. Current methods also suffer from order-sensitive and improper segmentation problems for phrase mining, which often lead to phrases of low content. The limitations of sentences, which may undermine continuity, are not entirely taken into account by standard topic models for topic modeling. In addition, current methods are frequently subject to domain terminology loss as the effect of topical domain dissemination is disregarded. We suggest an effective approach for high-quality and coherent topical sentence mining in this article. A high-quality sentence must meet the requirements for frequency, phrasing, integrity and suitability. In order to increase the both phrase consistency and topical cohesion, we combine the quality assured phrase mining process, a novel subject models that incorporate phrasing restriction, and a novel text clustering method into an iterative system. Effective algorithm designs to perform these methods effectively are often defined

    Involving Common Media to Export Product Recommendation Using Existing Data

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    There is an increasingly blurred line between e-commersce and social networking. Many e-commerce platforms support the social authentication process through which users can sign in using their social network identity, for example, on Facebook or Twitter. In addition, users can also post new items on microblogs with links to the website of the product for e-commerce. The purpose of this paper is to recommend goods for e-commerce web pages to users on social networking sites under "cold-start," an issue that was scarcely investigated before, in an innovative approach to the cold-start product advice. One of the main challenges for the advice is how to use the information derived from social networking platforms. We suggest using connected users through social networking websites and e-commerce websites as a bridge to map the functionality of social networking users to another feature for product suggestion and for social networking. In particular, we suggest learning the user and product characteristics of data obtained from e-commerce sites using recurring neural networks (known as the user embedding and the goods embedding), and then implement a revamped system of gradients boosting trees to turn user social networking features into user embedding

    Closest Keyword Search in Dynamic Multidimensional Data Sets

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    Adding text to databases opens up many different innovations and functionalities that can be made feasible for keyword-based quests. The application in question focuses on search results that are keyword-marked and that are located in a geographical area. For these datasets, our main goal is to locate groups of points that satisfy search queries. Our team's recommendation is a process we call Projection and Multi Scale Hashing that combines random projection and hashing to provide great scalability and efficiency. This example illustrates how to present algorithms in both an exact and approximate manner. Analyses that take into account experimental and analytical studies show that, with regard to overall efficiency, multi-dimensional hashing offers up to 65 times better results. A point in a dynamic connection multi-dimensional feature space is a typical way to classify an object, and we often describe various objects as a point in a multi-dimensional feature space. In other words, for example, images are described using feature vectors that are comprised of colour components, and a textual description of the image is typically correlated with it (such as tags or keywords)