11 research outputs found

    Consequences of the size structure of fish populations for their effects on a generalist avian predator

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    Size-structured interspecific interactions can shift between predation and competition, depending on ontogenetic changes in size relationships. I examined the effects of common carp (Cyprinus carpio), an omnivorous fish, on the reproductive success of the red-necked grebe (Podiceps grisegena), an avian gape-limited predator, along a fish size gradient created by stocking distinct age-cohorts in seminatural ponds. Young-of-the-year (0+) carp were an essential food source for young grebes. Only adult birds were able to consume 1-year-old (1+) fish, while 2-year-old (2+) fish attained a size refuge from grebes. Amphibian larvae were the principal alternative prey to fish, followed by macroinvertebrates, but the abundance of both dramatically decreased along the carp size gradient. Fledging success was 2.8 times greater in ponds with 0+ versus 1+ carp; in ponds with 1+ carp, chicks received on average 2.6–3 times less prey biomass from their parents, and over 1/3 of broods suffered total failure. Breeding birds avoided settling on 2+ ponds. These results show that changes in prey fish size structure can account for shifts from positive trophic effects on the avian predator to a negative impact on the predator’s alternative resources. However, competition did not fully explain the decrease in grebe food resources in the presence of large fish, as carp and grebes overlapped little in diet. In experimental cages, 1+ carp totally eliminated young larvae of amphibians palatable to fish. In field conditions, breeding adults of palatable taxa avoided ponds with 1+ and older carp. Non-trophic interactions such as habitat selection by amphibians or macroinvertebrates to avoid large fish may provide an indirect mechanism strengthening the adverse bottom-up effects of fish on birds

    Food supply modifies the trade-off between past and future reproduction in a sexual parasite–host system (Rana esculenta, Rana lessonae)

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    Life history theory is concerned with the costs of survival, growth and reproduction under different ecological conditions and the allocation of resources to meet these costs. Typical approaches used to address these topics include manipulation of food resources, followed by measures of subsequent reproductive traits, and measures of the relationship between current and future reproductive investment. Rarely, however, do studies test for the interaction of past investment, present resource availability and future investment simultaneously. Here, we investigate this interaction in females of a sexual parasite–host system consisting of the hybridogenetic frog Rana esculenta (E) and one of its parental species Rana lessonae (L). We kept females from each of two groups (with or without previous reproduction) under two food treatments (low or high) and regularly recorded their growth as well as their body condition and hormone titres as measures of future reproductive condition. After keeping them in hibernation until the following spring, we exposed the females to males, recorded whether they spawned or not and related this response to their condition in the previous autumn. Past reproduction negatively affected growth during summer and condition during autumn which, in turn, reduced the following year’s reproductive output. These costs of previous reproduction were less pronounced under the high than under the low food treatment and lower in R. lessonae than in R. esculenta. Increasing food supply improved reproductive condition more in L than in E females. These species differences in reproductive costs and food requirements provide a mechanistic explanation for why E females skip annual reproduction almost twice as often as L females. Since R. esculenta is a sexual parasite that depends on R. lessonae for successful reproduction, these species-specific life history patterns not only affect individual fitness but also the spatial structure and temporal dynamics of mixed LE populations