862 research outputs found

    Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics with a Spin Qubit

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    Circuit quantum electrodynamics allows spatially separated superconducting qubits to interact via a "quantum bus", enabling two-qubit entanglement and the implementation of simple quantum algorithms. We combine the circuit quantum electrodynamics architecture with spin qubits by coupling an InAs nanowire double quantum dot to a superconducting cavity. We drive single spin rotations using electric dipole spin resonance and demonstrate that photons trapped in the cavity are sensitive to single spin dynamics. The hybrid quantum system allows measurements of the spin lifetime and the observation of coherent spin rotations. Our results demonstrate that a spin-cavity coupling strength of 1 MHz is feasible.Comment: Related papers at http://pettagroup.princeton.edu

    Mixing along the Red Giant Branch in Metal-poor Field Stars

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    We have determined Li, C, N, O, Na, and Fe abundances, and 12C/13C isotopic ratios for a sample of 62 field metal-poor stars (plus 43 taken from the literature). This large sample was used to show that small mass lower-RGB stars (i.e., fainter than the RGB bump) have abundances of light elements in agreement with theoretical predictions from classical evolutionary models. A second, distinct mixing episode occurs just after the RGB bump, reaching regions of incomplete CNO burning. No O-Na anticorrelation, as observed in globular cluster stars, is found in field stars. This means that the mixing episode is not deep enough to reach regions where ON-burning occurs.Comment: 6 pages, 3 encapsulated figures, LateX, uses crckapb.sty; invited talk, in "The Chemical Evolution of the Milky Way: Stars vs Clusters, Vulcano (Italy), 20-24 September 1999, F. Matteucci and F. Giovannelli eds, Kluwer, in pres

    Quantum Non-demolition Detection of Single Microwave Photons in a Circuit

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    Thorough control of quantum measurement is key to the development of quantum information technologies. Many measurements are destructive, removing more information from the system than they obtain. Quantum non-demolition (QND) measurements allow repeated measurements that give the same eigenvalue. They could be used for several quantum information processing tasks such as error correction, preparation by measurement, and one-way quantum computing. Achieving QND measurements of photons is especially challenging because the detector must be completely transparent to the photons while still acquiring information about them. Recent progress in manipulating microwave photons in superconducting circuits has increased demand for a QND detector which operates in the gigahertz frequency range. Here we demonstrate a QND detection scheme which measures the number of photons inside a high quality-factor microwave cavity on a chip. This scheme maps a photon number onto a qubit state in a single-shot via qubit-photon logic gates. We verify the operation of the device by analyzing the average correlations of repeated measurements, and show that it is 90% QND. It differs from previously reported detectors because its sensitivity is strongly selective to chosen photon number states. This scheme could be used to monitor the state of a photon-based memory in a quantum computer.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, includes supplementary materia

    Clipless management of the renal vein during hand-assist laparoscopic donor nephrectomy

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    BACKGROUND: Laparoscopic live donor nephrectomy has become the preferred method of donor nephrectomy at many transplant centers. The laparoscopic stapling device is commonly used for division of the renal vessels. Malfunction of the stapling device can occur, and is often due to interference from previously placed clips. We report our experience with a clipless technique in which no vascular clips are placed on tributaries of the renal vein at or near the renal hilum in order to avoid laparoscopic stapling device misfires. METHODS: From December 20, 2002 to April 12, 2005, 50 patients underwent hand-assisted laparoscopic left donor nephrectomy (LDN) at our institution. Clipless management of the renal vein tributaries was used in all patients, and these vessels were divided using either a laparoscopic stapling device or the LigaSureTM device (Valleylab, Boulder, CO). The medical and operative records of the donors and recipients were reviewed to evaluate patient outcomes. RESULTS: The mean follow-up time was 14 months. Of the 50 LDN procedures, there were no laparoscopic stapling device malfunctions and no vascular complications. All renal allografts were functioning at the time of follow-up. CONCLUSION: Laparoscopic stapling device failure due to deployment across previously placed surgical clips during laparoscopic live donor nephrectomy can be prevented by not placing clips on the tributaries of the renal vein. In our series, there were no vascular complications and no device misfires. We believe this clipless technique improves the safety of laparoscopic donor nephrectomy

    Sisyphus cooling and amplification by a superconducting qubit

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    Laser cooling of the atomic motion paved the way for remarkable achievements in the fields of quantum optics and atomic physics, including Bose-Einstein condensation and the trapping of atoms in optical lattices. More recently superconducting qubits were shown to act as artificial two-level atoms, displaying Rabi oscillations, Ramsey fringes, and further quantum effects. Coupling such qubits to resonators brought the superconducting circuits into the realm of quantum electrodynamics (circuit QED). It opened the perspective to use superconducting qubits as micro-coolers or to create a population inversion in the qubit to induce lasing behavior of the resonator. Furthering these analogies between quantum optical and superconducting systems we demonstrate here Sisyphus cooling of a low frequency LC oscillator coupled to a near-resonantly driven superconducting qubit. In the quantum optics setup the mechanical degrees of freedom of an atom are cooled by laser driving the atom's electronic degrees of freedom. Here the roles of the two degrees of freedom are played by the LC circuit and the qubit's levels, respectively. We also demonstrate the counterpart of the Sisyphus cooling, namely Sisyphus amplification. Parallel to the experimental demonstration we analyze the system theoretically and find quantitative agreement, which supports the interpretation and allows us to estimate system parameters.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Cardiovascular magnetic resonance myocardial feature tracking detects quantitative wall motion during dobutamine stress

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    Contains fulltext : 96698.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Dobutamine stress cardiovascular magnetic resonance (DS-CMR) is an established tool to assess hibernating myocardium and ischemia. Analysis is typically based on visual assessment with considerable operator dependency. CMR myocardial feature tracking (CMR-FT) is a recently introduced technique for tissue voxel motion tracking on standard steady-state free precession (SSFP) images to derive circumferential and radial myocardial mechanics.We sought to determine the feasibility and reproducibility of CMR-FT for quantitative wall motion assessment during intermediate dose DS-CMR. METHODS: 10 healthy subjects were studied at 1.5 Tesla. Myocardial strain parameters were derived from SSFP cine images using dedicated CMR-FT software (Diogenes MRI prototype; Tomtec; Germany). Right ventricular (RV) and left ventricular (LV) longitudinal strain (EllRV and EllLV) and LV long-axis radial strain (ErrLAX) were derived from a 4-chamber view at rest. LV short-axis circumferential strain (EccSAX) and ErrSAX; LV ejection fraction (EF) and volumes were analyzed at rest and during dobutamine stress (10 and 20 mug . kg(1). min(1)). RESULTS: In all volunteers strain parameters could be derived from the SSFP images at rest and stress. EccSAX values showed significantly increased contraction with DSMR (rest: -24.1 +/- 6.7; 10 mug: -32.7 +/- 11.4; 20 mug: -39.2 +/- 15.2; p < 0.05). ErrSAX increased significantly with dobutamine (rest: 19.6 +/- 14.6; 10 mug: 31.8 +/- 20.9; 20 mug: 42.4 +/- 25.5; p < 0.05). In parallel with these changes; EF increased significantly with dobutamine (rest: 56.9 +/- 4.4%; 10 mug: 70.7 +/- 8.1; 20 mug: 76.8 +/- 4.6; p < 0.05). Observer variability was best for LV circumferential strain (EccSAX ) and worst for RV longitudinal strain (EllRV) as determined by 95% confidence intervals of the difference. CONCLUSIONS: CMR-FT reliably detects quantitative wall motion and strain derived from SSFP cine imaging that corresponds to inotropic stimulation. The current implementation may need improvement to reduce observer-induced variance. Within a given CMR lab; this novel technique holds promise of easy and fast quantification of wall mechanics and strain

    Interfacial Chemistry in the Electrocatalytic Hydrogenation of CO_{2} over C-Supported Cu-Based Systems

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    Operando soft and hard X-ray spectroscopic techniques were used in combination with plane-wave density functional theory (DFT) simulations to rationalize the enhanced activities of Zn-containing Cu nanostructured electrocatalysts in the electrocatalytic CO2 hydrogenation reaction. We show that at a potential for CO2 hydrogenation, Zn is alloyed with Cu in the bulk of the nanoparticles with no metallic Zn segregated; at the interface, low reducible Cu(I)-O species are consumed. Additional spectroscopic features are observed, which are identified as various surface Cu(I) ligated species; these respond to the potential, revealing characteristic interfacial dynamics. Similar behavior was observed for the Fe-Cu system in its active state, confirming the general validity of this mechanism; however, the performance of this system deteriorates after successive applied cathodic potentials, as the hydrogen evolution reaction then becomes the main reaction pathway. In contrast to an active system, Cu(I)-O is now consumed at cathodic potentials and not reversibly reformed when the voltage is allowed to equilibrate at the open-circuit voltage; rather, only the oxidation to Cu(II) is observed. We show that the Cu-Zn system represents the optimal active ensembles with stabilized Cu(I)-O; DFT simulations rationalize this observation by indicating that Cu-Zn-O neighboring atoms are able to activate CO2, whereas Cu-Cu sites provide the supply of H atoms for the hydrogenation reaction. Our results demonstrate an electronic effect exerted by the heterometal, which depends on its intimate distribution within the Cu phase and confirms the general validity of these mechanistic insights for future electrocatalyst design strategies

    Stabilizing entanglement autonomously between two superconducting qubits

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    Quantum error-correction codes would protect an arbitrary state of a multi-qubit register against decoherence-induced errors, but their implementation is an outstanding challenge for the development of large-scale quantum computers. A first step is to stabilize a non-equilibrium state of a simple quantum system such as a qubit or a cavity mode in the presence of decoherence. Several groups have recently accomplished this goal using measurement-based feedback schemes. A next step is to prepare and stabilize a state of a composite system. Here we demonstrate the stabilization of an entangled Bell state of a quantum register of two superconducting qubits for an arbitrary time. Our result is achieved by an autonomous feedback scheme which combines continuous drives along with a specifically engineered coupling between the two-qubit register and a dissipative reservoir. Similar autonomous feedback techniques have recently been used for qubit reset and the stabilization of a single qubit state, as well as for creating and stabilizing states of multipartite quantum systems. Unlike conventional, measurement-based schemes, an autonomous approach counter-intuitively uses engineered dissipation to fight decoherence, obviating the need for a complicated external feedback loop to correct errors, simplifying implementation. Instead the feedback loop is built into the Hamiltonian such that the steady state of the system in the presence of drives and dissipation is a Bell state, an essential building-block state for quantum information processing. Such autonomous schemes, broadly applicable to a variety of physical systems as demonstrated by a concurrent publication with trapped ion qubits, will be an essential tool for the implementation of quantum-error correction.Comment: 39 pages, 7 figure
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