10 research outputs found

    Altered molecular regionalization and normal thalamocortical connections in cortex-specific Pax6 knock-out mice.

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    Transcription factor Pax6 exerts a prominent rostrolateral(high) to caudomedial(low) expression gradient in the cortical progenitors and have been implicated in regulation of area identity in the mammalian cortex. Herein, we analyzed the role of Pax6 in molecular arealization and development of thalamocortical connections in the juvenile cortex-specific conditional Pax6 knock-out mice (Pax6cKO). Using a set of molecular markers of positional identity (Id2, Cadherin6, COUP-TF1, RZRbeta, and EphA7), we show that, in the juvenile Pax6cKO, the relative size of caudal cortical areas (putative visual and somatosensory) are mildly enlarged, whereas the rostral domain (putative motor) is severely reduced. Despite the rostral shift of graded expression of areal markers, the distribution of area-specific thalamocortical and corticofugal projections appear normal in the Pax6cKO. This indicates that change of the size of cortical areas is not accompanied by a change in cortical identity. We show furthermore that, despite a severe depletion of supragranular cortical layers and accumulation of cells along the pallial-subpallial boundary, thalamocortical fibers establish a periphery-related pattern of the somatosensory cortex in normal position in Pax6cKO. Our findings indicate that Pax6 expression gradients in cortical progenitors do not directly impart thalamocortical or corticofugal areal identity

    Selective cortical layering abnormalities and behavioral deficits in cortex-specific Pax6 knock-out mice.

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    The transcription factor Pax6 has been implicated in neocortical neurogenesis in vertebrates, including humans. Analyses of the role of Pax6 in layer formation and cognitive abilities have been hampered by perinatal lethality of Pax6 mutants. Here, we generated viable mutants exhibiting timed, restricted inactivation of Pax6 during early and late cortical neurogenesis using Emx1-Cre and hGFAP-Cre lines, respectively. The disruption of Pax6 at the onset of neurogenesis using Emx1-Cre line resulted in premature cell cycle exit of early progenitors, increase of early born neuronal subsets located in the marginal zone and lower layers, and a nearly complete absence of upper layer neurons, especially in the rostral cortex. Furthermore, progenitors, which accumulated in the enlarged germinal neuroepithelium at the pallial/subpallial border in the Pax6 mutants, produced an excess of oligodendrocytes. The inactivation of Pax6 after generation of the lower neuronal layers using hGFAP-Cre line did not affect specification or numbers of late-born neurons, indicating that the severe reduction of upper layer neurons in Pax6 deficiency is mostly attributable to a depletion of the progenitor pool, available for late neurogenesis. We further show that Pax6(fl/fl);Emx1-Cre mutants exhibited deficiencies in sensorimotor information integration, and both hippocampus-dependent short-term and neocortex-dependent long-term memory recall. Because a majority of the morphological and behavior disabilities of the Pax6 mutant mice parallel abnormalities reported for aniridia patients, a condition caused by PAX6 haploinsufficiency, the Pax6 conditional mutant mice generated here represent a valuable genetic tool to understand how the developmental cortical disruption can lead to a human behavior abnormality

    Genes involved in the formation of the earliest cortical circuits.

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    Building the brain is like erecting a house of cards. The early connections provide the foundation of the adult structure, and disruption of these may be the source of many developmental flaws. Cerebral cortical developmental disorders (including schizophrenia and autism) and perinatal injuries involve cortical neurons with early connectivity. The major hindrance of progress in understanding the early neural circuits during cortical development and disease has been the lack of reliable markers for specific cell populations. Due to the advance of powerful approaches in gene expression analysis and the utility of models with reporter gene expressions in specific cortical cell types, our knowledge of the early cortical circuits is rapidly increasing. With focus on the sub-plate, layer VI and layer V projection neurons, we shall illustrate the progress made in the understanding of their neurochemical properties, physiological characteristics and their integration into the early intracortical and extracortical circuitry. This field benefited from recent developments in mouse genetics in generating models with subtype specific gene expression patterns, powerful cell dissection and separation methods combined with microarray analysis. The emergence of cortical cell type specific biomarkers will not only help neuropathological diagnosis, but will also eventually reveal the causal relations in the pathogenesis of various cortical developmental disorders

    Mutations in alpha-tubulin cause abnormal neuronal migration in mice and lissencephaly in humans.

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    The development of the mammalian brain is dependent on extensive neuronal migration. Mutations in mice and humans that affect neuronal migration result in abnormal lamination of brain structures with associated behavioral deficits. Here, we report the identification of a hyperactive N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU)-induced mouse mutant with abnormalities in the laminar architecture of the hippocampus and cortex, accompanied by impaired neuronal migration. We show that the causative mutation lies in the guanosine triphosphate (GTP) binding pocket of alpha-1 tubulin (Tuba1) and affects tubulin heterodimer formation. Phenotypic similarity with existing mouse models of lissencephaly led us to screen a cohort of patients with developmental brain anomalies. We identified two patients with de novo mutations in TUBA3, the human homolog of Tuba1. This study demonstrates the utility of ENU mutagenesis in the mouse as a means to discover the basis of human neurodevelopmental disorders

    A boolean model of the gene regulatory network underlying mammalian cortical area development

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    The cerebral cortex is divided into many functionally distinct areas. The emergence of these areas during neural development is dependent on the expression patterns of several genes. Along the anterior-posterior axis, gradients of Fgf8, Emx2, Pax6, Coup-tfi, and Sp8 play a particularly strong role in specifying areal identity. However, our understanding of the regulatory interactions between these genes that lead to their confinement to particular spatial patterns is currently qualitative and incomplete. We therefore used a computational model of the interactions between these five genes to determine which interactions, and combinations of interactions, occur in networks that reproduce the anterior-posterior expression patterns observed experimentally. The model treats expression levels as Boolean, reflecting the qualitative nature of the expression data currently available. We simulated gene expression patterns created by all 1.68 x 10(7) possible networks containing the five genes of interest. We found that only 0.1% of these networks were able to reproduce the experimentally observed expression patterns. These networks all lacked certain interactions and combinations of interactions including auto-regulation and inductive loops. Many higher order combinations of interactions also never appeared in networks that satisfied our criteria for good performance. While there was remarkable diversity in the structure of the networks that perform well, an analysis of the probability of each interaction gave an indication of which interactions are most likely to be present in the gene network regulating cortical area development. We found that in general, repressive interactions are much more likely than inductive ones, but that mutually repressive loops are not critical for correct network functioning. Overall, our model illuminates the design principles of the gene network regulating cortical area development, and makes novel predictions that can be tested experimentally