45 research outputs found

    O potencial pedagógico da Hora do Conto para o desenvolvimento da Comunicação Oral

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    O presente relatório é produto de um projeto de investigação que pretendeu caracterizar a adequação e dinamização da hora do conto com a finalidade de promover o desenvolvimento da comunicação oral, implementada numa sala de 3/4 anos e a adequação didática de um processo de intervenção educativa de estratégias para a promoção do desenvolvimento da Oralidade (incidindo na dinamização da hora conto) implementado numa turma de 3.º ano do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Tendo consciência da desvalorização que é atribuída à temática em análise, acreditamos que os profissionais de educação se tornam responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento e aperfeiçoamento das capacidades de comunicação das crianças/alunos. Neste sentido, consideramos que foi extremamente importante investir neste domínio e nas competências a ele associado, nas vertentes de compreensão e expressão orais. Para atingir os objetivos delineamos, planificamos, construímos, aplicamos e avaliamos em sala de aula, um conjunto de intervenções educativas adotando como estratégia principal a dinamização da hora do conto. Assim sendo, podemos verificar através dos resultados obtidos, que efetivamente, a hora do conto e a utilização de diferentes estratégias para a dinamização da mesma, contribuíram positivamente para o desenvolvimento das competências orais dos intervenientes, potenciando melhorias, a vários níveis, nomeadamente na vertente de compressão e de expressão oral dos dois grupos de aplicação.This report is the product of a research project that aimed to characterize the adequacy and dynamization of the story time with the purpose of promoting the development of oral communication, implemented in a 3/4 year classroom and the didactic adequacy of a process of educational intervention strategies to promote the development of Orality (focusing on the dynamization of the story time) implemented in a 3rd year class of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education. Being aware of the devaluation that is attributed to the theme under analysis, we believe that education professionals become responsible for the development and improvement of communication skills of children/students. In this sense, we believe that it was extremely important to invest in this field and in the skills associated with it, in the areas of understanding and oral expression. In order to achieve the objectives, we delineate, plan, build, apply and evaluate in the classroom, a set of educational interventions adopting as the main strategy the dynamization of the story time. Therefore, we can verify through the results obtained, that effectively, the story time and the use of different strategies for the dynamization of the tale, contributed positively to the development of the oral skills of the participants, enhancing improvements, at various levels, particularly in the compression and oral expression of the two groups of application. Keywords: Oral Communication; Compression and Oral Expression; Story Time; Pre-School; 1st Cycle of Basic Education

    Leptin signaling and circuits in puberty and fertility

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    Linear growth and final height after treatment for Cushing's disease in childhood.

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    Cushing's disease is associated with growth failure in childhood and adolescence. Growth and final height were analyzed in 10 patients who were cured or in remission after treatment of Cushing's disease. Seven males and 3 females, aged 6.8-17.6 yr (bone age, 3.3-15.4 yr), had transsphenoidal surgery, which was combined with pituitary irradiation (4,500 cGy in 25 fractions) in 5 patients. At presentation, 5 patients were prepubertal (males), and 5 were pubertal (2 males and 3 females). The mean height SD score was -2.15 +/-1.26 (range, -0.21 to -4.32) compared with mean target height SD score of -0.43 +/- 0.58. Height velocity in 6 patients was subnormal (0.9-3.8 cm/yr). After treatment, short-term height velocity, over a mean interval of 0.57 yr, in 8 patients not receiving human GH (hGH) therapy, was variable (range, 0.8-7.6 cm/yr). GH stimulation tests (insulin tolerance test/glucagon) in 9 subjects showed peak GH levels of 0.5-20.9 mU/L. Eight were treated with hGH (14 IU/m2 wk), combined in 2 girls and 1 boy with a GnRH analog. After 1 yr of hGH, the mean height SD score had increased from -2.45 +/- 1.0 at initiation of hGH to -2.07 +/- 1.2 (P = 0.01). GH therapy was continued until final height or latest assessment. The mean final height SD score (n = 6) was - 1.24 +/- 1.38, and at the latest assessment the mean height SD score (n = 4) was - 1.52 +/- 1.33. Combining these 2 groups, the mean height so score was -1.36 +/- 1.29. The difference between final or latest height SD score and target height SD score was 0.93 +/- 1.13, i.e. less (P = 0.005) than the difference between height and target height SD score of 1.72 +/- 1.26 at presentation. In conclusion, catch-up and favorable long-term growth was seen after treatment for Cushing's disease. Posttreatment GH deficiency was frequent, and early hGH replacement may have contributed to the encouraging outcome

    Cushing's disease in childhood: presentation, investigation, treatment and long-term outcome.

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    Seventeen patients with Cushing's disease (CD) were treated from 1978 to 2000. There were 11 males and 6 females aged 6.8-18.8 years (mean age 13.0 +/- 5.9 years). Presenting features were: weight gain (100%); growth failure (71%); hirsutism (53%); striae (53%); hypertension (47%). Mean age of patients with striae was 15.2 +/- 2.3 years, without striae 10.3 +/- 3.3 years. Median height SDS was -1.81 (range -0.28 to -4.17), 53% having height SDS < -1.8. The height velocity in 6 subjects was subnormal (0.9-3.8 cm/year). Median BMI SDS was 2.29 (range 1.72-5.06). Cushing's disease was confirmed by detectable serum ACTH, median 28 ng/l (range 12-99, NR <10-50) (n = 15); loss of cortisol circadian rhythm values at midnight ranging from 216 to 1,080 nmol/l (NR <50) (n = 15); lack of cortisol suppression (NV < 50 nmol/l) during low-dose dexamethasone suppression test (LDDST) (0.5 mg 6-hourly x 8) (n = 14); and >50% suppression of cortisol compared with the basal value during high-dose dexamethasone suppression test (HDDST) (2 mg 6-hourly x 8) (n = 14). A CRH test (1 microg/kg i.v.) showed an increase of cortisol from 12 to 217% (median 73.5%) (n = 16). Pituitary imaging (CT/MRI) showed an image consistent with microadenoma in 6/17 patients, but there was concordance between pituitary imaging and surgical findings in 1/11 patients (9%). Inferior petrosal sinus sampling (IPSS) for ACTH after CRH was performed in 11 subjects (age 10.7-18.8 years). Central to peripheral ACTH ratios were >2 (2.5-157.2) in 10/11 patients. The inter-petrosal sinus ACTH gradient was >1.4 in 10 patients (2.1-20.8), indicating lateralization of ACTH secretion. In 10 patients (91%), the side of the tumour on IPSS was predictive of findings at surgery. Therapy consisted of transsphenoidal microadenomectomy (TSS) in 16 patients and bilateral adrenalectomy (1978) in 1. Following TSS alone, 7 patients were cured (cortisol <50 nmol/l) and 2 were in remission (cortisol <300 nmol/l), i.e. 56%. Seven had persisting hypercortisolaemia and underwent pituitary irradiation (4,500 cGy). Therapeutic outcome for a median of 8 years (0.5-24 years) resulted in cure of CD in 14/17 patients (82%) and remission in 1. Linear growth after TSS +/- pituitary irradiation in 10 subjects showed no short-term catch-up growth, with peak growth hormone (GH) 0.5-20.9 mU/l to insulin tolerance test (ITT)/glucagon. Eight patients were treated with human growth hormone (hGH) (14 U/m(2)/week) combined in 3 with GnRH analogue. The mean final (n = 6) or latest (n = 4) height SDS was -1.36. The difference between final/latest height SDS and target height SDS was 0.93 +/- 1.13, i.e. less (p = 0.005) than the difference between height SDS and target height SDS at presentation, i.e. 1.72 +/- 1.26, indicating long-term catch-up growth