10 research outputs found

    Will reconnecting ecosystems allow long-distance mammal migrations to resume? A case study of a zebra Equus burchelli migration in Botswana

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    AbstractTerrestrial wildlife migrations, once common, are now rare because of ecosystem fragmentation and uncontrolled hunting. Botswana historically contained migratory populations of many species but habitat fragmentation, especially by fences, has decreased the number and size of many of these populations. During a study investigating herbivore movement patterns in north-west Botswana we recorded a long-distance zebra Equus burchelli antiquorum migration between the Okavango Delta and Makgadikgadi grasslands, a round-trip distance of 588 km; 55% of 11 animals collared in the south-eastern peripheral delta made this journey. This was unexpected as, between 1968 and 2004, the migration could not have followed its present course because of the bisection of the route by a veterinary cordon fence. As little evidence exists to suggest that large-scale movements by medium-sized herbivores can be restored, it is of significant interest that this migration was established to the present highly directed route within 4 years of the fence being removed. The success of wildlife corridors, currently being advocated as the best way to re-establish ecosystem connectivity, relies on animals utilizing novel areas by moving between the connected areas. Our findings suggest that medium-sized herbivores may be able to re-establish migrations relatively quickly once physical barriers have been removed and that the success of future system linkages could be increased by utilizing past migratory routes.</jats:p

    The influence of Pechuel-Loeschea leubnitziae (wild sage) on grass sward and soil seed bank composition

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    Soil seed banks provide not only a historical record of vegetation composition but also the potential for post-disturbance revegetation. Pechuel-Loeschea leubnitziae (wild sage) is a multistemmed, aromatic shrub, occurring in Namibia, Botswana, Swaziland, Zimbabwe and the northern regions of South Africa, that colonises disturbed regions on sandy, alkaline soils. The influence of differing levels of P. leubnitziae cover on soil seed-bank characteristics and aboveground herbaceous species composition was determined by examining aboveground species composition, recorded in the field, and soil seed-bank species composition, determined by recording germinations from topsoil samples collected at each of 104 sites in the southern Okavango Delta. No correlation was observed between aboveground and soil seed-bank composition (p = 0.209). Cover of P. leubnitziae did not affect soil seed-bank species composition (p = 0.31) or the grass:non-grass ratio within the seed bank (p = 0.308). It did, however, affect aboveground grass composition (p = 0.018), with increasing P. leubnitziae cover associated with increasing abundance of poor-quality, shade-tolerant grass species. This confirms the observations that encroachment of P. leubnitziae may be associated with a decrease in veld quality and carrying capacity, and highlights the necessity for further study to facilitate a better understanding of the species for management purposes.Keywords: Okavango Delta, rangelands, semi-arid savanna, shrub encroachmentAfrican Journal of Range &amp; Forage Science 2012, 29(3), 101–10