5 research outputs found

    Influence of measurement technique, test food, teeth and muscle force interactions in masticatory performance

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    The role of texture and flavors in mastication is evident, but it is difficult to understand the interactions among food properties, oral physiology and perception. Mastication results from rhythmic mandibular movements. The teeth and masticatory muscles together form the mechanism whereby the food particles are fragmented. Masticatory performance and efficiency are defined as the capacity to reduce natural or artificial test materials during mastication, or by counting the number of strokes required to reduce food, respectively. Foods eaten for nourishment are very different from the industrial test materials used to quantify masticatory performance, thus, divergences could arise if the chewable material can or cannot be swallowed. This study presents a synopsis of masticatory performance methods, which is also related to muscle force, number of teeth and test chewing substance diversity.38122