769 research outputs found

    Effective-range signatures in quasi-1D matter waves: sound velocity and solitons

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    We investigate ultracold and dilute bosonic atoms under strong transverse harmonic confinement by using a 1D modified Gross-Pitaevskii equation (1D MGPE), which accounts for the energy dependence of the two-body scattering amplitude within an effective-range expansion. We study sound waves and solitons of the quasi-1D system comparing 1D MGPE results with the 1D GPE ones. We point out that, when the finite-size nature of the interaction is taken into account, the speed of sound and the density profiles of both dark and bright solitons show relevant quantitative changes with respect to what predicted by the standard 1D GPE.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, improved version, added a figure and two references, to be published in J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phy

    Extended Bose Hubbard model of interacting bosonic atoms in optical lattices: from superfluidity to density waves

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    For systems of interacting, ultracold spin-zero neutral bosonic atoms, harmonically trapped and subject to an optical lattice potential, we derive an Extended Bose Hubbard (EBH) model by developing a systematic expansion for the Hamiltonian of the system in powers of the lattice parameters and of a scale parameter, the {\it lattice attenuation factor}. We identify the dominant terms that need to be retained in realistic experimental conditions, up to nearest-neighbor interactions and nearest-neighbor hoppings conditioned by the on site occupation numbers. In mean field approximation, we determine the free energy of the system and study the phase diagram both at zero and at finite temperature. At variance with the standard on site Bose Hubbard model, the zero temperature phase diagram of the EBH model possesses a dual structure in the Mott insulating regime. Namely, for specific ranges of the lattice parameters, a density wave phase characterizes the system at integer fillings, with domains of alternating mean occupation numbers that are the atomic counterparts of the domains of staggered magnetizations in an antiferromagnetic phase. We show as well that in the EBH model, a zero-temperature quantum phase transition to pair superfluidity is in principle possible, but completely suppressed at lowest order in the lattice attenuation factor. Finally, we determine the possible occurrence of the different phases as a function of the experimentally controllable lattice parameters.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    La \uabEscuela social del derecho\ubb entre Europa y Brasil. Encuentros y desencuentros ante las transformaciones de fin de siglo.

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    Las proyecciones europeas y latinoamericanas de la \uabEscuela social del derecho\ubb, que floreci\uf3 en Italia en los \ufaltimos veinte a\uf1os del siglo XIX, ofrecen un escenario rico en contaminaciones, derivaciones y sugestiones, correspondencias y coincidencias, pero tambi\ue9n silencios e indiferencias. Los \uabneot\ue9ricos\ubb italianos lanzaron una piedra que agit\uf3 las aguas tranquilas del estanque legalista, produciendo una ola destinada a encontrarse con las tendencias an\ue1logas que estaban germinando en la crisis de fin de siglo a una y otra orilla del Atl\ue1ntico. Un encuentro obligado en el plano de las sugestiones, de los contenidos y del m\ue9todo, pero no siempre consumado, declarado y formalizado; un di\ue1logo tangible, parad\uf3jicamente, m\ue1s en la larga distancia que en la corta, m\ue1s con las j\uf3venes y lejanas escuelas de la Am\ue9rica Latina que con las s\uf3lidas y cercanas de la Europa continental

    Quantum-tunneling dynamics of a spin-polarized Fermi gas in a double-well potential

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    We study the exact dynamics of a one-dimensional spin-polarized gas of fermions in a double-well potential at zero and finite temperature. Despite the system is made of non-interacting fermions, its dynamics can be quite complex, showing strongly aperiodic spatio-temporal patterns during the tunneling. The extension of these results to the case of mixtures of spin-polarized fermions in interaction with self-trapped Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) at zero temperature is considered as well. In this case we show that the fermionic dynamics remains qualitatively similar to the one observed in absence of BEC but with the Rabi frequencies of fermionic excited states explicitly depending on the number of bosons and on the boson-fermion interaction strength. From this, the possibility to control quantum fermionic dynamics by means of Feshbach resonances is suggested.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Massive Quantum Memories by Periodically Inverted Dynamic Evolutions

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    We introduce a general scheme to realize perfect quantum state reconstruction and storage in systems of interacting qubits. This novel approach is based on the idea of controlling the residual interactions by suitable external controls that, acting on the inter-qubit couplings, yield time-periodic inversions in the dynamical evolution, thus cancelling exactly the effects of quantum state diffusion. We illustrate the method for spin systems on closed rings with XY residual interactions, showing that it enables the massive storage of arbitrarily large numbers of local states, and we demonstrate its robustness against several realistic sources of noise and imperfections.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. Contribution to the Proceedings of the Workshop on "Quantum entanglement in physical and information sciences", held in Pisa, December 14-18, 200

    Rabi-Josephson oscillations and self-trapped dynamics in atomic junctions with two bosonic species

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    We investigate the dynamics of two-component Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs), composed of atoms in two distinct hyperfine states, which are linearly coupled by two-photon Raman transitions. The condensate is loaded into a double-well potential (DWP). A variety of dynamical behaviors, ranging from regular Josephson oscillations, to mixed Rabi-Josephson oscillations and to regimes featuring an increasing complexity, are described in terms of a reduced Hamiltonian system with four degrees of freedoms, which are the numbers of atoms in each component in the left and right potential wells, whose canonically conjugate variables are phases of the corresponding wave functions. Using the system with the four degrees of freedom, we study the dynamics of fractional imbalances of the two bosonic components, and compare the results to direct simulations of the Gross-Pitaevskii equations (GPEs) describing the bosonic mixture. We perform this analysis when the fractional imbalance oscillates around a zero-time averaged value and in the self-trapping regime as well.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phy

    Influence of trapping potentials on the phase diagram of bosonic atoms in optical lattices

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    We study the effect of external trapping potentials on the phase diagram of bosonic atoms in optical lattices. We introduce a generalized Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian that includes the structure of the energy levels of the trapping potential, and show that these levels are in general populated both at finite and zero temperature. We characterize the properties of the superfluid transition for this situation and compare them with those of the standard Bose-Hubbard description. We briefly discuss similar behaviors for fermionic systems.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; final version, to be published in Phys. Rev.
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