19 research outputs found


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    The community development has in view the encouragement and the involvement of the human resources management on the track meant for the individual and social development. The quantification of the human capital offers the necessary information for the design of a strategy oriented towards resources for the organisational development. In Romania, according to the information regarding the dynamic of the economic indicators, we notice a positive economic growth, but the inflation constitutes a problem from an internal as well as external point of view. By analysing the development performances of the last years, we discover progresses in innovation, research, in the entrepreneurial development of the company, in the degree of occupation of the human resources and the economic cohesion, in the sustainable economic development and in the liberation of the market. Indicators like the number and density of the population, the territorial distribution of the population, the structure of the population on genders, age groups, residential environments, ethnical structure, religion, social and economical structure and education, as well as the indicators referring to the housings shape a complete picture of the human potential development according to the European standards. Through the increase in competitiveness and of the globalisation, the workforce market suffers certain transformations from the integration point of view together with the other social sectors. The evolution of the society determines the building of a society and economy based on the knowledge according to the European social model values, in the field of the human resources management they will contribute to the social integration, to the development of new changes at the level of social dialogue. The last decades got us used to the reality of the “leaps”. In the most varied fields of the human’s life, we are the witnesses to some triumphal mutations and stupefying progresses that are taking place imperatively and simultaneously. Is there really a price to pay for the progress? Absorbed with a delirious speed in some kind of a time tunnel, the human being is forced to accept the idea that frontier of the impossible became extensible in all its meanings. The undreamed of and fantastical chances become common places from one day to another. These are the matters and thoughts tried to be answered in the lines of this articleHuman resources,management, education, ethic, damages, natural environment, responsibility, sustainable development


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    Despite tourism is one the activities which had a spectacular development in the last decades and although our country has a notable tourism potential, Romanian local and central public authorities` interest in this direction is very low. Apart from being a scientifically approach, the paper acts as a stimulant for local and central public authorities that promote sustainable tourism. The general trend in tourism evolution and in the attempt to strengthen its position within sustainable economic development process is to analyzing the tourism phenomenon at global level. This proves that at the moment, tourism is one of the most dynamic economy sectors, constantly dealing with changes and positive evolutions. Discovering the trends, the challenges facing international tourism in the third millennium, the determinant factors that will influence global tourism activities in the future, tourism categories that will grow fast in the first part of the 21st century, all must be taken into consideration by central and local public authorities when developing policies, strategies, plans and programs for developing tourism.sustainable tourism, local public administration management, sustainable tourism, economic integration, local and regional development.


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    A product cannot fulfil its role, its calling, unless it enters the final consumption, satisfying the need of the consumer who has bought it. But, the road from the producer to the consumer, in the contemporary conditions is not general, nor simple, nor short, nor cheap. The processes of globalisation, the internationalisation of the markets have lead to the intensification of the distribution of products, and, at the same time, to the amplification of the distances they travel. All these have determined the awarding of greater attention on the maintenance of the quality of the food products on the entire technical-economical circuit.storage, transport, trading, food products, quality

    Metformin and Its Benefits in Improving Gut Microbiota Disturbances in Diabetes Patients

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    The human gastrointestinal tract presents a vastly population of microorganisms, called the microbiota. The presence of these microorganisms offers many benefits to the host, through a range of physiological functions. However, there is a potential for these mechanisms to be disrupted condition, known as dysbiosis. Recent results are showing important associations between diabetes and the gut microbiota and how the intestinal flora can influence the prognosis of this illness. Microbial intestinal imbalance has been linked to alterations in insulin sensitivity and in glucose metabolism and may play an important role in the development of diabetes. Metformin is one of the most important and widely used first-line medications for the management of type 2 diabetes (T2D). It is a complex drug with multiple sites of action and multiple molecular mechanisms. In recent years, attention has been directed to other modes of action, other than the classic ones, with increasing evidence of a major key role of the intestine. By analysing the effects of metformin on the homeostasis of the microbiota of diabetes patients, our present topic becomes one of the major importance in understanding how metformin therapy can improve gut microbiota dysbiosis and thus provide a better outcome for this illness

    Research and Science Today No. 2(4)/2012

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    Museum tourism in the Municipality of Craiova can contribute significantly to the competitiveness of the "Craiova" tourism destination through a cultural infrastructure of the urban area, together with other cultural and recreational facilities (libraries, business tourism, concert halls, outdoor festivals, theatres, philharmonics, etc.) With the launch of Romania's country brand (Explore the Carpathian Garden - 2010), the concerns for the establishment of the city brand have also intensified, in order to better promote urban settlements on the local/regional/national and international tourism market. Cities such as Craiova, Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Târgu Jiu, Râmnicu Vâlcea, Horezu, Călimănești, Băile Olănești, Băile Govora or Ocnele Mari have made sustained efforts to transform themselves from simple cities as municipalities of residence into tourist destination brands, in order to be more easily perceived by visitors.In addition to the large cities in the South-West Oltenia Development Region, characterized by a significant cultural and historical load, there are also smaller tourist villages (tourism destinations), which are in search of an identity on the local and regional tourism market. This is also the case of Craiova, which is the subject of this research. We also aim, through the research carried out, to contribute, from a scientific and methodological point of view, to the knowledge of the process of elaboration of a city brand (image), in order to shape and practice a new form of sustainable tourism for the inhabitants – the museum tourism


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    A product cannot fulfil its role, its calling, unless it enters the final consumption, satisfying the need of the consumer who has bought it. But, the road from the producer to the consumer, in the contemporary conditions is not general, nor simple, nor short, nor cheap. The processes of globalisation, the internationalisation of the markets have lead to the intensification of the distribution of products, and, at the same time, to the amplification of the distances they travel. All these have determined the awarding of greater attention on the maintenance of the quality of the food products on the entire technical-economical circuit

    The Influence of Harvest Moment and Cultivar on Variability of Some Chemical Constituents and Antiradical Activity of Dehydrated Chokeberry Pomace

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    This paper’s aim was to study how the antioxidant activity and the level of certain phenolic complexes and carotenoids vary in the pomace obtained from the fruits of two cultivars of chokeberry at different times of harvest after reaching the stage of maturity. The influence of the cultivar, harvest moment, and the combined effect of these two factors on the antioxidant activity and the dehydrated pomace content in components with antioxidant potentials, such as total phenolics, total tannins, total flavonoids, lycopene, and β-carotene was analyzed. The methanolic extract from the pomace obtained from the ‘Melrom’ cultivar had the highest efficiency (92.14 ± 5.02%). The antiradical activity of the pomace was maximal (93.27 ± 4.32%) after the middle of the harvest season (3 September). The pomace obtained from the ‘Nero’ cultivar displayed superior levels of phenolic content (13,030.16 ± 1414.46 mg/100 g), flavonoids (4627.83 ± 509.63 mg CE/100 g), tannins (7458.56 ± 529.43 mg/100 g), and lycopene (1.171 ± 0.388 mg/100 g). The ‘Melrom’ cultivar presented superior content of β-carotene (0.313 ± 0.07 mg/100 g). On average, a positive significant correlation between radical scavenging activity with total phenolic content and β-carotene was observed. The combined cultivar × harvest moment effect was reflected in the variations in the total tannins content and the total flavonoid content, but also in the antiradical activity of the methanolic extracts. Dehydrated pomace from chokeberry fruit can be an important source of antioxidant biological compounds and can be used to make innovative foods


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    In the context of Romania’s recent adherence to the European Union, the tourism represents one of the real opportunities that the near future offers to our country. Or, the gained experience, existent facilities and prices competitiveness are factors which recommend Romania as an attractive destination but, in the same time, the imperative action of all the ones involved in tourism will have to focus on the offered services considered to be of the best quality (conformable with the ones of other European countries) and on maintaining a natural environment – its raw material – in complete harmony being known the fact that then when the environment and tourism coexists in harmony, he environment takes benefit of the tourism (and vice versa!).The importance of this reciprocal relation also reflects itself in the positive actions of preserving the tourism potential or rehabilitating the environment, but we must not overlook the destructive actions of some tourism activities such as: the excessive use of some environment components (water, air, soil etc) in recreational purposes amplified by an irrational intervention, often brutal, of humans upon the environment and its natural resources.In this purpose, the lasting tourism is and will remain in harmony with the environment and place population and culture, in such a way that its development will take place in their profit and not their disadvantage.adherence, union, environment

    The Influence of Harvest Moment and Cultivar on Variability of Some Chemical Constituents and Antiradical Activity of Dehydrated Chokeberry Pomace

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    This paper’s aim was to study how the antioxidant activity and the level of certain phenolic complexes and carotenoids vary in the pomace obtained from the fruits of two cultivars of chokeberry at different times of harvest after reaching the stage of maturity. The influence of the cultivar, harvest moment, and the combined effect of these two factors on the antioxidant activity and the dehydrated pomace content in components with antioxidant potentials, such as total phenolics, total tannins, total flavonoids, lycopene, and β-carotene was analyzed. The methanolic extract from the pomace obtained from the ‘Melrom’ cultivar had the highest efficiency (92.14 ± 5.02%). The antiradical activity of the pomace was maximal (93.27 ± 4.32%) after the middle of the harvest season (3 September). The pomace obtained from the ‘Nero’ cultivar displayed superior levels of phenolic content (13,030.16 ± 1414.46 mg/100 g), flavonoids (4627.83 ± 509.63 mg CE/100 g), tannins (7458.56 ± 529.43 mg/100 g), and lycopene (1.171 ± 0.388 mg/100 g). The ‘Melrom’ cultivar presented superior content of β-carotene (0.313 ± 0.07 mg/100 g). On average, a positive significant correlation between radical scavenging activity with total phenolic content and β-carotene was observed. The combined cultivar × harvest moment effect was reflected in the variations in the total tannins content and the total flavonoid content, but also in the antiradical activity of the methanolic extracts. Dehydrated pomace from chokeberry fruit can be an important source of antioxidant biological compounds and can be used to make innovative foods