480 research outputs found

    Internal drivers of external flexibility: A detailed analysis.

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    The second paper develops an assessment tool which managers can use to identify current levels of internal logistics flexibility and areas that need improvement. The internal logistics flexibility assessment tool (ILFAT) is grounded in the strategy-structure-performance framework.The third paper focuses on a food service provider, SYSCO, whose customer orientation strategy puts them in tune with the needs of their customers and has used that insight to build logistics operations focused on fulfilling those needs. A supplier's customer orientation is critically important in meeting customer demand.This research examines internal logistics flexibility (ILF), i.e., how a supplier is able to meet changing customer demand through its logistics activities.The dissertation follows a three paper format. The first two papers are conceptual pieces, while the third is a case study. The first paper extends previous research on logistics flexibility by identifying from a customer perspective, what a supplier has to do in order to be considered logistically flexible. Research showed that suppliers need physical, human, and organizational capital resources to set a foundation for internal logistics flexibility. Internal logistics flexibility has both a customer orientation and organizational structure component which allow a supplier to understand customer demand and dedicate resources to meet that demand

    Use of Critical Chain Scheduling to Increase Aircraft Availability

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    This study addresses the operation and support cost differences between the TUAF C-130E & C-130B, and the USAF C-130J aircraft. The TUAF C-130s have been being used for more than 30 years and changing world situations give armed forces different roles, and Turkey participates in all peacekeeping missions that are assigned by NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and the United Nations. While performing these roles, the importance of air mobility and the importance of reliability became widely appreciated. Moreover, the coming retiring age of the existing C-130s in the TUAF forced the TUAF to look for ways to improve its air mobility. Under these conditions the TUAF is trying to find a way to decrease these interruptions in the missions and to increase the capability of carrying more personnel and materials so as to increase the effectiveness of Air Lift missions. There are two ways to accomplish this target: 1. Refurbish the existing C-130s and increasing its reliability. 2. Buy the newest version of C-130 Hercules, the C-130J. This study investigates the O&S cost difference among the aircraft by establishing a model to assess the O&S cost that can be used to evaluate the competing alternatives as well as the replacement decision for the existing systems. Cost Oriented Resource Estimation (CORE) model utilized in establishing the model. Sensitivity Analysis, and Breakeven Analysis are applied to the cost figures over 40 years. The analysis showed that C-130J amortizes itself in the lifetime of the cargo aircraft. In addition to that improved avionic, and propulsion systems increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the air mobility

    Solvent-free nanoparticles synthesis for encapsulation of water-soluble compounds

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    The increasing concerns on green manufacturing practices with low environmental impact have put pressure on the pharmaceutical industry. Of particular concern is the large number of organic solvents used in a wide range of pharmaceutical products, posing a significant risk on human and environmental health. Recently, nanoparticles(NPs) emerged as advantageous drug-delivery systems with the potential to maximize drug efficacy and minimize side effects. Unfortunately, NPs synthesis processes are still environmentally unsustainable, due to the large amount of organic solvent involved. This contribution describes the synthesis and characterization of NPs encapsulating proteins or nucleic acids for metastatic melanoma treatment using alternative synthesis methods that replace organic solvents with water-based solutions. Two different green synthesis techniques have been investigated; (i)Ionic gelation was used to prepare chitosan(CS) NPs, exploiting the electrostatic interaction between the CS amino groups and tripolyphosphate(TPP), (ii)self-assembly technique to prepare siRNA/phosphate-poly(allylamine-hydrochloride)(PAH) NPs, exploiting the interactions between primary amines in the polymer and siRNAs to form stable complexes. CS and PAH NPs with the appropriate hydrodynamic diameters (~200 nm), polydispersity index, and Z potential for high cell internalization and tissue extravasation were obtained. Preliminary in vitro tests demonstrated that particles are well tolerated by human fibroblast which has shown high viability even when treated with the highest NPs concentration (viability ~85% at 48h from the treatment). Additional tests are currently ongoing to demonstrate the efficacy of the drug- loaded system on human fibroblasts. Carlotta Mattioda acknowledges PON "Ricerca e Innovazione" 2014-2020 Azione IV.R "dottorati su tematiche green" for co-financing her Ph.D scholarship


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    Influência do processo de qualificação para melhoria da qualidade do leite na pequena propriedade rural

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    The low quality of milk obtained of family farms needs information and technologies that provide this improvement in the quality of raw material. Given the large number of family farmers in the country, which do not have access to information on production of quality milk, it becomes necessary to develop and implement procedures for qualification in these farms. Therefore, this study uses the methodology of Reference Unit, able to inform and train farmers on the minimum requirements for the production of quality milk. The methodology to evaluate the influence of the qualification process for improving the quality of milk in small farms, the study was divided into three stages: the first was the selection of reference units and its characterization through a questionnaire and analysis of the quality of milk, as fat, protein, lactose, total bacterial count and Somatic Cell Count; and the second step was the implementation of the Reference Units in farms and the transmission of information and technologies through training hygienic -sanitary, and final evaluation of the qualification process through the analysis of indicators of quality of milk, made during the 12 month study. The statistical evaluation of results was done using analysis of variance (ANOVA), identification of outiliers and Tukey's test, using the program Minitab 16. As a result of this evaluation, the values of fat, protein and lactose in milk samples resulted within the limits established by law. And as in other studies, the values of fat were the most varied in relation to other components of milk. With regard to the values of somatic cell count, 29% of values were above the limits established by legislation, ranging from 1 to 27.47 x105 CS / mL, and the values of total bacterial count, 3.5% of samples are within the limits throughout the study. Both parameters of milk quality (SCC and CBT) did not change significantly over the months of study, this can be explained by other factors that influenced the research, how the season. Family farmers absorbed all the information passed in higienic sanitary training and have implemented all management techniques to prevent and detect disease in the herd, this was checked with a questionnaire to producers. Therefore, it is worth mentioning, which is still lacking an organizational culture that provides using participatory methods, the advancement of knowledge for local development.CapesA baixa qualidade do leite oriundo de propriedades rurais pertencentes ao Sistema de Agricultura Familiar demanda informações e tecnologias que proporcionem melhoria na qualidade da matéria-prima. Diante do elevado número de agricultores familiares no país, os quais não têm acesso às informações sobre produção do leite com qualidade, torna-se necessário desenvolver e aplicar processos de qualificação em propriedades rurais. Portanto, o presente estudo utiliza o método de Unidade de Referência, e objetiva avaliar a influência do processo de qualificação para a melhoria de qualidade do leite na pequena propriedade rural. O estudo foi dividido em três etapas: a primeira foi a seleção de Unidades de Referência e a sua caracterização através da aplicação de questionário e análise dos indicadores de qualidade do leite, gordura, proteína, lactose, Contagem Bacteriana Total e Contagem de Células Somáticas; a segunda etapa foi a implantação de Unidades de Referência nas propriedades e transmissão de informações e tecnologias através de treinamentos higiênico-sanitários; e por último a avaliação do processo de qualificação por meio das análises de indicadores de qualidade do leite, feitas durante os 12 meses de estudo. Para avaliação estatística dos resultados utilizou-se a análise de variância (ANOVA), identificação de outiliers e Teste de Tukey, através do programa Minitab 16. Como resultados desta avaliação, os valores de gordura, proteína e lactose nas amostras de leite permaneceram dentro dos limites estabelecidos pela legislação vigente. E assim como em outras pesquisas, os valores de gordura foram os que mais variaram em relação aos outros componentes do leite. No que diz respeito aos valores de Contagem de células somáticas, 29% dos valores ficaram acima dos limites estabelecidos pela legislação, variando de 1 a 27,47x10 5CS/mL, e para os valores de Contagem bacteriana total, 3,5% das amostras ficaram dentro do limites, ao longo do estudo. Ambos os parâmetros de qualidade do leite (CCS e CBT) não apresentaram variação significativa ao longo do estudo, isto pode ser explicado por outros fatores que interferiram na pesquisa, como a estação do ano. Os agricultores familiares absorveram todas as informações repassadas no treinamento higiênico-sanitário e passaram a aplicar todas as técnicas de manejo para evitar e detectar doenças no rebanho , isto foi verificado com a aplicação de questionário aos produtores. Portanto, vale ressaltar, que ainda é inexistente uma cultura organizacional que proporcione através de metodologias participativas, o avanço do conhecimento para o desenvolvimento local