4,329 research outputs found

    Situação da Sigatoka-Negra da bananeira no Brasil.

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    A bananicultura é uma das atividades de grande importância no agronegócio brasileiro, embora o País não seja um grande exportador de banana. A produção é da ordem de sete milhões de toneladas anuais, com vendas externas em torno de 2% da produção, ou seja, o mercado interno é o mais importante para a comercialização da fruta, que, em grande parte vem da agricultura familiar

    Deformation of quantum mechanics in fractional-dimensional space

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    A new kind of deformed calculus (the D-deformed calculus) that takes place in fractional-dimensional spaces is presented. The D-deformed calculus is shown to be an appropriate tool for treating fractional-dimensional systems in a simple way and quite analogous to their corresponding one-dimensional partners. Two simple systems, the free particle and the harmonic oscillator in fractional- dimensional spaces are reconsidered into the framework of the D-deformed quantum mechanics. Confined states in a D-deformed quantum well are studied. D-deformed coherent states are also found.Comment: 12 pages, some misprints have been corrected, two figures are adde

    On a generalization of the binomial distribution and its Poisson-like limit

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    We examine a generalization of the binomial distribution associated with a strictly increasing sequence of numbers and we prove its Poisson-like limit. Such generalizations might be found in quantum optics with imperfect detection. We discuss under which conditions this distribution can have a probabilistic interpretation.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Exact Analysis of Scaling and Dominant Attractors Beyond the Exponential Potential

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    By considering the potential parameter Γ\Gamma as a function of another potential parameter λ\lambda[47], We successfully extend the analysis of two-dimensional autonomous dynamical system of quintessence scalar field model to the analysis of three-dimension, which makes us be able to research the critical points of a large number of potentials beyond the exponential potential exactly. We find that there are ten critical points in all, three points P3,5,6P_{3, 5, 6}} are general points which are possessed by all quintessence models regardless of the form of potentials and the rest points are closely connected to the concrete potentials. It is quite surprising that, apart from the exponential potential, there are a large number of potentials which can give the scaling solution when the function f(λ)(=Γ(λ)1)f(\lambda)(=\Gamma(\lambda)-1) equals zero for one or some values of λ\lambda_{*} and if the parameter λ\lambda_{*} also satisfies the condition Eq.(16) or Eq.(17) at the same time. We give the differential equations to derive these potentials V(ϕ)V(\phi) from f(λ)f(\lambda). We also find that, if some conditions are satisfied, the de-Sitter-like dominant point P4P_4 and the scaling solution point P9P_9(or P10P_{10}) can be stable simultaneously but P9P_9 and P10P_{10} can not be stable simultaneity. Although we survey scaling solutions beyond the exponential potential for ordinary quintessence models in standard general relativity, this method can be applied to other extensively scaling solution models studied in literature[46] including coupled quintessence, (coupled-)phantom scalar field, k-essence and even beyond the general relativity case H2ρTnH^2 \propto\rho_T^n. we also discuss the disadvantage of our approach.Comment: 16 pages,no figure, this new revision has taken the suggestions from CQG referees and has been accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Efeito de indutores de resistência na incidência do mal do Panamá em banana maçã.

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    O mal do Panamá ou murcha de Fusarium, causado por Fusarium oxysporum Schlechtend.: Fr. f.sp. cubense (E.F. Smith) W.C. Snyder & Hansen, é uma das doenças mais importantes da bananeira (Musa spp.). Primeiramente relatado na Austrália, esta doença está presente em todas as regiões produtoras do mundo. Nas décadas de 1950 e 1960, o mal do Panamá dizimou a bananicultura da América Central e Caribe, então constituída unicamente da variedade Gros Michel (Daly & Walduck, 2006). No Brasil, onde foi detectado em 1930 sobre banana Maçã (Cordeiro et al., 2003), essa doença causa perdas acentuadas na produção de frutos em todo o País (Cordeiro et al., 1993), notadamente na variedade Maçã e naquelas do subgrupo Prata.pdf 202

    Brane-f(R)f(R) gravity and dark matter

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    The collision-free Boltzmann equation is used in the context of brane-f(R)f(R) gravity to derive the virial theorem. It is shown that the virial mass is proportional to certain geometrical terms appearing in the Einstein field equations and contributes to gravitational energy and that such a geometric mass can be attributed to the virial mass discrepancy in a cluster of galaxies. In addition, the galaxy rotation curves are studied by utilizing the concept of conformal symmetry and notion of conformal Killing symmetry. The field equations may then be obtained in an exact parametric form in terms of the parameter representing the conformal factor. This provides the possibility of studying the behavior of the angular velocity of a test particle moving in a stable circular orbit. The tangential velocity can be derived as a function of the conformal factor and integration constants, resulting in a constant value at large radial distances. Relevant phenomenon such as the deflection of light passing through a region where the rotation curves are flat and the radar echo delay are also studied.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, to appear in PR

    Estudo palinostratigráfico do setor Malhadinha, região NE Alvares, concelho de Mértola, Faixa Piritosa Ibérica

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    Cartografia geológica realizada pelo Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia (LNEG) acompanhada por estudos palinostratigráficos na região de Malhadinha, NE de Alvares, localizada no setor WNW da Faixa Piritosa Ibérica (FPI), concelho de Mértola, possibilitaram o conhecimento de detalhe da estratigrafia local. Apresentam-se as idades obtidas por palinologia para as formações Barranco do Homem e Filito-Quartzítica, ambas de idade do Famenniano superior, e Freixial, de idade do Viseano superior, correlacionando-se os dados obtidos com a geologia regional da FPI. Os dados obtidos confirmam o predomínio de estruturas alóctones no setor norte da Faixa Piritosa, entre Alvares e a fronteira espanhola.Geological mapping performed by the National Laboratory of Energy and Geology (LNEG) and palynostratigraphic studies carried out in Malhadinha region, NE of Alvares village, located in the northern sector of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB), WNW of Mértola, allowed to obtain a detailed knowledge of the local stratigraphy. Age data obtained by palynology to the Barranco do Homem (upper Famennian age), Phyllite-Quartzite (upper Famennian age), and Freixial (Visean age), formations are presented and discussed according to the IPB regional geological setting. The age data confirm the predominance of alloctonous tectonic structures in the studied region, in line with previous structural interpretations for the North Sector of the Portuguese part of the Iberian Pyrite Belt.(undefined

    Avaliação de tetraplóides de bananeira cultivados em área infestada por mal-do-Panamá: segundo ciclo.

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    O mal-do-Panamá uma das mais importantes doenças da bananeira, causada pelo fungo Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense, provoca elevadas perdas na produção. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo, avaliar, no segundo ciclo, as características agronômicas e a reação ao Fusarium de genótipos de bananeira. Foram avaliadas nove cultivares usando a Maçã como testemunha (suscetível), em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com 10 repetições de uma planta. Avaliaram-se oito características agronômicas e a incidência de Fusarium. Há uma ampla variação genética para todos os caracteres agronômicos avaliados. Os híbridos de Prata Anã são superiores em produção aos de Pacovan. Os genótipos Porp, P.Jussara, Fhia-01 e PA94-01 são resistentes ao mal-do-Panamá.pdf 218