8 research outputs found

    Land use and land cover changes on a tropical lake basin : the socioeconomic drivers and cascading impacts on hydrology and ecological system : powerpoint

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    Lake Naivasha experiences frequent lake level fluctuations despite being on the decline in the last three decades. The main possible cause has been postulated to be increased abstraction around the lake. However, land use land cover changes (LULC) in the basin may be impacting on the level fluctuations and decline. The LULC interfere with runoff, evapotranspiration, and infiltration conditions of a catchment. The frequent lake levels fluctuations resulting from LULC impact significantly on riparian vegetation productivity and species composition. In addition, it has impact on the aquatic ecosystem water quality especially in terms of turbidity. Lake Naivasha basin has experienced significant LULC transformations predominantly caused by socio-economic drivers. Implications of past, present and future patterns of socio-economic drivers of LULC is vital to the understanding of social, ecological and limnological functioning of the basin. These factors are proposed to impact on the entire hydrological regime of the lake. In this study we present first results of the Earth Observation Integrated Assessment (EOIA) project for the governance of Lake Naivasha basin using Interdisciplinary approach that applies GIS and RS towards the understanding of the dynamics of Lake Naivasha ecosystem

    Degenerescência da polpa e respiração de quivi cv. "Bruno" em função das condições de armazenamento Internal breakdown and respiration of 'Bruno' kiwifruit in relation to storage conditions

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da atmosfera controlada sobre a ocorrência da degenerescência da polpa, de sabor e aroma alcoólico no quivi cultivar "Bruno" e a relação destes parâmetros com a taxa respiratória e o quociente respiratório. Os tratamentos foram 0,5; 1,0 e 1,5kPa O2, combinados com 8, 12 e 16kPa CO2. A incidência de degenerescência da polpa e de frutos com aroma alcoólico foi menor nos frutos armazenados com 8kPa de CO2, independente do nível de O2. A taxa respiratória dos frutos foi menor nos tratamentos com 16kPa de CO2 e o quociente respiratório apresentou os maiores valores no tratamento com 0,5kPa de O2 combinado com 16kPa de CO2. A taxa respiratória correlacionou-se negativamente com a incidência de degenerescência da polpa e com a presença de aroma alcoólico. O quociente respiratório apresentou uma correlação positiva com a degenerescência da polpa e com a incidência de aroma alcoólico. Segundo a análise sensorial, os tratamentos com 1,0 e 1,5kPa de O2, combinados com 8kPa de CO2, não induziram a formação de sabor alcoólico nos frutos.<br>This research was aimed at evaluating the effect of controlled atmosphere on the internal breakdown, alcoholic taste and flavor in ‘Bruno’ kiwifruits and the relationship between these parameters and the rate and respiratory quotient. The treatments were 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5kPa O2 combined with 8, 12 and 16kPa CO2. The internal breakdown and occurrence of fruits with flavor was lower at 8kPa of CO2 independent of O2 level. Respiration rate of fruits was lower at treatments with 16kPa of CO2 and the respiratory quotient showed highest values at treatment with 16kPa of CO2. The respiration rate was negatively correlated with internal breakdown and flavor incidence. The respiratory quotient showed a positive correlation with internal breakdown and alcoholic aroma incidence. According to sensory analysis, the treatments with 1.0 and 1.5kPa of O2 combined with 8kPa of CO2 did not induce the of flavor taste in fruits