162 research outputs found

    Implementasi Saintifik Dalam Pembelajaran Tematik Di Sekolah Dasar Nanga Pinoh

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    Scientific approach is a learning process that uses the process of scientific thinking. Implementing a scientific approach through thematic learning is necessary to make learners more interested in finding and building their own meaningful and joyfull knowledge. This study aimed to describe the thematic learning by using a scientific approach to the fourth grade in primary school Nanga Pinoh. This research is a descriptive research. The subjects were principals, classroom teachers, and students of fourth grade at Elementary School 1 Nanga Pinoh, Elementary School 06 Nanga Pinoh and Elementary Shcool Immanuel Christian Nanga Pinoh. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation. Analysis of the data by using the steps: data reduction, data display, and conclusion. Mechanical examination of the validity of data by using triangulation. The results showed that the fourth grade teachers have carried out thematic learning with a scientific approach. The scientific approach is implemented include : (1) observing, (2) questioning, (3) experimenting, (4) associating and (5) communicating/networking. With a scientific approach in thematic learning, learners become more active in learning, especially so confident and dare to ask, reason and express ideas or opinions, so as to obtain their knowledge performed by direct experience

    Dampak Pembangunan Infrastruktur Perdesaan Pada Program PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan Di Kabupaten Toli Toli

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the Development Impact of Rural Infrastructure in PNPM RuralProgram in Toli-Toli. Research conducted on the implementation of PNPM Rural Program in Toli-Toli forfiscal year 2007 and 2008.Primary data obtained from interviews with relevant parties and direct observation in the field, then the datais processed with Descriptive Analysis.The results showed the impact of rural infrastructure development in poor communities in Toli Toli, namely:increasing revenue, impoving public education, improving health and improving the public midset. Impact onvillage institutions, namely: the function and role of local government to be effective, institutions ofparticipatory development and improvement of the quality of facilities.and social infrastructure andeconomic base of societ

    Tracking human movement in office environment using video processing

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    In this paper, we proposed an approach of multi-person movement tracking in office environment without any identity conflicts. Simple image processing with frame differentiation method is applied to identify multiple human motion. An Expert System is applied to predict next camera occurrence of the tracking human. The main objective of this work is to detect and track multi-human motion using single camera in more than a room in an office

    Training Based Organization Approach From Islamic Perspective

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a concept inherent in Islam can be applied on the training. Training plays an important role in the organization without it the organization find difficulty to stay competitive in recent global world.Ongoing training is very important in an organization in order to compete and maintain excellent performance. This paper attempts to look at the concept and how to practice from the viewpoint of Islam. The study examines three concepts related to training (Itqan, al-Falahand Ihsan) and the principle of education Islam (Ta\u27dib) relating to the training