320 research outputs found

    Piezoelectric Transducers Based on Aluminum Nitride and Polyimide for Tactile Applications

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    The development of micro systems with smart sensing capabilities is paving the way to progresses in the technology for humanoid robotics. The importance of sensory feedback has been recognized the enabler of a high degree of autonomy for robotic systems. In tactile applications, it can be exploited not only to avoid objects slipping during their manipulation but also to allow safe interaction with humans and unknown objects and environments. In order to ensure the minimal deformation of an object during subtle manipulation tasks, information not only on contact forces between the object and fingers but also on contact geometry and contact friction characteristics has to be provided. Touch, unlike other senses, is a critical component that plays a fundamental role in dexterous manipulation capabilities and in the evaluation of objects properties such as type of material, shape, texture, stiffness, which is not easily possible by vision alone. Understanding of unstructured environments is made possible by touch through the determination of stress distribution in the surrounding area of physical contact. To this aim, tactile sensing and pressure detection systems should be integrated as an artificial tactile system. As illustrated in the Chapter I, the role of external stimuli detection in humans is provided by a great number of sensorial receptors: they are specialized endings whose structure and location in the skin determine their specific signal transmission characteristics. Especially, mechanoreceptors are specialized in the conversion of the mechanical deformations caused by force, vibration or slip on skin into electrical nerve impulses which are processed and encoded by the central nervous system. Highly miniaturized systems based on MEMS technology seem to imitate properly the large number of fast responsive mechanoreceptors present in human skin. Moreover, an artificial electronic skin should be lightweight, flexible, soft and wearable and it should be fabricated with compliant materials. In this respect a big challenge of bio-inspired technologies is the efficient application of flexible active materials to convert the mechanical pressure or stress into a usable electric signal (voltage or current). In the emerging field of soft active materials, able of large deformation, piezoelectrics have been recognized as a really promising and attractive material in both sensing and actuation applications. As outlined in Chapter II, there is a wide choice of materials and material forms (ceramics: PZT; polycrystalline films: ZnO, AlN; polymers and copolymers: PVDF, PVDF-TrFe) which are actively piezoelectric and exhibit features more or less attractive. Among them, aluminum nitride is a promising piezoelectric material for flexible technology. It has moderate piezoelectric coefficient, when available in c-axis oriented polycrystalline columnar structure, but, at same time, it exhibits low dielectric constant, high temperature stability, large band gap, large electrical resistivity, high breakdown voltage and low dielectric loss which make it suitable for transducers and high thermal conductivity which implies low thermal drifts. The high chemical stability allows AlN to be used in humid environments. Moreover, all the above properties and its deposition method make AlN compatible with CMOS technology. Exploiting the features of the AlN, three-dimensional AlN dome-shaped cells, embedded between two metal electrodes, are proposed in this thesis. They are fabricated on general purpose Kapton™ substrate, exploiting the flexibility of the polymer and the electrical stability of the semiconductor at the same time. As matter of fact, the crystalline layers release a compressive stress over the polymer, generating three-dimensional structures with reduced stiffness, compared to the semiconductor materials. In Chapter III, a mathematical model to calculate the residual stresses which arise because of mismatch in coefficient of thermal expansion between layers and because of mismatch in lattice constants between the substrate and the epitaxially grown films is adopted. The theoretical equation is then used to evaluate the dependence of geometrical features of the fabricated three-dimensional structures on compressive residual stress. Moreover, FEM simulations and theoretical models analysis are developed in order to qualitative explore the operation principle of curved membranes, which are labelled dome-shaped diaphragm transducers (DSDT), both as sensors and as piezo-actuators and for the related design optimization. For the reliability of the proposed device as a force/pressure sensor and piezo-actuator, an exhaustive electromechanical characterization of the devices is carried out. A complete description of the microfabrication processes is also provided. As shown in Chapter IV, standard microfabrication techniques are employed to fabricate the array of DSDTs. The overall microfabrication process involves deposition of metal and piezoelectric films, photolithography and plasma-based dry and wet etching to pattern thin films with the desired features. The DSDT devices are designed and developed according to FEM and theoretical analysis and following the typical requirements of force/pressure systems for tactile applications. Experimental analyses are also accomplished to extract the relationship between the compressive residual stress due to the aluminum nitride and the geometries of the devices. They reveal different deformations, proving the dependence of the geometrical features of the three-dimensional structures on residual stress. Moreover, electrical characterization is performed to determine capacitance and impedance of the DSDTs and to experimentally calculate the relative dielectric constant of sputtered AlN piezoelectric film. In order to investigate the mechanical behaviour of the curved circular transducers, a characterization of the flexural deflection modes of the DSDT membranes is carried out. The natural frequency of vibrations and the corresponding displacements are measured by a Laser Doppler Vibrometer when a suitable oscillating voltage, with known amplitude, is applied to drive the piezo-DSDTs. Finally, being developed for tactile sensing purpose, the proposed technology is tested in order to explore the electromechanical response of the device when impulsive dynamic and/or long static forces are applied. The study on the impulsive dynamic and long static stimuli detection is then performed by using an ad hoc setup measuring both the applied loading forces and the corresponding generated voltage and capacitance variation. These measurements allow a thorough test of the sensing abilities of the AlN-based DSDT cells. Finally, as stated in Chapter V, the proposed technology exhibits an improved electromechanical coupling with higher mechanical deformation per unit energy compared with the conventional plate structures, when the devices are used as piezo-actuator. On the other hand, it is well suited to realize large area tactile sensors for robotics applications, opening up new perspectives to the development of latest generation biomimetic sensors and allowing the design and the fabrication of miniaturized devices

    Stress, lutto e modificazione dei parametri immunitari

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    Gli autori in questo articolo riportano un’estesa panoramica in tema di stress, lutto e sistema immunitario. Oltre a citare importanti studi che dimostrano la correlazione tra di essi, vengono altresì esplorati campi pionieristici (ipnosi e cancro – la teoria di Hamer) di un certo interesse che prometterebbero sviluppi futuri. Peraltro, lo studio affronta le possibilità di monitoraggio delle modificazioni immunitarie in caso di danno biologico psichico indiretto permanente, risarcibile in caso di morte di un congiunto (Corte Costituzionale Sent. 24-27 Ott. 1994 n° 372). Les auteurs font référence à une vaste littérature sur le stress, le deuil et le système immunitaire. Ils mentionnent non seulement les études les plus importantes qui montrent une corrélation parmi ces aspects, mais explorent aussi d’intéressantes filières pionnières (hypnose et cancer – la théorie de Hamer) promettant des développements futurs. D’autre part, l’étude aborde la question du monitorage des modifications immunitaires dans le cas du dommage biologique psychique indirect permanent, indemnisé suite à la mort d’un conjoint (Cour Constitutionnelle, jugement du 24-27 Octobre 1994, n°372). The authors of this article refer a large survey about stress, mourning and immune system. Besides mentioning important studies proving a correlation among these elements they also refer about an interesting survey about some pioneering fields (hypnosis and cancer, Hamer's theory) which could be particularly important for future developments. Furthermore, this study faces the possibility of monitoring immune modification in case of indirect permanent psychic biological damage repayable in case of a relative 's death (Corte Costituzionale Sent.24-27 ott. 1994 n.372)

    a short history of the journal

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    criminology and situational prevention

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    The present work brings to light a criminology and a preventative system from a less classic perspective, which does not aim to explain the criminal or the reasons why the act is committed, but rather a theoretical overview that focuses on the setting of the offense and the environmental opportunities that the criminal has taken to commit him. Situational Crime Prevention places attention and works on a set of public and private facilities (such as schools, hospitals, transport systems, shops, shopping malls, small businesses, telephone companies, parks, clubs, entertainment venues, bars and parkings) that create conditions, actions and performance that are potentially suitable and fertile for delinquency. ---------- Il presente lavoro porta alla luce una criminologia e un sistema preventivo letti da una prospettiva meno classica, che non si pone l'obiettivo di spiegare il criminale o le ragioni per cui l'atto illecito viene compiuto, bensì tratta una panoramica teorica che si focalizza sul setting del reato e sull'opportunità ambientale che il reo ha colto per commetterlo. Ecco che le Prevenzione Situazionale Criminologica attenziona e va ad operare su un insieme di strutture pubbliche e private (quali scuole, ospedali, sistemi di trasporto, negozi, centri commerciali, piccola imprenditoria, compagnie telefoniche, parchi, locali, luoghi di divertimento, bar e parcheggi) che vanno a creare circostanze, azioni e prestazioni, tutte potenzialmente idonee e fertili per la realizzazione di delinquenza. ---------- El presente trabajo saca a la luz una criminología y un sistema preventivo leídos desde una perspectiva menos clásica, que no pretende explicar el criminal o las razones por las cuales se comete el acto, sino que trata de una visión teórica que enfoca en el escenario de la ofensa y en la oportunidad ambiental que el rey ha capturado para cometerla. Prevención Situacional Criminológica atrae y opera en un conjunto de instalaciones públicas y privadas (como escuelas, hospitales, sistemas de transporte, tiendas, centros comerciales, pequeñas empresas, compañías telefónicas, parques, clubes, lugares de entretenimiento, bares y aparcamientos) que crean condiciones, acciones y rendimiento, todos potencialmente aptos y fértiles para el propósito de la delincuencia

    Terapia farmacologica e suicidio: l’esperienza del Gabapentin e della Quetiapina. Considerazioni medico-legali basate su una meta-analisi

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    Riassunto Il Gabapentin e la Quetiapina sono due farmaci appartenenti a due categorie farmaceutiche diverse e presentano diverse indicazioni terapeutiche. Essi condividono la negativa caratteristica di essere legati ad un possibile coinvolgimento in episodi di suicidio. Inoltre il recente uso off-label del Gabapentin per la terapia dei disturbi bipolari ha fatto sì che entrambi i farmaci possano essere impiegati per trattare la stessa patologia, aprendo la possibilità di una loro associazione nei pazienti refrattari alla monoterapia, con l’eventualità che i singoli effetti collaterali si sommino. Obiettivo di questo lavoro è stimare, attraverso l’analisi della letteratura scientifica disponibile, il legame esistente tra l’assunzione di Gabapentin e/o Quetiapina ed il rischio di ideazione e/o comportamenti suicidari, individuare un possibile meccanismo d’azione che possa spiegarlo e valutare il possibile utilizzo di questi farmaci come mezzo per porre in atto il suicidio. Il medico nel prescrivere Gabapentin o Quetiapina deve essere consapevole dei rischi che essi comportano e ne deve fornire al proprio paziente una completa informazione che gli consentano di prestare un consenso consapevole alla terapia. Inoltre, attraverso visite regolari, deve porre in atto un attento monitoraggio durante tutto l’arco del trattamento che gli consenta di rilevare segni di allarme e stabilire tutti gli accorgimenti, comportamentali e terapeutici, che permettano di ridurre o prevenire il rischio di comportamenti suicidari nei pazienti. Tutto ciò risulta ancor più importante alla luce della possibilità di una terapia di associazione con i due farmaci, sulla quale non esistono studi specifici. La gabapentine (Gabapentin) et la quétiapine (Quetiapina) sont deux médicaments appartenant à des catégories pharmaceutiques différentes ayant des indications thérapeutiques distinctes. Ils ont en commun la caractéristique négative d’être liés à une augmentation possible du risque de suicide. En outre, la prescription non conforme de médicaments (off-label use) comme la gabapentine, récemment choisie a fait que les deux médicaments peuvent être utilisés pour le traitement des troubles bipolaires, ouvrant la possibilité de faire prendre les deux aux patients jugés réfractaires à la monothérapie : le risque est que l’effet secondaire de l’un se somme à celui de l’autre. Grâce à l’analyse de la littérature scientifique, l’objectif de cette étude est : d’évaluer la relation entre l’assomption de la gabapentine et de la quétiapine et le risque d’idéation suicidaire et/ou de passage à l’acte ; d’identifier un mécanisme d’action pouvant expliquer ce risque ; évaluer l’usage de ces médicaments comme moyen de passage à l’acte dans la crise suicidaire. Le médecin qui prescrit la gabapentine (Gabapentin) ou la quétiapine (Quetiapina) doit être conscient de leurs risques et doit en informer le patient le plus complètement possible afin que ce dernier puisse donner, en toute conscience, un son consentement à la thérapie. En outre, par le biais de consultations régulières, le médecin doit effectuer un monitorage attentif du traitement pour détecter les signaux d’alarme et trouver les échappatoires, comportementales et thérapeutiques, pour réduire ou prévenir le risque suicidaire chez les patients. Tout cela est plus important encore, vu la possibilité de l’association de deux médicaments sur laquelle il n’existe aucune étude spécifique. Gabapentin and Quietiapina are two drugs belonging to two different pharmaceutical classes thus offering different therapeutic indications. They both share the negative feature of being related to a possible implication in suicidal events. Moreover, the latest off-label use of Gabapentin for the bipolar disorders therapy has allowed the use of both these drugs in the treatment of the same pathology, thus opening the possibility of their combination in treating those patients refractory to single-drug therapy. By doing in this way, there is the possibility of joining their separate side effects. The aim of this study is to assess, through the analysis of the available scientific literature, the tie between the administration of Gabapentin and/or Quietiapina and the risk of conceiving and/or practicing suicidal behaviours so that to recognize a possible action mechanism able to explain such behaviours. In this way researchers intend to estimate the possible use of these drugs as a means to commit suicide. When prescribing Gabapentin or Quietiapina, physicians must be aware of the risks of these drugs so that to accurately inform patients who have to give their conscious assent to the therapy. Moreover, through regular visits, caregivers have to implement an attentive monitoring throughout the whole therapy time in order to spot any signs alerting all possible therapeutic procedures necessary to prevent or reduce the risk of suicidal behaviours in patients. All these considerations appear to be more important in the light of the possibility of a therapy combining these two drugs, which has not yet been specifically studied

    Delirio omicidiario condiviso nelle coppie di serial killer

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    Riassunto I serial killer che agiscono in coppia rappresentano un’eventualità statisticamente molto rara. Frequentemente fra i due membri della coppia si va strutturando progressivamente un delirio comune che porta i soggetti a reiterare insieme le azioni omicidiarie. Questo quadro clinico prevede che un soggetto definito dominante, denominato “Induttore” o “Caso primario”, influenzi un soggetto più debole, denominato “Indotto”, arrivando ad imporgli il suo sistema delirante. Il soggetto debole della coppia sovente non proviene da una sottocultura criminale, né è portatore di alcuna patologia psichiatrica che giustifichi la sua adesione alle azioni del soggetto dominante. La sindrome è stata descritta per la prima volta alla fine dell’800 da Lasègue e Falret e denominata “Folie à deux”; nel DSM IV-TR è nota come Disturbo Psicotico Condiviso. Le coppie di serial killer maggiormente rappresentate statisticamente sono quelle formate da due uomini, seguono le coppie miste e infine le coppie femminili. Il legame esistente tra i due membri può essere amicale, amoroso o di parentela. Nonostante il “Caso primario” risulti dominante all’interno della coppia, non bisogna trascurare l’apporto del soggetto debole al delirio omicidiario condiviso: infatti, secondo la logica peculiare di una relazione complementare patologica, entrambi gli agenti hanno un ruolo necessario e funzionale al perdurare della relazione stessa. Anche l’individuo apparentemente più passivo e sottomesso ha un ruolo attivo nella costituzione del delirio omicidiario condiviso. Les tueurs en série qui agissent en couple sont très rares d’un point de vue statistique. Le plus souvent, entre les deux membres du couple, un délire commun apparaît progressivement, conduisant ces sujets à réitérer ensemble les passages à l’acte homicidaire. Ce cadre clinique prévoit qu’un individu, défini comme dominant et nommé « Inducteur » ou « Cas primaire », influence un individu plus faible, nommé « Induit », en lui imposant son système délirant. Le plus souvent, le membre du couple le plus faible ne provient pas d’une sous-culture criminelle et ne souffre d’aucun trouble psychiatrique qui justifierait son adhésion aux actions de l’individu dominant. Le syndrome a été décrit pour la première fois par Lasègue et Falret à la fin du XIXème siècle et nommé « folie à deux » ; le DSM-IV TR parle de « trouble psychotique partagé ». Les couples de tueurs en série les plus représentés d’un point de vue statistique sont composées de deux hommes, puis par un homme et une femme et, enfin, par deux femmes. Le lien entre les deux membres de ces couples peut être de type amical, sentimental ou de parenté. Bien que le « Cas primaire » soit dominant dans le couple, il ne faut pas négliger la contribution de l’individu faible au délire homicidaire partagé : en effet, sur la base de la logique particulière d’une relation complémentaire pathologique, les deux acteurs jouent un rôle majeur et fonctionnel à la continuité de la relation. Même l’individu apparemment le plus passif et soumis joue un rôle actif dans la formation du délire homicidaire partagé. Serial killers acting in pair represent an event which is statistically very rare. A sort of common delirium gradually structured between the two members of the pair, brings them to reiterate their homicidal actions. This clinical situation provides that a person described as dominant and called “inducer” or “primary” or “principal” imposes on another person knows as “the secondary”, “acceptor” or “associate” who gets to share the delirium of the “inducer”. The secondary person does not often come from a criminal subculture and does not have any psychiatric pathology which can justify his/her compliance to the actions of the “inducer”. This syndrome described for the first time at the end of the 19th century by Lasègue and Falret was called “Folie à deux”. In the DSM-IV-TR is known as Shared Psychotic Disorder. These pairs of serial killers statistically more representative are those made up of two men, or a man and a woman or two women. Between the two members there may be a friendly, loving or relationship tie. Even if the “inducer” is dominant within the pair, the contribution given by the “acceptor” to the shared homicidal delirium must not be neglected. In fact, according to the peculiar logic of a relationship completely pathological , both members of the pair have a functional and necessary role in the persistence of the relationship itself. Also the person seemingly more passive and subjected has an active role in the structure of the shared homicidal delirium

    serial murders criminological profiles

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    The present work embraces multiple aspects related to the theme of serial murder, which is essentially addressed by a criminological and personological perspective. Attention will be focused first on the serial killer figure, which will analyze both the intrapsychic peculiarities and the most intrinsic motivations behind the homicidal action as well as the more technical and specific aspects of the modus operandi and the signature that convey this kind of offenders. At the same time, a victimological overview will be developed, focusing on the preferential victims in this delinquent mode. The article will also highlight a categorization of serial killings based on the motive, as well as different classifications of the major types of serial killers identified by multiple authors. Finally, criminal profiling will be analyzed, deepening the role of the profiler in investigations and outlining the presumed personality of the offender, thus circumscribing the field of potential investigators with particular reference to US reality. ---------- Il lavoro qui presentato abbraccia molteplici aspetti relativi al tema dell'omicidio seriale, che viene essenzialmente affrontato da una prospettiva criminologica e personologica. L'attenzione, infatti, si concentrerà inizialmente sulla figura del serial killer, di cui saranno analizzate sia le peculiarità intrapsichiche sia le motivazioni più intrinseche alla base dell'azione omicidiaria, nonché gli aspetti più tecnici e specifici quali il modus operandi e la firma, che connotano questo tipo di autori di reato. Parallelamente verrà sviluppata una panoramica vittimologica, con focus sulle vittime preferenziali in questa modalità delittuosa. L'articolo porterà inoltre alla luce sia una categorizzazione degli omicidi seriali in base al movente, sia diverse classificazioni dei principali tipi di serial killer individuati da più autori. Infine si parlerà di criminal profiling, e sarà approfondito il ruolo che il profiler assume nelle indagini, delineando la presumibile personalità del reo, e circoscrivendo così il campo dei potenziali indagati, con particolare riferimento alla realtà statunitense. ---------- El trabajo presentado aquí abarca múltiples aspectos relacionados con el tema del asesinato en serie, que se aborda esencialmente desde una perspectiva criminológica y personológica. De hecho, la atención se centrará en la figura del asesino en serie, que analizará las peculiaridades intrapsíquicas y los motivos más intrínsecos de la acción homicida, así como aspectos más técnicos y específicos, como el modus operandi y la firma, que transmiten este tipo de delincuentes. Al mismo tiempo, se desarrollará un panorama vistimológico centrado en las víctimas preferenciales en este modo delincuente. El artículo también destacará una categorización de asesinatos en serie basados en el motivo, así como varias clasificaciones de los principales tipos de asesinos en serie identificados por múltiples autores. Finalmente, se tratará sobre la caracterización delictiva, y se profundizará el papel que el perfilador tomará en la investigación, delineando la presunta personalidad del delincuente y circunscribiendo así el campo de investigadores potenciales, con referencia particular a la realidad estadounidense

    Evolution of the criminological profile of the Islamic terrorist. The European response for the prevention of the new jihadist criminal

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    The threat of the new century brings the face of men and women, driven to subversion by an extreme idea, because of misinterpretation. They are an army fighting an asymmetrical conflict at while international relations have changed. Jihad, which is why Al Qaeda has shed blood for years, has now evolved, adapting itself to society, instrumentalizing the religious concept, the cornerstone of Islamist values. But who is the criminal you are looking for? How does he move? And how recognize him? These questions have been answered by analyzing the jihadist profiles, already available and the events of the last few years in order to have medium-long term projections. Fulcrum of the evolution of the jihadist soldier is the birth of the Isis and the media propaganda. The greatest attention is paid to the younger ones, as they are more influential on virtual platforms and migration flows. Europe recognizes the risk of radicalization on its territory, already victim of numerous attacks, and although it does not yet have a common governance of action against this threat, it has adopted prevention plans consisting of integration, information, re-education and democracy. From Italy comes the scientific study, operating on three levels, which suggests the method of action for an effective prevention. The objective is to make more fluent cooperation between criminology and counteraction by the combination of the elements of this paper

    Survey of the perception and presence of bias in the Italian judicial system

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    It is now evident that the Italian judicial system is full of defects and gaps. There is an urgent need to implement reforms with which to limit judicial error. One of the biggest problems is the presence of prejudice that leads to the fulfilment of unjust sentences. Through the administration of an anonymous questionnaire, an attempt was made to investigate the perception and presence of prejudice in people who carry out a profession within the judiciary. A further objective is the creation of a personological profile of the typical magistrate. The main intent is to raise awareness and make professionals aware of the problems present throughout the judicial system and to be able to provide a pulse to implement changes and renovations aimed to creating a better society

    Neurolinguistic programming and sectarian groupings

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    In the paper there are descriptions of the different types of sects to fully understand how they differ and which is the focal center of the movements. Subsequently, we will analyze the techniques of mental control and manipulation that take place in the different sectarian groupings and how it works and what is NLP (neurolinguistic programming) used very frequently by leaders to lure followers and consequently to keep them within the group. Finally, the problems of this phenomenon will be highlighted to sensitize the community to the issue under consideration