64 research outputs found

    Zinc homeostasis and signaling in health and diseases: Zinc signaling

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    The essential trace element zinc (Zn) is widely required in cellular functions, and abnormal Zn homeostasis causes a variety of health problems that include growth retardation, immunodeficiency, hypogonadism, and neuronal and sensory dysfunctions. Zn homeostasis is regulated through Zn transporters, permeable channels, and metallothioneins. Recent studies highlight Zn’s dynamic activity and its role as a signaling mediator. Zn acts as an intracellular signaling molecule, capable of communicating between cells, converting extracellular stimuli to intracellular signals, and controlling intracellular events. We have proposed that intracellular Zn signaling falls into two classes, early and late Zn signaling. This review addresses recent findings regarding Zn signaling and its role in physiological processes and pathogenesis

    Studies on the Physicochemical Attributes of Kalakand and the Effect of Kinnow Juice Addition

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    Kalakand was prepared from buffalo milk (6 fat and 9 % solids not fat) with a constant level of sugar (6 w/v of milk) incorporating different levels of kinnow juice (viz. T1 (0%) T2 (10%), T3 (15%), T4 (20%) and T5 (25%) % W/V of milk). It was observed that T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 contained moisture 17.05, 17.40, 19.30, 20.75 and 22.63 %, fat 21.33, 20.90, 20.14, 18.89 and 17.48 %, protein 15.30, 14.94, 14.22, 13.51 and 12.84 %, ash 3.1, 2.85, 2.8, 2.55 and 2.43 %, total solids 82.95, 82.60, 80.70, 79.25 and 77.38 %, total carbohydrate 41.67, 42.70, 44.96, 44.60 and 44.23 %, titratable acidity 0.33, 0.38, 0.52, 0.59 and 0.75 %, L.A 6.74, 6.59, 6.40, 6.21 and 6.05 respectively

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACY & LIFE SCIENCES Microbubble and its applications

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    Abstract This review focuses on the characteristics of microbubbles that give them therapeutic properties and some important aspects of ultrasound parameters that are known to influence microbubbles-mediated drug delivery. In addition, current studies involving this novel therapeutic application of microbubbles will be discussed the microbubbles as drug carriers have an average size less than that of red blood cells .They are capable of penetrating even into the small blood capillaries and releasing drug and genes under the action of ultrasound field. Targeting ligands are attached to the surface of the microbubbles (i.e. targeted-microbubbles). Microbubbles dispersion method was investigated to improve oxygen transfer at low agitation rates and thus reduce power consumption and shear stress on the microorganisms. Myocardial contrast echocardiography is rapidly becoming a technique that can be utilized with intravenous with intravenous Microbubbles to detect myocardial perfusion abnormalities during stress echocardiography. Microbubbles destruction has been proposed as an innovative method for noninvasive delivering of drugs and genes to different tissues. Conventional flotation assisted with microbubbles (30-100 µm) finds application in the recovery of fine mineral particles (b13 µm) and flotation with these fine bubbles is being used as a solid/liquid separation to remove pollutants. Microbubble having boost utilization in formation of biofuel.Thus microbubbles having various applications in various fields

    Incidence of gastrointestinal parasitism of captive wild pigeons at Nagpur

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    Present study was planned to investigate the helminthic infection in captive wild pigeons (Columba livia) at Maharajbagh Zoo Nagpur. All the 30 samples examined were found positive either with single or mixed helminthic infections. The result showed that the incidence of Capillaria sp, Ascaridia sp and  Hetarakis sp. were 56.66%, 76.66%, 16.66% respectively. Mixed parasitic infection was recorded in around 17 samples with either Ascaridia sp. and Capillaria sp or with Ascaridia sp. and Heterakis sp. One of 30 samples examined were found with the cysts of Balantidium coli. [Vet World 2009; 2(9.000): 343-

    Incidence of gasrointestinal helminthiasis in captive deers at Nagpur

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    Out of 60 Samples of deer from Maharajbag Zoo, Nagpur, 30 were positive for eggs and larvae of helminthic parasites. The encountered parasitic species were Haemonchus spp., Dicrocoelium spp., Paramphistomum spp., Oesophagostomum spp. and Bunostomum spp. etc. Direct smear method together with sedimentation technique were used for the purpose. [Vet World 2009; 2(9.000): 337-338
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