917 research outputs found

    Anxiety and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in the Context of Human Brain Evolution:A Role for Theory in DSM-V?

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    The “hypervigilance, escape, struggle, tonic immobility”\ud evolutionarily hardwired acute peritraumatic response\ud sequence is important for clinicians to understand. Our\ud commentary supplements the useful article on human\ud tonic immobility (TI) by Marx, Forsyth, Gallup, Fusé and Lexington (2008). A hallmark sign of TI is peritraumatic\ud tachycardia, which others have documented as a\ud major risk factor for subsequent posttraumatic stress\ud disorder (PTSD). TI is evolutionarily highly conserved\ud (uniform across species) and underscores the need for\ud DSM-V planners to consider the inclusion of evolution\ud theory in the reconceptualization of anxiety and PTSD.\ud We discuss the relevance of evolution theory to the\ud DSM-V reconceptualization of acute dissociativeconversion\ud symptoms and of epidemic sociogenic disorder(epidemic “hysteria”). Both are especially in need of attention in light of the increasing threat of terrorism\ud against civilians. We provide other pertinent examples.\ud Finally, evolution theory is not ideology driven (and\ud makes testable predictions regarding etiology in “both\ud directions”). For instance, it predicted the unexpected\ud finding that some disorders conceptualized in DSM-IV-TR as innate phobias are conditioned responses and thus better conceptualized as mild forms of PTSD. Evolution\ud theory may offer a conceptual framework in\ud DSM-V both for treatment and for research on psychopathology.\u

    Currently Existing Mosquito Control Programs in Minnesota

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    Mosquito Control in Minnesota is governed by three statutes: Local Pest Control 18.021 -18.022, Mosquito Abatement 18.041 -18.161, and Mosquito Control 473.701 -473.717. Of these only two are actively utilized, 18.021 -18.022 in outstate Minnesota and 473.701 -473.717 in the seven county metropolitan area. Local Pest Control Statute 18.021 -18.022 governs the control of many pests including mosquitoes. The statute is enforced by the Municipal Pest Control Section of the Division of Plant Industry in the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. Pesticides are generally applied to kill adult mosquitoes upon citizen demand

    F-spin as a Partial Symmetry

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    We use the empirical evidence that F-spin multiplets exist in nuclei for only selected states as an indication that F-spin can be regarded as a partial symmetry. We show that there is a class of non-F-scalar IBM-2 Hamiltonians with partial F-spin symmetry, which reproduce the known systematics of collective bands in nuclei. These Hamiltonians predict that the scissors states have good F-spin and form F-spin multiplets, which is supported by the existing data.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Warship wrecks and their munition cargos as a threat to the marine environment and humans: The V 1302 “JOHN MAHN” from World War II

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    In addition to endangering sea traffic, cable routes, and wind farms, sunken warship wrecks with dangerous cargo, fuel, or munitions on board may emerge as point sources for environmental damage. Energetic compounds such as TNT (which could leak from these munitions) are known for their toxicity, mutagenicity, and carcinogenicity. These compounds may cause potential adverse effects on marine life via contamination of the marine ecosystem, and their entry into the marine and human food chain could directly affect human health. To ascertain the impending danger of an environmental catastrophe posed by sunken warships, the North Sea Wrecks (NSW) project (funded by the Interreg North Sea Region Program) was launched in 2018. Based on historical data (derived from military archives) including the calculated amount of munitions still on board, its known location and accessibility, the German World War II ship “Vorpostenboot 1302” (former civilian name - “JOHN MAHN”) was selected as a case study to investigate the leakage and distribution of toxic explosives in the marine environment. The wreck site and surrounding areas were mapped in great detail by scientific divers and a multibeam echosounder. Water and sediment samples were taken in a cross-shaped pattern around the wreck. To assess a possible entry into the marine food chain, aged mussels were exposed at the wreck, and wild fish (pouting), a sedentary species that stays locally at the wreck, were caught. All samples were analyzed for the presence of TNT and derivatives thereof by GC–MS/MS analysis. As a result, we could provide evidence that sunken warship wrecks emerge as a point source of contamination with nitroaromatic energetic compounds leaking from corroding munitions cargo still on board. Not only did we find these explosive substances in bottom water and sediment samples around the wreck, but also in the caged mussels as well as in wild fish living at the wreck. Fortunately so far, the concentrations found in mussel meat and fish filet were only in the one-digit ng per gram range thus indicating no current concern for the human seafood consumer. However, in the future the situation mayworsen as the corrosion continues. Fromour study, it is proposed that wrecks should not only be ranked according to critical infrastructure and human activities at sea, but also to the threats they pose to the environment and the human seafood consumer

    Transition Rates between Mixed Symmetry States: First Measurement in 94Mo

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    The nucleus 94Mo was investigated using a powerful combination of gamma-singles photon scattering experiments and gamma-gamma-coincidence studies following the beta-decay of 94mTc. The data survey short-lived J^pi=1+,2+ states and include branching ratios, E2/M1 mixing ratios, lifetimes, and transition strengths. The mixed-symmetry (MS) 1+ scissors mode and the 2+ MS state are identified from M1 strengths. A gamma transition between MS states was observed and its rate was measured. Nine M1 and E2 strengths involving MS states agree with the O(6) limit of the interacting boson model-2 using the proton boson E2 charge as the only free parameter.Comment: 9 pages, 3 PostScript figures included, ReVTeX, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters, tentatively scheduled for August 9, 199

    Strong fragmentation of low-energy electromagnetic excitation strength in 117^{117}Sn

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    Results of nuclear resonance fluorescence experiments on 117^{117}Sn are reported. More than 50 γ\gamma transitions with Eγ<4E_{\gamma} < 4 MeV were detected indicating a strong fragmentation of the electromagnetic excitation strength. For the first time microscopic calculations making use of a complete configuration space for low-lying states are performed in heavy odd-mass spherical nuclei. The theoretical predictions are in good agreement with the data. It is concluded that although the E1 transitions are the strongest ones also M1 and E2 decays contribute substantially to the observed spectra. In contrast to the neighboring even 116124^{116-124}Sn, in 117^{117}Sn the 11^- component of the two-phonon [21+31][2^+_1 \otimes 3^-_1] quintuplet built on top of the 1/2+^+ ground state is proved to be strongly fragmented.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Nondestructive Testing to Identify Delaminations Between HMA Layers Volume 2-Theoretical Models

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    Asphalt pavements with delamination problems experience considerable early damage because delaminations provide paths for moisture damage and the development of damage such as stripping, slippage cracks, and pavement deformation. Early detection of the existence, extent, and depth of delaminations in asphalt pavements is key for determining the appropriate rehabilitation strategy and thus extending the life of the given pavement

    Nondestructive Testing to Identify Delaminations Between HMA Layers, Volume 4 - Uncontrolled Evaluation Reports

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    Asphalt pavements with delamination problems experience considerable early damage because delaminations provide paths for moisture damage and the development of damage such as stripping, slippage cracks, and pavement deformation. Early detection of the existence, extent, and depth of delaminations in asphalt pavements is key for determining the appropriate rehabilitation strategy and thus extending the life of the given pavement