43 research outputs found


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    この報告は, 花粉膜の表面微細構造によるツガ及びカナダツガの類別について述べるものである。供試料は, Micropeuce (Eutsuga)に属するツガ及びカナダツガの2種である。実験方法は, 筆者が1956年来適用しているMethylmethacrylate carbon 2段replica法によつた。実験の結果, 下記の諸点を明らかにすることができた。1.ツガ花粉 : cap及びgerm furrowの表面は不規則に配列した隆状突起によつておおわれ, さらにそれより大きさの異なつた指状物が突出し, その間にごく小数ながらイボ状物の存在が認められる。とくに指状突起物は軟弱なためか, 曲りやすく, しかもほとんどはく離しない。一方, marginal ridgeとgerm furrowの連結部の膜面は, 微小なしかも不規則な突起物によつておおわれている。これはcap及びgerm furrowの表面と全く異なつた構造を呈している。また, Photo. 3に示した如く, germ furrowの中央部にnarbeの存在を確認することができた。narbeの表面は, へいかつである。指状突起物の長さは約0.3∿2.1μ, 連結部膜面の突起物の長さは約0.1∿0.2μ, またnarbeは長径約7.5μである。2.カナダツガ花粉 : capの表面は花野菜型の隆起でおおわれ, その表面には微小な刺状突起をそなえている。またgerm furrowの表面には, 大きさの異なつた粒状隆起が存在し, さらにその表面には微小な刺状紋を有しており, 粒状隆起の間には不定形の隆起が認められた。capとgerm furrowの連結部の模面構造はツガ花粉と同様である。Photo. 6に示したように, ツガにみられたnarbeが見出しえられなかつた花野菜型隆起部上の刺状紋の長さは約0.1μであり, 粒状突起物の直径は約2.4∿2.0μで, またその表面に存在する刺状紋の長さは約0.1μである。以上述べた諸点で明らかなように, ツガ及びカナダツガ花粉の微細構造は, いちじるしく異なつている。なおPhoto. 7に示したイボ状構造は, ectosexineより下の層の表面構造である。筆者は, ツガ花粉のsexineは3つの異なつた表面構造をもつ層から成り立つているのであろうということを推定した。The present paper deals with the classification between Tsuga Sieboldiana and Tsuga canadensis, based on the fine surface structure of pollen membrane. The matrials used in this study are the pollen of 2 species, such as Tsuga Sieboldii CARR. and Tsuga canadensis CARR. belonging to Micropeuce (Eutsuga). The experimental method depends upon the methylmethacrylate-carbon 2 stage replica, which was used by the author since 1956. As the result of the electronmicroscopic investigation, he could clarify the following points. 1. Pollen of Tsuga Sieboldii CARR. : the surface of cap and germ furrow is covered all over with irregularly arranged protrusions, and finger-like projections which are different in sizes, rising from their surface. Especially, their projections are pliant, probably on account of their delicate nature, and they cannot, in most cases, be separated from the surface of the grain. Besides, the surface of the combined parts between marginal ridge and germ furrow of the grain is covered with fine and irregular projections. As shown in Photo 1,we can seen the different structure of the surface pattern of cap, and germ furrow. As given in photo. 3,he could recognise the existence of narbe in the central part of germ furrow. The surface of narbe is very smooth. The length of finger-like projection; about 0.3∿2.1μ, the length of projection of surface membrane in the combined parts; about 0.1∿0.2μ, and long diameter of narbe; about 7.5μ. 2. Pollen of Tsuga canadensis CARR. : the surface of cap is covered all over with protrusions of the "cauli-flower type", and they are possessed of projection of fine spinules on its surface. Also, on the surface of germ furrow were seen grain-like projections in different sizes, and fine spinules on its surface. Moreover, protrusion of amorphus in that of grain-like projection were recognised. The structure of the combined part of cap and germ furrow are similar to those of Tsuga Sieboldii pollen. As given in photo. 6,there is no find of narbe as are found in Tsuga Sieboldii pollen. The length of spinules (on protrusions of the "cauli-flower type"); about 0.1μ, diameter of grain-like projection; about 0.4∿2.0μ, and the length of the spinules existed in their surface; about 0.1μ. As mentioned above, it is clearly seen that the fine structure between the pollen of Tsuga Sieboldii and of Tsuga canadensis were considerably different. Moreover, the verrucate structure as given in photo. 7 shows the surface structure of the under layer of ectosxine in sexine stratification. It has been estimated that sexine of Tsuga Sieboldii pollen consist of three layers each different in the fine surface structure


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    樹木花粉膜の微細構造を電子顕微鏡的に明確にし, 樹木分類学, 林木育種学および花粉学上の諸問題を解決するための基礎資料をうることを目的として, 1956年春からその研究に着手した。その当時外国において, 数種の花粉膜表面構造に関する研究が2例あった。しかし, わが国においては, まだどの方面からもその業績が発表されていなかったのである。筆者は, 今日まで樹木花粉膜の表面構造に関する研究に専念し, これまで予想しえなかった多くの新事実を明らかにするとともに, 超薄切片法で明確にしえなかった構造を解明することができ, 一応結論をえた。この研究でとりあつかった供試料は, ソテツ, イチョウ, 針葉樹およびグネツムに属する34属・75種, 主要広葉樹に属する69属・176種である。研究法は, 大部分メチルメタクリレート・カーボン2段レプリカ法により, 1部分超薄切片法によるものである。研究結果は, 既往の光学顕微鏡および超薄切片法による研究結果と比較検討し, 筆者独自の分類を試み, 分類表を作製した。その分類結果の意義は, たんに花粉形態学あるいは樹木分類学上価値あるのみでなく, 林木育種学における基礎資料として価値あるものと確信している。In spite of the fact that numerous studies on the surface structure of pollen grain had been published long since by many palynologists, there remained much that was unknown. This was mainly due to the limited resolution power of the optical microscope. The writer began, in 1956,the electronmicroscopic investigations on the fine structure of pollen membrane of trees by the methylmethacrylate carbon two-staged replica method (Harada\u27s method) and ultrathin sectioning (Sjostrand\u27s method). Results of the investigations have been published in various journals (1957-1964) by the writer. In the present paper, the writer\u27s views on the surface structure of pollen membrane had been obtained by the electronmicroscopic investigation in the past 8 years are summarized. The investigation deals with some of the gymnosperms and the main broad leaved trees

    Taxodiaceae 花粉の同定について

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    The present paper deals with the results of investigations on the identification of Taxodiaceae pollen. The pollen grains of seven genera of Metasequoia, Taxodium, Glyptostrobus, Cryptomeria, Sequoia, Cunninghamia and Sciadopitys belonging to Taxodiaceae have the same type in each other and there are often the cases to confuse the identification of Taxodiaceae pollen at the time of pollen analysis. The writers fully observed Taxodiaceae pollen using the identification sample used in former years, and explained the pollen form, and then illustrated the typical types in them. The results are summarized as follows : 1. The materials of modern pollen were treated with Conc. HCl : 10% NaOH and Acetolysis method, then served for microscopic observations. 2. The materials of fossil pollen : i). Alluvium peat The Tashirogata peat deposits, Akita Pref. (peat bog) ii). Diluvium lignite The village of Nishigo lignite bed, Yamagata Pref. (out-crop) iii). Pliocene lignite The village of Hukuhara lignite bed, Yamagata Pref. (coal-mine and out-crop) The Minowa lignite bed, Nigata Pref. (out-crop) The above mentioned materials were treated by acetic anhydride method, Nitric acid method and Alkaline method of various concentrations, and their pollen grains were extracted, and then served for the microscopic observations. 3. According to the results of observations of i). Size of diagram of the pollen grains ii). Surface stracture of the pollen membrane iii). Shape of papilla iv). Shape of germinal pore, it has been clarified that by means of a few above mentioned points, the identification of Taxodiaceae pollen is possible at least in genera kept relatively as Taxodiaceae pollen. Plate 1 and 2 give the typical types detected under the microscopic observations of modern pollen and fossil pollen. The identification of the species in each genera must wait for future studies

    花粉の化石化に関する基礎研究 (I) : ヒマラヤスギ花粉の化学組成

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    In the course of fundamental studies on the fossilization of the pollen, using the Himarayan cedar pollen (Cedrus deodara LOUD.), the general compositions, the polysaccharides and the soluble components were estimated. From the results of investigations, it has been realized that the general compositions of the Himarayan cedar pollen are not much different from the general compositions of the pine pollen (Pinus densiflora SIEB. et ZUCC. and Pinus Thunbergii PARL.) investigated by Sekine, and that galactan and mannan were contained in a greater amount than the other Polysaccharides. Opinions on the soluble components shall be clarified in future studies

    花粉膜の表面構造に関する電子顕微鏡的研究 IV

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    The writers have already published in the journals of Japanese forestry society the investigations concerning the fine structure of the surface of the tree pollen membrane of 15 species (12 family・14 genus). They now give the report IV about the clarified points of the fine structure of the surface of the pollen membrane of 9 species (See, Table 1) belonging to broad leaved trees. The outline of the report is as follows : 1) Pollen of Populus nigra var. italica DUR.; over the surface of the grain are irregularly arranged the nearly round shallow concaves of about 0.2-0.5μ in diameter, and between each concaves there are protrusions with fine spinules projected from the surface of it. Also, in the parts of mesh concave are found fine furrow shapes. 2) Pollen of Salix babylonica LIN.; over the surface of the grain can be seen the sunken meshes giving irregular forms. In each of the parts of mesh concave are projected (one to several) verrucae different in size. 3) Pollen of Salix Kinuyanagi KIM.; the fine structure in the surface of the grain is nearly similar to that of Salix babylonica described above. According to Fig. 4,the presence of verrucae in the germinal zone is also confirmed. The size of the mesh sunken from exine (Max. length) is about 0.1-2.5μ. 4) Pollen ofCorylus Sieboldiana Bl.; the surface of the grain is covered with many fine spinules, and they can be seen also in the pore membrane. The length of these spinules is about 0.1-0.3μ. Besides, the bow-shaped protrusions among the germ pores which are found often in the pollen of Betulaceae cannot be found here. 5) Pollen of Corylus heterophylla FSCH.; the pattern of the surface, the shape of the germ pore and the length of spinules etc. are found little different from the case of Corylus Siebol diana. Besides, no protrusions of bow-shape are found among the germ pore. 6) Pollen of Betula papyrifera MARSH.; the surface of the grain is covered with many fine spinules, and they can be seen also in the germ pore part. The length of these spinules is about 0.1-0.3μ. The shape of the germ pore is nearly elliptic, and the protrusions of bow-shap are found among them. The length of the ellipsoid is about 2.5×4.0 in diameter. 7) Pollen of Alnus japonica SIEB. et ZUCC.; the pattern of the surface, the shape of the germ pore and the length of spinules etc. are found little different from the case of Betula papyrifera. However, each of the bow-shaped sides between the germ pore is considerably protuberant. 8) Pollen of Alnus pendula MATSUM.; little different from the case of Alnus japonica. 9) Pollen of Celtis sinensis var. japonica NAK.; the surface of the grain is irregularly dotted with verrucae, the hight of which is about 0.1-0.3μ. The germ pore is a little rising from the surface of the grain, and shows a round shape. The grain is found a little different in the surface structure from that covered with spinules as described above


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    この報告は花粉膜における各膜層の表面微細構造についての電子顕微鏡による研究結果の一端である。供試料は5種であり, 実験結果の大要はつぎのとおりである。1.トガサワラ花粉において, perine, ectosexine及びendosexineの3層の表面構造を明らかにした。すなわち, perineは粒状物, ectosexineは平かつ, endosexineは刺状物或いはイボ状物である。2.ツガ花粉において, ectosexine, endosexine及びnectosexineの3層の表面構造を明らかにした。すなわち, ectosexineは指状物, endosexineは刺状物或いはイボ状物, nectosexineはイボ状物である。3.Cupressus goveniana花粉においては, 5層の表面構造を知りえた。すなわち, perineはコンペイトウ型粒状物, ectosexineは刺状物, endosexineはほとんど平かつ, ectonexine及びmesonexineもendosexineと同様である。4.ヒノキ及びカリトリス花粉においては, うえに述べたCupressus goveniana花粉と同様の結果が認められた。5.これまでの実験結果から, この処理法の適用範囲をつぎのように分類した。A)容易なもの;Cunninghamia, Callitris, Thujopsis, Thuja, Chamaecyparis, Cupressus及びJuniperus. B)普通;Taxus, Torreya, Cephalotaxus, Larix, Tsuga及びCryptomeria. C)困難なもの;Picca, Abies及びPinus.The present paper deals with the fine surface structure of the stratified membrane in some pollen grains-Gymnosperm. The materials used in this study are the pollen of 5 species (Pseudotsuga japonica, Tsuga sieboldii, Cupressus goveniana, Chamaecyparis obtusa and Callitris robusta). The summary of the results is as follows : 1. In the pollen of Pseudotsuga japonica, the writer were able to clarify the fine surface structure of 3 layers (perine, ectosexine and endosexine). Namely, perine granular, ectosexine smooth and endosexine spinols or verrucoid. 2. In the pollen of Tsuga sieboldii, we were able to recognise the fine surface structure of 3 layers (ectosexine, endosexine and nectosexine). Namely, ectosexine finger-like projection, endosexine spinolsoor verrucoid, nectosexine verruciod. 3. In the pollen of Cupressus goveniana, we were able to know the fine surface structure of 5 layers. 1st layer (perine orbiculus), 2nd layer (ectosexine spinols), 3rd layer (endosexine almost smooth), 4th and 5th layers (ectonexine and mesonexine are similar to that of endosexine). 4. In the pollen of Chamaecyparis obtusa and Callitris robusta, we have realised the results as like as that of Cupressus goveniana, as the above mentioned. 5. From the experimental results until now, we classify the range of application of this method as follows : A) Good; Cunninghamia, Callitris, Thujopsis, Thuja, Chamaecyparis, Cupressus, and Juniperus. B) Passage; Taxus, Torreya, Cephalotaxus, Larix, Tsuga and Cryptomeria. C) Difficult; Picea, Abies and Pinus


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    The pollen of plants has the trace of its original form as the fossil in coals and partial sedimentary rocks. It is thought that the pollen grain fallen into peat bog is gradually following up the process of fossilisation in the present time. How the surface structure of the pollen changes in this process, has an important significance for the identification of the fossil pollen in palynology, as well as for the studies on the fossilisation of the pollen. From this point of view, the writers have selected the Alluvial peat as the material, and attempted the observation by means of electronmicroscope based on the replica method. The materials were taken from the peat layer of Tashirogata bog in Kokakeyama national forest, Nibuna, Todoroki village, Yamamoto-gun, Akita prefecture, at the depth of 1.0m from the surface of the bog. The summay of the results is as follows : 1) The surface of the modern pollen of Cryptomeria japonica is covered all over with granules of the "confetto type" (their diameter being about 0.2∿0.8μ). However, on the surface of the fossil pollen of Cryptomeria japonica no granules of the "confetto type" could be detected. From this point of view, it is thought that the granules above mentioned were separated from the surface of the grain in the fossilising process. 2) And next, we were able to clarify that the texture, after the separation of granules of the "confetto type", of both the modern pollen and the fossil pollen is different between the germinal zone and the other parts. This is important for the identification of both the modern and the fossil pollen. Especially, the texture, after the separation of granules of the "confetto type", of the modern pollen shows fine spinuies (G. Z. : 0.1μ and B : 0.1-0.3μ), while that of the fossil pollen shows fine dotted varrucae (G. Z. : 0.1μ and B : 0.1-0.3μ). 3) From the experimental results (optical and electronmicroscopic) as described above, the writers were able to identify the fossil pollen detected in the Alluvial peat as that of Cryptomeria japonica. 4) This is an example of the pollen of Cryptomeria japonica, but if the study of this kind will be advanced in the future, there will be abtained the result important for the identification of genera or species of fossil pollen of many kinds

    花粉膜の表面構造に関する電子顕微鏡的研究 VI : 裸子植物篇 1

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    The writers have been engaged in the electronmicroscope investigations on the fine structure of pollen membrane, based on the replica method, and they already published the reports I∿V on their results. The series of this study is, from now on, to be divided into the part of gymnospermae and that of angiospermae. The present report gives the fine structure of the surface of pollen membrane of 5 species, as the 1st report treating the part of gymnospermae. The summary of the results is as follows : 1. Pollen of Cycas revoluta THUNB. : in the dorsal view, the surface of pollen membrane is scattered with many irregularly round-shaped concaves (perhaps small openings), and the protrusions among them show the pattern of fine waves. The longer diameter of the concaves is about 0.2∿0.3μ. In the ventral view, the almost same pattern as in the dorsal view is recognised, but it has the tendency to some decline. On the surface of the germinal furrow are recognised protrusions of irregular meshes. The width of the protrusions is about 0.2∿0.4μ. 2. Pollen of Ginkgo biloba LIN. : on the surface of pollen membrane are arranged irregular protrusions, which are covered all over with linear projections. The tops of these linear projections are pointed, and show spinule-like features. The height of the linear projections in the dorsal view is about 0.1∿0.2μ, and their length is irregularly between 0.2 and 2.0μ. The surface of the membrane of germinal furrow is dotted with spinules or granules, and with faint linear projections at the same time. The length of the linear projections is about 0.2∿1.0μ, the height of the spinules about 0.1∿0.2μ and the diameter of granules about 0.5μ. 3. Pollen of Podocarpus Nagi PILG. : the surface of the body shows the protrusions of the "cauli-flower type", and from their surface are projected fine spinules about 0.1μ long. Besides, the surface of air-filled bladders is comparatively smooth, but we can recognise fine spinules as in the case of the body. The germinal furrow shows an irregularly elliptical form, and on its surface are found the spinules, which are finer than those on the surface of the body. Among the spinules are recognised irregular protrusions. 4. Pollen of Keteleeria Davidiana BEISSN. : the surface of the body is covered with the protrusions of the "cauli-flower type", and some of the protrusions show the similar forms to those of pila. The surface of the protrusions has fine spinules (about 0.1μ) projected from it, and is dotted with small openings (about 0.1μ). Also, we could recognise fine spinules (their height is about 0.1∿0.3μ) and small openings (their diameter about 0.1μ) on the surface of air-filled bladders. 5. Pollen of Pseudolarix Kaempferi GORD. : the surface of the body is covered with the protrusions of the "cauli-flower type", and fine spinules (their height is about 0.1μ) are projected from their surface. Also, the surface of air-filled bladders is irregularly uneven, and is dotted all over with fine spinules (their height is about 0.1∿0.2μ) and small openings (their diameter about 0.1μ)

    Coix 属の改良に関する育種学的研究 (III) : Coix 属及び Zea 属の花粉膜の表面構造について

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    筆者らは現在改良試験を実施中であるCoix属のハトムギ, ジュズダマ及びそのF_1雑種, 更にその四倍体植物の花粉を, Zea属のトウモロコシ花粉と共に薬品処理による花粉膜の光学顕微鏡的観察と, Carbon Replica法の適用による花粉膜の表面微細構造の電子顕微鏡的観察を行い, 両者の比較を行つた。1.光学顕微鏡的観察 光顕像においては, 供試植物の花粉の間には, 花粉粒の大きさ以外に形態学的差異は観察されなかつた。発芽孔は一つであり, 花粉膜はextineが薄くintineが厚く観察された。また発芽帯周辺は一般に厚膜であり, 花粉の変形, 壌裂は極の方に多い。発芽帯には乳状突起が観察された。2.電子顕微鏡的観察 電顕像による花粉のextexineの微細構造は, 供試花粉ではいづれも微細なspineによつておおわれ, 各種間に明らかな差は認められない。ただCoix, Zea両属間にはspineの大きさにおいて, Coix属内の各種間には形状においてやや差が認められるようである。発芽帯の状態は, トウモロコシでは乳状突起の中心に, spineをもつ隆起部が発達し, ハトムギ及びジュズダマでは共にこの隆起部はなく, わづかなうねりをもち, なお乳状突起には不規則に少数のspineが点在していた。しかし, このspineをもつ隆起部は, F_1及び四倍体植物においては著しく発達していた。発芽帯の孔径は, 四倍体は二倍体に比して著しく大きかつた。一般にCoix属とZea属の花粉表面構造の間には, きわめて高度の類似性が認められた。The morphology of pollen is investigated as a main section of palynology. In the present time the studies on the surface structure of pollen are paid special attention to make progress of the pollen analysis. The present paper deals with the results of microscopic and electromicroscopic investigations on the surface structure of the pollen membrane. The materials used in this studies are the pollen of Zea mays, Coix Ma-Yuen, C. Lacryma-Jobi, F_1 plant (C. Ma-Yuen×C. Lacryma-Jobi), 4x F_1 plant and 4x C. Ma-Yuen. The pollen used in the microscopic observation was treated by HCI and NaOH previously and electromicroscopic observation was based on the carbon replica method. 1. Microscopic observation : The morphological difference of pollens between the material plants was not recognized except the diameter of these pollen grains. The pollen of Zea and Coix plant are apaturate pollen similarly other gramineae plants. The extine of pollen membrane was thin but the intine was observed very thickly, These pollens have thick membrane around a germinal zone, for that reason the transformation and the bursting of pollen occurs near the pole of pollen, In germ pore of pollen grain the papilla was observed slightly. 2. Electromicroscopic observation : According to electromicroscopic observation, the extexine of pollen membrane was covered with fine spinules, there were no significant differences between the material plants on the surface structure of the pollen membrane. It is, however, obviously to the slight difference were recognized in the size of spine between the genus Coix and Zea, and in the shape of spine between the each plants in genus Coix. In the state of germ pore, there are fairly different between the material plants. In the germ pore of Zea pollen, the protrusion with fine spinules was well-developed in the central part of papilla, on the contrary, in the Coix Ma-Yuen and C. Lacryma-Jobi a few spines are dotted irregularly on the whole surface of slight concaved papilla. The protrusion with fine spinules was not found in the other pollen of C. Ma-Yuen and C. Lacryma-Jobi. But the protrusion was well-developed in the pollen of F_1 plant, 4x F_1 plant and 4x C. Ma-Yuen. The diameter of germ pore of 4x Coix pollen was larger as compared with that of 2x Coix pollen. As the results of these experiment it wes revealed generally that the similarity between the surface structure of pollen membrane of genus Coix and Zea was very closely

    ヒノキ テンネン コウシン ノ キソ シケン 1 チジュ ノ ハッセイ オヨビ ショウシツ リンガク ブモン

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    ヒノキの稚樹発生ならびに消失の基礎試験を学内の苗畑と八瀬の林内試験地で行った。1. ヒノキの稚樹は平均気温が15℃ほどになると発生しはじめる。試験地では4月の中・下旬であった。そして7月ころには大部分の発生を終る。2. 温度と土壌水分がヒノキのタネの発芽に十分であれば, 相対照度30%くらいが発芽に最も適し, 100%では抑制され, 5%以下では困難なようである。3. 稚樹の消失時期は7∿8月ころが多く, 消失原因は林内環境で差がある。八瀬試験地のようにA_0層が少なく, A層が浅いところでは雨による倒伏, 埋没, 流失の害が多くなる。A_0層の厚い林地では雨による被害より虫害や乾燥害の多くなることが予想される。越冬稚苗の寒さの害は比較的少ないようである。4. ヒノキのタネの発芽環境と生育環境は異なるので, さらにこの研究が必要である。Basic studies on the germination and the mortality of HINOKI (Chamaecyparis obtusa ENDL.) seedlings were performed on the nursery of the Kyoto Prefectural University and the forest land of Yase, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto. The results obtained are as follows : 1. The seedling of HINOKI begins to germinate when the average temperature comes to about 15℃ (it is in the second and the third ten days of April in the forest land of Yase), and the greater part of germination comes to an end in July. 2. When the temperature and the soil moisture are sufficient for the germination, the relative lux about 30% is most suitable for it. It is restrained at 100% lux, and seems to be difficult under 5%. 3. The mortality of seedlings is highest from July to August, and the causes for the mortality are different according to the forest environment. In the place where A_0 layer is thin and A layer is shallow as the Yase experimental plot, the runing-off, burial and fall of seedlings caused by rain come to increase. In the forest land where A_0 layer is thick, it is assumed that insect and drought damage becomes more than that caused by rain. The frost damage for hibernal seedlings seems to be comparatively little. 4. Future study is necessary because the environment for the germination of the seeds of HINOKI differs from the environment of growth