1,115 research outputs found
The Call for Dignity, or a Particular Universalism
Although the many difficulties of Tunisia’s democratic transition have received significant attention over the past six months, there has been relatively little commentary regarding the claims and attitudes that made the winter mobilizations so unique. The movement’s so-called lack of leadership, the proliferation of parties, the economic and financial crisis, the risk of a supposedly Islamist threat—all these themes have been discussed at length by analysts in Tunisia and abroad. Consequently, rather than engaging in yet another attempt to assess the movement’s success, or predict its failure, this paper examines an aspect of the mobilization that has attracted surprisingly little attention, namely, the Tunisian protestors’ call for dignity (karama) and respect (ihtiram)
Studying the Vital Role of Souvenirs Industry as an Essential Component of Tourist Experience: A Case Study of the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Since the beginning of tourism industry, it provides the tourists with two kinds of experiences (intangible and tangible). The intangible experience is the level of satisfaction acquired by the tourists from traveling to a destination. The tangible experience is represented by the souvenirs they purchased for themselves or as gifts to friends and relatives. Souvenirs may sometimes be handicrafts, traditional products or luxury products. Souvenirs have become a central point to the tourist experience that represent the things they have seen, the places they have been, and the memories they have made. The potential benefits of souvenir sales are very essential for all tourist destinations.Nowadays, the souvenirs industry has become a very important supporting tool used to promote the tourism industry in all countries. This paper is divided into two parts. The first part is the conceptual background of the study and its purpose is to understand the importance of tourist souvenirs as an essential component of tourism industry. The second part is the case study of the United Arab Emirates as it is a leading tourist destination all over the world and very famous for its unique souvenirs. Keywords: Souvenirs – Tourist Experience - Tourism – United Arab Emirates DOI: 10.7176/JTHS/46-03 Publication date: January 31st 202
Influence of extraction methods on the composition of essential oils of Achillea millefolium L. from Lithuania
In this study, flowering aerial parts of Achillea millefolium were used as a matrix for supercritical CO2 extraction (SFE) of volatile oil. The collected extracts were analyzed by GC-FID and GC-MS methods and their composition were compared with that of the essential oil isolated by hydrodistillation (HD). The composition of the essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation and SFE methods is widely different. Indeed, the SFE volatile oil had a pale yellow color whereas the HD oil had a blue color due to the presence of chamazulene (48.0% vs. 4.3%). Other important constituents of HD oil were (E)- caryophyllene (19.5 %) and γ-muurolene (13.1%). The CO2 supercritical extract was dominated by (E)-caryophyllene (26.0%), γ-muurolene (22.0%), and caryophyllene oxide (8.1%)
Statistical properties of Odd Frѐchet Lomax Distribution
A new lifetime distribution with three parameters, called odd Frѐchet Lomax (OFrL), is introduced. Some statistical properties of the OFrL are provided. Explicit expressions for the quntile, moments, moment generating function, probability weighted moments and order statistics are studied. Maximum likelihood estimation technique is employed to estimate the model parameters are studied. In addition, the superiority of the OFrL distribution is illustrated with applications to one real data set. Keywords: Odd Frѐchet -G family; Lomax distribution, Order statistics; moments. DOI: 10.7176/MTM/9-1-0
La réception française de l’œuvre de Saba Mahmood et de l’asadisme
- Piété et capacité d’agir
- L’obsession française pour la question du voile et la polarisation du débat public
- L’enthousiasme des jeunes chercheurs pour les thèses de Mahmood et l’intégration aux recherches sur l’islam
- L’asadisme et la sociologie française du religieux, des généalogies intellectuelles parallèles
- La méfiance des sciences sociales du religieux envers la tendance théoriciste et le rejet de l’essentialisation de l’être musulma
Enhancing stakeholders' participation : a semantic, spatial and temporal contextualization perspective
La participation des parties prenantes (PPP) vise à impliquer celles-ci dans les processus de prise de décision concernant des projets affectant leurs communautés. Traditionnellement, les processus de participation des parties prenantes (PPPP) se maintenaient à travers des assemblées et des forums de discussion physiques permettant de rassembler les parties prenantes, de collecter et d'analyser leurs opinions pour aider les décideurs dans leur prise de décision. Ces dernières années, l'évolution des technologies de l'information (TI) et leur prolifération dans la société ont donné lieu au concept émergent de la participation électronique ou la e-Participation. Il s'agit de nouvelles formes de participation basées sur les technologies de l'information tel que les blogs, les plateformes participatives et les réseaux sociaux. La PPP est une notion en constante évolution et a reçu une attention considérable de la part des praticiens et des chercheurs dans différents domaines et disciplines. Cependant, peu de recherches se sont intéressées à la compréhension multidisciplinaire des PPPP et de la valeur que revêtent les données collectées à travers ces PPPP. Cette thèse contribue à la littérature de la PPP en offrant une meilleure compréhension globale du concept de la PP, de ses enjeux multidisciplinaires et de la valeur que revête les données collectées à travers les PPPP. Cette thèse est structurée en deux articles et un chapitre. Le premier article de cette thèse vise à offrir une meilleure compréhension des enjeux multidisciplinaires auxquels les PPPP font face. À l'appui d'une revue systématique de la littérature analysant 191 articles de recherche, cet article met en exergue que les PPP font face à des enjeux : « administratifs », « éthiques », « politiques », « légaux », « technologiques », « sociaux des parties prenantes », « économiques », « socio-économiques » et « d'efficience et d'efficacité ». De plus, l'article démontre que les PPPP œuvrent à l'intérieur de quatre principales dimensions qui sont « la gouvernance », « l'application », « les parties prenantes » et « la société » et que ces dimensions sont interreliées et sont influencées les unes par les autres. Dans ce contexte, l'évolution vers des PPP qui sont plus efficaces et plus résilientes envers ces enjeux requerrait une prise de conscience de ces dimensions d'enjeux et des efforts de collaboration multidisciplinaire entre la recherche et la pratique. Le deuxième article se concentre sur l'enjeu spécifique du « contexte de vie des parties prenantes » et rend compte de la manière dont les parties prenantes expriment, de façon implicite ou explicite, leurs contextes de vie dans leurs commentaires de participation. Par une analyse qualitative des données de participation provenant de quatre études de cas dans deux pays différents, cet article identifie un ensemble de patrons, appelés aussi « patterns », sémantiques, spatiaux et temporels permettant l'identification du contexte de vie des parties prenantes à partir des données des PPPP. L'identification et la compréhension des patrons que les parties prenantes expriment dans leurs commentaires pour représenter leurs contextes de vie visent à renforcer l'influence des parties prenantes sur les décisions découlant des PPP dans lesquelles ces dernières étaient impliquées. De plus, l'article propose un modèle conceptuel démontrant l'importance pour les décideurs de capturer et d'analyser les patrons sémantique, spatial et temporel dans les données des PPPP afin de favoriser une prise de décision cohérente et réactive aux contextes de vie des parties prenantes. Finalement, l'article souligne le rôle que jouent les technologies de l'information pour l'identification de ces patrons. Le troisième chapitre offre une meilleure compréhension de l'identification automatique des dimensions sémantique, spatiale et temporelle du contexte de vie des parties prenantes dans les PPP. En se basant sur une analyse théorique, ce chapitre utilise la théorie des affordances et la théorie du réalisme critique pour offrir une conceptualisation des affordances et des fonctionnalités technologiques correspondantes qui sont nécessaires pour l'identification automatique des patterns sémantiques, spatiaux et temporels dans les futures technologies participatives.Stakeholders participation (SP) aims to involve stakeholders in decision-making processes regarding projects affecting their communities. Traditionally, stakeholders' participation processes (SPPs) were maintained through meetings and physical discussion forums to bring together stakeholders and collect their opinions to help decision-makers in taking their decisions. In recent years, the evolution of information technologies (IT) and their proliferation in society have given rise to the emerging concept of electronic participation or e-Participation. These are new forms of participation based on information technologies such as blogs, participatory platforms and social networks. SP is an ever-evolving concept and has received considerable attention from researchers in different fields and disciplines. However, little research has focused on the multidisciplinary understanding of SPPs and the value of the data collected through these SPPs. This thesis contributes to the SPPs literature by offering a better global understanding of the concept of SP, its multidisciplinary issues and the value of the data collected through SPPs. This thesis is structured in two articles and one chapter. The first article of this thesis aims to provide a better understanding of the multidisciplinary issues that SPPs face. Based on a systematic literature review of 191 research papers, this article aims to review, categorize, and offer a better understanding of the different issues that stakeholders' participation processes (SPPs) can have. This paper has two main contributions. First, it presents a typology of issues that is organized in nine categories: economic, efficiency and effectiveness, ethical, legislative, political, administration, socioeconomic, stakeholders and social, and technology. Second, it proposes a conceptual model of SPPs dimensions of issues. The conceptual model demonstrates that SPPs work within four main dimensions which are "governance", "application", "stakeholders" and "society" and that these dimensions are interrelated and are influenced by each other. The second article focuses on the specific issue of the "stakeholders' living context identification" and attempts to account for how stakeholders implicitly identify their living contexts in their participation comments. Through a qualitative analysis of participation data from four case studies in two different countries, this article identifies a set of semantic, spatial and temporal patterns allowing the contextualization of data collected through SPPs. Moreover, a conceptual model for the identification of the living contexts in SPPs data is proposed. This conceptual model emphasizes the importance for decision-makers to capture and understand semantic, spatial and temporal patterns in SPPs data in order to ensure a decision-making that is consistent and responsive to stakeholders' living contexts. Finally, the article highlights the role that information technology plays in identifying these patterns. The third chapter attempts to provide a better understanding of the automatic identification of the semantic, spatial and temporal dimensions of the living contexts of stakeholders in SPPs. Based on a theoretical analysis, this chapter uses the theory of affordances and the theory of critical realism to offer a conceptualization of affordances and their corresponding information technology functionalities that are necessary for the automatic identification of semantic, spatial and temporal patterns in future participation tools
The U.S. Coptic Diaspora and the Limit of Polarization
After briefly presenting the main characteristics of the Coptic diaspora in the United States and of its attempts at gaining political clout since the 1990s, the article examines the impact of the election of President Obama and of the 2011 Egyptian revolution on the rhetoric and strategy of the main Coptic organizations in the United States. I also examine the changing relation between Copts in Egypt and Copts in the United States
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